Californian Elitist
Well-Known Member
I was watching Soundsational one time and a guy was sitting on a bench right next to me with a couple of his friends(?). He was VERY animated and into the parade and enjoying every moment. All the parade performers waved at him like they knew him, and I've always wondered who he was. My husband took a picture of him, because he likes to take pictures of random people, lol, but I'm terrified of posting it for fear he's a member of the boards. LOL
The man most likely had special needs. One guy (can't remember his name) would come to Fantasyland all the time and not only ride the Carousel over and over, but would tally mark how many times he would ride in a row. He had autism. Another one named Brett liked to watch the fireworks from Fantasyland and would cue them, every time they shot off. He had a fake CM badge and everything. He would assist guests, and we always had to tell him to stop whenever he did it too much, due to liability.