[RUMOR]: Grand Floridian Resort to Be Gutted to Become Modern Luxury Resort

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Well-Known Member
Looks like another example of the worst WDW "news" site saying something that isn't remotely true.

They need to do what they do best- get real news from WDWMagic and then regurgitate it as their own. The rumors that clown at "news yesterday" comes up with on his own are the worst....

I wasn’t confirming, believing, or promoting the rumor, I just make a comment that it sounds like something Disney would do, neglict proper maintenance, then spending massive amount of money to ‘re-invest’ into something that wouldn’t have been needed, given proper management, hence stepping over a dollar for a nickel. Would you have felt better if I used an example of Disney actually doing this? Because there are plenty, or should this thread just be about news today basing?


Well-Known Member
If this report is true, is Chapek wrong? I don't think he is.

Well it's not wrong about one thing - the Four Seasons demonstrates what a joke Disney's "deluxe" hotel operation is. Does Bob Chapek also see how glaringly awful WDW's theme parks are?

Precisely. I don't understand why the fan community has already decided to burn Chapek at the stake.

He's literally the only person we've had who has come in and objectively called out all the problems we've been complaining about for years.

Epcot sucks, the resorts are not remotely up to the luxurious levels they should be for the price, One Disney was a disaster, TDO even more of a disaster, WDI project costs were fundamentally broken, what the hell is taking Disney so long to introduce their billion dollar acquisitions into the parks? Staggs or Rasulo never managed to see these flaws, Chapek seems to.

The jury is still out on if Chapek's solutions are good, but people have already burned him for many solutions coming online that are still tied to the Staggs era, or the fundamentaly broken TDO, in actuality.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
This thread makes me sick to the stomach. @marni1971 can you come here to calm the world down

Don't worry...most of us aren't advocating the resort be torn down. But the GF could seriously use the type of upgrades that match the cost of the rooms.

I've stayed in hotels in SF that were 20%-30% cheaper, with a larger room, beds with mattress toppers (but not down) and real comforters, and a huge granite bathroom with an amazing tub. And service Disney can only dream of. How did I know about the mattress topper? Because the head of housekeeping showed up at our room one afternoon with 2 housekeepers to inform us that one of the housekeepers had reported my bed topper was not up to their standard and needed to be replaced! Can you imagine with the current state of Disney housekeeping something like that happening?
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Well-Known Member
They don't hire people from the industry. I think that is a major problem. You shouldn't really have CP kids, a lot of who have never worked in their life, work in supposed luxury hotels.


Well-Known Member
Precisely. I don't understand why the fan community has already decided to burn Chapek at the stake.

He's literally the only person we've had who has come in and objectively called out all the problems we've been complaining about for years.

Epcot sucks, the resorts are not remotely up to the luxurious levels they should be for the price, One Disney was a disaster, TDO even more of a disaster, WDI project costs were fundamentally broken, what the hell is taking Disney so long to introduce their billion dollar acquisitions into the parks? Staggs or Rasulo never managed to see these flaws, Chapek seems to.

The jury is still out on if Chapek's solutions are good, but people have already burned him for many solutions coming online that are still tied to the Staggs era, or the fundamentaly broken TDO, in actuality.

It's an interesting juxtaposition where on one hand groups of people complain that Disney is stagnant and other hand are hesitant to support positive changes.

In everyone's defense, the Magic Kingdom Resorts represent some of Disney's best inventory. The Polynesian, Wilderness Lodge, Grand Floridian, and Contempory have some of the most aggressive fan followings.

It's also worth noting Disney's recent track record for these hotels...

Contemporary: DVC. Some people really do not like the design, and feel it brought the entire Resort more down market. I can't speak to that, and I'll join a minority that actually likes Bay Lake Tower, but those sentiments are definitely out there.

So mixed.

Grand Floridian: The DVC building has been universally derided for failing to uphold design integrity. Negative feelings.

Poly: Despite their attempts to channel retro (make it a village!) most avid fans despise the new lobby. I feel like we lost one of the classic 70s Disneyisms that are increasingly slipping away. Well executed but still a negative for me. Throw in some highly priced, Alligator attracting, view ruining private villas and in spite of new amenities many view the changes poorly.


Wilderness Lodge: While too early to make judgement, there's strong negative sentiments already boiling about many of the changes. I hope things will pull through, but some are already calling catastrophe.

At best many of the changes over the last decade can be described as controversial. So at least here Chapek can be the one everyone blames when things go "horribly wrong" because he couldn't leave good enough alone. It's less about him and more the profound lack of trust anyone has in executive management. Skepticism is probably justified and trust is something that needs to be won back.

It seems like we're recovering from our own early 2000s Disneyland period. The decline was quieter, but it's been happening. I think we're on the mend and also I like the idea of a leader challenging the status quo. Asking why the way it's been done is good enough. It's disruptive and healthy to be introspective. Finally an executive that wants to learn! We need more leadership like Chapek, because it really seems like he's paying attention for the first time in years.

I'll nuance that by saying the "efficiency initiatives" mentioned in the last report (remember when people said they weren't real?) do put a damper on my enthusiasm. Though coming out of Shanghai the purse strings are being loosened and we're getting back to quality.

That's awesome.

Personally, I love the name Modern Luxury Resort. It invokes feelings of modernity and luxury in a resort setting. I guess gutting or removing most if the interior bits will give it the modern feel.
Hey, if it worked for The Contemporary!
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Well-Known Member
I would love to see the Grand be brought up to the luxury standards of modern luxury resorts. But that in no way means a modern "look". It means quality linens, modern electronics and internet access, fully stocked liquor, soft beverage, and snack service, full 24 hour room service, and a staff trained in 4 star service.

And all the popcorn lights working.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see the Grand be brought up to the luxury standards of modern luxury resorts. But that in no way means a modern "look". It means quality linens, modern electronics and internet access, fully stocked liquor, soft beverage, and snack service, full 24 hour room service, and a staff trained in 4 star service.

And all the popcorn lights working.
But mostly just the lights working. The number of burnt out lights puts us at 1.5 stars.


Well-Known Member
Precisely. I don't understand why the fan community has already decided to burn Chapek at the stake.

He's literally the only person we've had who has come in and objectively called out all the problems we've been complaining about for years.
I agree. IMHO, Staggs and Rasulo never really fixed any problems they just turned they backs. Chapek I feel as if he means serious business, unlike Pressler who did nothing but cause trouble.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
They don't hire people from the industry. I think that is a major problem. You shouldn't really have CP kids, a lot of who have never worked in their life, work in supposed luxury hotels.

If they used CP kids who were majoring in Hospitality and put those students in the resort as a real internship program, that would be ideal. Both UCF and FSU have outstanding programs - it would be a win win and perhaps keep these students in Florida after they graduate. I'm not familiar with how the CP is run, but I would hope Disney is making some attempt to match major with job assignment. An accounting student isn't going to learn much about the real world of his major if he ends up handing out brochures on Main Street during MNSSHP......
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Premium Member
Could this be the beginning of resort redos? Maybe that's what is happening at Caribbean Beach? Surprised they haven't done something with the other contemporary garden wing yet honestly....may be next

....or maybe it's just DVC at CB and Chapek has snorted tainted pixie dust regarding Grand Flo

I could see a new 5star resort before gutting gf

I always thought the sq footage of rooms at Disney for the most part were too small, but I don't see that changing


Well-Known Member
The Villias are nicer than the current rooms at GF. The rooms need updates to everything. The bathrooms need to be a more sophistcated modern with current offerings and the hotel itself could use some updates. The grounds are the best thing about the resort! The hotel can maintain its theme but have the most modern amenities. Everything should be top notch. Power blinds in all rooms, incredible showers and amazing beds/linens/towels and robes. The latest in technology. Everything should always be evolving and updating at Disney's best!
Power Blinds? Please no. I don't want to pay for that. I don't want too much technology...there's plenty of gorgeous hotels that don't have power blinds. They're fine for a home, but they would raise the cost of a hotel room too much for too little of a gain.

I adore anything Flagler or Mizner made..isn't this what the GF is supposed to represent? Modern doesn't have to mean a W type look. There's plenty of modern/classic/classy touches that can be done to the room.
I personally love the grounds and the lobby, the rooms could be a bit more luxe..but again, I don't look at a Disney resort and think "luxury". They're theme park resorts. The price is high enough now, let's not add to that please. :)


Well-Known Member
Personally, I love the name Modern Luxury Resort. It invokes feelings of modernity and luxury in a resort setting. I guess gutting or removing most if the interior bits will give it the modern feel.

It will give it the "open plan" feel. Quite the modern thing and leads to the minimalist aesthetic which opens the door to tents in a field.

New cabanas for all at only $1K per night!

Let the bulldozers commence - huzzah!


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Power Blinds? Please no. I don't want to pay for that. I don't want too much technology...there's plenty of gorgeous hotels that don't have power blinds. They're fine for a home, but they would raise the cost of a hotel room too much for too little of a gain.

I adore anything Flagler or Mizner made..isn't this what the GF is supposed to represent? Modern doesn't have to mean a W type look. There's plenty of modern/classic/classy touches that can be done to the room.
I personally love the grounds and the lobby, the rooms could be a bit more luxe..but again, I don't look at a Disney resort and think "luxury". They're theme park resorts. The price is high enough now, let's not add to that please. :)

Power blinds, one more fancy convenience to break..and expensive to fix.
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