Ah, Ontario, where everyone is so nice and friendly... until they get in their cars, then it becomes Mad Max/ Death Race 2000.
BTW, often the main reason for taking a driver's education class in the US is that it gives you a discount on auto insurance. For most, though, I think the lessons stick about as well as high school biology and chemistry.
One of the biggest differences in driving behavior between Europe and the US, though, is the certainty of enforcement in the former. In the US, bad driving and speeding will only result in a penalty in the low probability that the police actually observe it, and even then, they may only pull over the worst offender. In Europe, though, the all-seeing, all-knowing Blitzkamera will make no such distinctions and flag every single offender. When I lived in Germany, I quickly lost my North American habit of viewing the posted speed limit as a suggestion, lest I receive more "souvenir photos" of myself driving in the mail. Keeps your driving habits much more honest.