Well-Known Member
I believe he will. There is a rumored Lucas cut of Rise of Skywalker.
Even if there was (I doubt it) why would Disney ever release it?
Also George is in his late 70's right? He's supposed to be building a film library for USC. One has to wonder if, even if he was in a position to take on directing or writing or what have you, and wanted to do it, of he would even be capable.
Prequal trilogies were never that bad.
Yes. Yes they were. They were so bad, it pretty much guaranteed the death of George's filmmaking career, and pushed him to sell the studio. I would even be so bold as to suggest that the new sequel movies came out exactly the way they did because of the immense public pressure and downright fear Hollywood had that they would be too much lile the prequels.
I mean, I get that people like different things and we don't always get to choose what we love. So if you loved them, then that's great. If nothing else though, it should show that if something lile the prequels can eventually find their niche, so too can the sequels. People will always love the Star Wars they grew up with because ultimately, they are movies for children.