Riverside vs. French Quarters


New Member
Hi....Between Riverside and French Quarters, which do you like better? We've stayed at Riverside the last two years and love it there, but we're thinking of trying French Quarters. Is it just as nice?



New Member
French Quarter, with it's Mardis Gras theming, feels a little less peaceful compared to Riverside. Riverside is a very relaxing resort in the moderate price range. However, it has THE WORST food court -- expect to wait 1 hr for a pizza. When I was there in March 2003 there was almost a guest riot.
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New Member
we stayed at the french 1/4 our last two trip and loved the place . This trip we are staying at river side (dec17-21)and I hope its as nice as fq :sohappy: :sohappy: :xmas:
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Well-Known Member
we always stay at port orleans riverside.never ever ghad a problem with the food court, although we also go at sept which is a fairly slow time we had also asked why the name change and a cm told us it was for tax reasons.if there is any truth to that who knows...oh boatrights resturant at riverside.yum yum bannana stuffed french toast!!!
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by venooch333
I would have to go for Riverside becasue it's more peacfully!! Why did they change it's name from Dixie Landings????

I am with you on that. :hammer:

My vote is for Riverside. If you want a smaller resort FQ is good. I hear some say it is better for families with small children. Less walking and the pool and slide are good for young kids. Beware, you could end up on the 3rd floor, I don't remember if there is elevators.

BTW I never had a problem with POR food court, I think it is the best at WDW.
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Well-Known Member
Apart from the obvious difference in theming - the only difference that I know of is size; The old Dixie Landings Resort has approximately twice the number of guest rooms as French Quarter.
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Jungle Skipper

New Member
While I have only stayed at the Port Orleans Riverside (which was nice, we had some problems with it when we were there) I hear great things about the French Quarter.

One of my roommates during my College Program worked at the FQ and I spent some time over there just enjoying the atmosphere. Its really nice. I have also been talking with the General Manager of the Port Orleans Complex, and he highly reccommends checking out the FQ seeing as it is fresh off of a pretty big rehab...all new rooms.

Jungle Josh
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I love French Quarter. It's my absolute favorite! We got an upgrade to the Polynesian last year due to the rehab at FQ. If I was given the choice this year I'd choose FQ over POLY!

Yes they do have elevators.
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Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by venooch333
I would have to go for Riverside becasue it's more peacfully!! Why did they change it's name from Dixie Landings????

I was told the name change happen'ed because of political correctness. Disney was afraid people what put up a stink because of the name Dixie. Their view was that when people heard "Dixie" they automatically thought about the old south. Slavery and that type of stuff.

Never stayed at FQ, but would qive it a shot if Dixie/POR was booked. I've never had a problem with the food court either.
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Active Member
FQ is my fav of the two. Riverside was nice, just like FQ better. Smaller, more intimate. Closer walk to everything which after 8+ hours walking through the parks, a short walk back to the room is a joy.
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New Member
PO opinions

We have stayed at both and honestly they are both terrific. The pool at French Quarter, with the dragon's tail, is great for kids. The pool at POR, Old Man River, is also fun. The landscaping and theming of both are wonderful. French Quarter is smaller, but if you get the right building at Riverside (we were in #14 in Alligator Bayou, which we loved) the largeness of POR can be mitigated.
We've only been to WDW twice, and stayed in these two, but were very happy both times.
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