Roy said WHAT????


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wed Mar 03 2004 09:59:53 ET

Roy Disney stunned reporters on Tuesday with talk of violence against DISNEY head Michael Eisner.

"If we had enough rifles, we would have this thing over with," Disney claimed at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel, according to sources.

Disney addressed reporters just hours before the embattled entertainment giant's annual shareholder meeting.

"It was a stunning and scary thing to say. I've heard of firing from the hip, but this is just crazy talk," said a source.


If this is true, not a good choice of words on his part. Can someone clarify this or know what he was talking about in context?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by wdwmagic
I think it was safe to say it was a joke taken out of context. :)
I hope you're right. I know how the media can capitalize on a fragment of someone saying something and twisting words, so I hope that is the case. He's done too much work and the effort come to far to get bogged down over something like this.


Well-Known Member
Its kinda funny...then sure would make for one heck of Celebrity Death Match....:lookaroun



New Member
I think there was a reason Roy Sr. and Walt were so proud of this guy :rolleyes: What a complete and utter scholar and gentleman. If only he had been vocal during Monicagate. "With a couple of cigars and grenades, this could be over".

Ya know, Sometimes I should probably think before I type. It does seem to fit Roy's image though (not too bright).


Well-Known Member
It was a joke. A TV clip last night showed it in context -- he laughed and followed it by, "of course I didn't say that." It was a joke to lighten the mood.

Maybe poorly chosen, but a joke nonetheless.


New Member
If we have learned anything in this PC world, if you are in the public eye, keep your jokes to yourself. That being said, how do you get Virgin Wool?


I don't think it's funny when one person implies violence on another person. Seems everytime Roy opens his mouth, the more I question his reliability.

Carrousel Lover

New Member
Originally posted by marksniles
I don't think it's funny when one person implies violence on another person. Seems everytime Roy opens his mouth, the more I question his reliability.
I wish he had not used that phrasing because I knew it would not "read" in the way he said it. You do need to see it in the way it was made. I admit that is one of my more frustrating feelings toward the media's need to get a sound bite vs. substantive reporting. That is part of the reasons people are not as forthcoming when their words may be misrepresented. I do agree dumb choice of words and his handlers cringed I'm sure.


New Member
Frankly i don't see a context it would "fit" in. :rolleyes:

It speaks to the heart of this matter, personal vendetta. I don't think anyone competent is going to take that literally, but that isn't the point. Its the incompetent ones that take such quotes or stances as if it were meant literally.

The last thing this crisis needs is the infusion of violence. Let's hope there aren't any idiots out there that only needed something like this to light their fuse.


Some people are WAY too uptight, and can't take a joke...

If Roy is incompetant, then I hate to ask what Michael is...


New Member
Originally posted by adr315
Some people are WAY too uptight, and can't take a joke...

If Roy is incompetant, then I hate to ask what Michael is...

Roy is incompetant comes from his uncle and even his father. It's is funny how those people who slightly defend Eisner are made out to be bad guys.


New Member
Originally posted by adr315
Some people are WAY too uptight, and can't take a joke...

If Roy is incompetant, then I hate to ask what Michael is...


Read for comprehension.

I said the competent/rational ones will, and do, realize this quote was a bad joke. However the incompetent(read Columbine, serial killers, chemically inbalanced) ones that take such comments literally.


New Member
I was there and IT WAS A JOKE! Everyone laughed at it after it was done, nobody went running from the room scared that he was going to pull out a gun and start shooting. He joked about a lot of things to lighten the mood and he was a lot of fun to listen to.

polyman 65

New Member
I am in no way a Eisner lover but the more I learn about Roy I think he does need to retire.His wackey meeting yesterday was over the top,gay bashing and all.I think its time to rule Roy out and let the voters tell the board to remove Eisner.Sorry Roy I love your dad and uncle Walts dream but I think you are living in a dream world of your own.

Carrousel Lover

New Member
Originally posted by polyman 65
I am in no way a Eisner lover but the more I learn about Roy I think he does need to retire.His wackey meeting yesterday was over the top,gay bashing and all.I think its time to rule Roy out and let the voters tell the board to remove Eisner.Sorry Roy I love your dad and uncle Walts dream but I think you are living in a dream world of your own.
Roy did not gaybash. I am assuming you are referring to a Christian group who participated in yesterday's event and used it as an opportunity to promote their agenda against gay days.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SpongeScott
Wed Mar 03 2004 09:59:53 ET

Roy Disney stunned reporters on Tuesday with talk of violence against DISNEY head Michael Eisner.

"If we had enough rifles, we would have this thing over with," Disney claimed at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel, according to sources.

I'll donate mine. :lol:


New Member
His wackey meeting yesterday was over the top,gay bashing and all.I think its time to rule Roy out and let the voters tell the board to remove Eisner.

Were YOU there yesterday? Did you see the meeting in person? NO. I did not see ANY gaybashing by ANYONE inside of that room. Roy, Stanley, nobody did any gay bashing. It was the Christian people OUTSIDE of the building handing out anti-gay literature. Roy and had NOTHING to do with them AT ALL. The meeting yesterday was actually very professionally done, make sure you get your FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH.

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