

New Member
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I am going to WDW in August and there are only two rides I will not go on and those are RnRc and Mission:Space. I tend to get motion sickness and dont want to ruin any days of my trip. RnRc goes upside down plus it is in the dark so I will most likely get really sick. But my boyfriend loves those types of rides and I would love for him to go on. I'm sure the lines are crazy for tha ride but what about during extra magic hours in the morning? DO you think early in the morning he could possibly get right on. I just dont want to wait alone two hours while he is on the ride since its only us going. I'm sure he would like to ride it at least once.


You should have no problem.

If you are doing the Extra Magic Hours, and if you are at the park when it opens, all you have to do is instantly head over to RnRC and get in line. There might be a little wait, if any. You should be fine, just make sure that you're at the park when it opens and go straight for the ride.


New Member
i have only ever been in august once and from what i remember it was packed im talking 2and a half hours wait for splash,but that was about 3 years ago i dont know know.
with regards to you problem,if you get motion sickness then it is probably best if you avoid RnRC due to its inversions.

but Mission space on the other hand will brobably be doable for you,with disney planning to open a non G-force alternative to the ride you can still experience M:S but without the intense parts to it,it sounds as though it is going to feel something similar to star tours only smoother.but then again i dont know how you feel after you've been on star tours. do you feel sick after riding it or do you avoid it all together?.

PS welcome to the forums:wave:


I get motion sickness real easy. I rode RnR this past january for the first time and I have to say that i didn't feel queezy at all. You go so fast that the ride is over before you know it and it felt like the wind was constantly blowing in my face (which helps motion sickness). It is dark, but the signs are illuminated so you see where you are going.

You don't want to miss out on RnR, but i still wouldn't ride mission space!


Well-Known Member
My Wife is VERY prone to motion sickness and went on Mission Space one time and felt horrible the rest of the day. But she loves Rock N Roller, Go on it, you will love it.


New Member
I get motion sickness pretty easily as well. I can only ride in a car if I'm driving. I LOVE RNRC. If you can do Space Mountain, I think you can do RNRC. I wa a little loopy after I got off SM last time. I've never had a problem with RNRC.



New Member
I agree with everyone here-- I am a big weenie, and I can do RnRC with no problems.

And don't worry about the wait-- you can stay with your party and 'chicken out' at the end. At RNRC you wait at the end of the ride for about 2 minutes.

And I have chickened out alot hehehe


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't have to wait alone. You could wait all the way through the line with him then exit out when they load him. DS used to do this with us before he summoned up the courage to ride it. Now it's his favorite ride.


The wait shouldn't be that long if he can get a FastPass. That's what we did when we rode it about two years ago (in June) and I think the wait was only about 10 - 15 minutes.


New Member
I am a chicken when it comes to some of the big rides and I was able to do RnR. It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, it was actually quite fun! I have done Mission Space and that one I found to be much scarier, I thought! I felt very quesy after that one but after RnR I felt fine.
Either grab a fast pass or go there first thing in the morning when you get to the park.


Account Suspended
I'm one of the ones that gets motion sickness. RnRC doesn't bother me at all. If you aren't doing it for that reason I think you're missing out. Give it a try. Maybe right before you leave if you have any doubts. Trust us though. You'll be aight. :wave:


Active Member
my mom rode RnRC in december and she's the biggest wuss ever, ubt she liked it. she gets motion sickness, but i drug her on it anyways haha. the on-ride picture is priceless.
I agree with everyone else. But if there is a wait, Fastpass it. We used fastpass (end of March spring break 05) (very busy time) and only waited maybe 15-20 minutes with each fastpass (we did it multiple times). Then if you do chicken out, you don't have to wait very long.

Peg J

New Member
As many of you, I too don't want to ruin a day just in case I get queasy! No Mission Space for me but definately RnRC. I've never had a problem. I'm like a kid after I ride - "Let's go again!".

Anyway, if you have any doubts I suggest you go at night during extra magic hours. That way it won't be a long wait and if you (doubtfully) don't feel good, it's the end of the evening anyway.

I have to agree with everyone else, RNRC is a must see. I am also prone to motion sickness and have never had a problem. (Just remember to keep your head back when you are launched). Mission Space on the other hand :hurl: If you do decide not to ride, Fastpass will probably be his best option.


Well-Known Member
I have to ask... are you OK with
Regular Roller Coasters?
Tower of Terror?
Space Mountain?
Star Tours?

Because if your answer is yes to most of them, then RnRC should be ok for you. Its over so quick, your body won't know what happened. If you are queasy on some of the rides, be sure to avoid Mission Space, or at least ride the No-G Forces version if it is open while you are there.


New Member
Original Poster
so maybe I will ride it then since everyone seems to think I will be fine. WHat is the roller coaster thought other than the loops? Any big hills or just a really fast ride? I think there was a picture flying around here a couple months of the actual design of the roller coaster. Anyone have it?


Well-Known Member
its a really tightly woven coaster design. There are no real hills or drops. Just when you come out of the opening double loop, is where there will be a small drop down. Then there is a barrel roll in the middle/towards the end of the trip. Again, its a straight away magnetic launch up to 60 mph and that will take you to the end. I wish I could remember where I saw the picture.
One possible solution is that you can wait in line with him so you won't be alone, and then let the CM and the "getting on" part know that you do not want to ride. From there they can walk you to the waiting area. That way you don't have to risk getting sick and ruining your experience at the park!

Have a great time!

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