Riding with a Heart Condition


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I love the thrill rides at Disney World but last October I had an unexpected heart attack. I had one artery 100% blocked. The Dr. installed a heart stint but the damage to my heart had been done. My question is: Do you think it could be dangerous for me to ride say RRC? Or TOT? I'm only 41 in otherwise good shape.


Well-Known Member
Can you speak to your Dr about it? My father in Law is 50 had a heart attack than 4 months later rode a roller coaster at Great america . I would think about your self DO YOU THINK those rides would make you stressed out? I would say R AND R would be ok I might talk to your DR about TOT due to sudden drops might be to much for you. Glad you are feeling better!


Beta Return
I love the thrill rides at Disney World but last October I had an unexpected heart attack. I had one artery 100% blocked. The Dr. installed a heart stint but the damage to my heart had been done. My question is: Do you think it could be dangerous for me to ride say RRC? Or TOT? I'm only 41 in otherwise good shape.

If I had a heart attack, I would avoid both of those rides. Especially since there are signs every 5 feet that say not to ride if you have a heart condition.

But nobody on here is qualified to tell you "yes" anyway. Only your doctor can tell you what you can do, and then it's 100% up to you whether you take the advice or not.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see that you are well enough to plan another WDW trip! I also agree that only your doctor could say. The warnings at the rides recommend avoiding for any heart conditions. As much as I wouldn't love giving up favorite rides, I would personally rather look forward to many more years of trips without ToT, than risk further damage (or worse) that may be had by riding.


Well-Known Member
Well...I'd do the get your dr's advice thing. I will say touring the parks with my boyfriend who has bad heart disease, it hasn't been the rides as much as the walking that fatigues him. Five hours and he's whipped.


Well-Known Member
I'm no doctor, but it SEEMS like it would be a bad idea... That said, you should consult your doctor. (S)he knows better than anyone on an online forum.


Well-Known Member
I never did RRC before, but I did TOT before. TOT is a big no for you based on the amount of drops you could get on the ride. It doesn't seem like RRC would would be a good idea for you based on the videos I seem of it in the past.

I think talking to your doctor and the read the signs before going on the attraction is the best answer.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for all the input from everyone. Unfortunately the advise I received from my Dr. was ''Don't Ride Them''. As you can imagine, it's not what I wanted to hear. I was just wondering if you new someone that had rode without problems. I must say that I love the adrenaline rush and I will miss it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input from everyone. Unfortunately the advise I received from my Dr. was ''Don't Ride Them''. As you can imagine, it's not what I wanted to hear. I was just wondering if you new someone that had rode without problems. I must say that I love the adrenaline rush and I will miss it.
If your Dr. says no, I can't imagine any ride anywhere worth the risk. I have a bad back and had to give up roller coasters years ago. Has not stopped me from going, but I just watch while my wife rides the rides with warnings. I would probably ride them anyway, but I don't as much for her as for me. It would be selfish of me to hurt myself and make the trip less enjoyable for her.


The one who can answer that question will be your cardiologist. Better take it from your physician, he/she knows about your condition better than anyone here :) .


Well-Known Member
I love the thrill rides at Disney World but last October I had an unexpected heart attack. I had one artery 100% blocked. The Dr. installed a heart stint but the damage to my heart had been done. My question is: Do you think it could be dangerous for me to ride say RRC? Or TOT? I'm only 41 in otherwise good shape.
Not a doctor but I would assume that it would be unsafe since thrill rides accelerate the heart rate and make the body produce a lot of adrenaline hormones. I personally would not ride them if I had a heart attack and this is a fear I have when riding rollercoasters in my current healthy state.


It says people with heart problems should not ride, seems your thrill ride days are over unfortunately.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input from everyone. Unfortunately the advise I received from my Dr. was ''Don't Ride Them''. As you can imagine, it's not what I wanted to hear. I was just wondering if you new someone that had rode without problems. I must say that I love the adrenaline rush and I will miss it.

I know it's a disappointment, but it really adds up to a few moments out of your trip. The bright side is that you are well enough to still visit WDW, even if you do have to sit out a few rides!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input from everyone. Unfortunately the advise I received from my Dr. was ''Don't Ride Them''. As you can imagine, it's not what I wanted to hear. I was just wondering if you new someone that had rode without problems. I must say that I love the adrenaline rush and I will miss it.

After a heart attack with 100% blockage I can't believe you even solicited advice from a bunch of strangers on a fan board over your own Doctor's advice. While I love the rush of those rides as well, I think I love the idea of watching my kids grow up for a few years longer a bit more.


Well-Known Member
You know how happy and relieved you and your loved ones were when you survived that heart attack? No ride is worth taking that chance.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear that you are doing better. I can only imagine how shocked you were to have to go through all of that at a relatively young age. You see, I am 43 and suffered a minor heart attack last February myself. Luckily for me, there was no blockage or damage detected when they sent me for the angiogram (there was some plaque buildup along the arteries though), so I was released after a few days in the hospital of them monitoring me and put on cholesterol pills, blood pressure pills, and a baby aspirin a day. Although my blood pressure was through the roof and my cholesterol not good at all at the time of the attack, I was told that a piece of plaque most likely broke free and caused a temporary blockage, and therefore, was lucky it wasn't too serious.

It's funny...I was actually just sitting here on these forums this evening/morning thinking about the same exact thing when I stumbled upon your post. I haven't rode TOT since our first trip, and have only rode RnRC twice in 4 trips. I tend to love RnRC after I get off of it, but not so much leading up to it, and usually get anxious and butterflies the whole day before going on it and a few of the other rides also. Since I was fortunate enough to escape my little health scare with no major damage to my ticker, I've looked at the whole experience as a wake-up call (heart disease runs in my family BIG TIME) and have changed my lifestyle and diet and everything else around me for the better and can't see why I would want to put unneeded anxiety and stress on myself while on a relaxing vacation. So I've told my wife that she is welcome to go on whatever she wants next April when we head back down to the World, but I may skip a few of the rides if I don't feel comfortable or are nervous about going on them. There are plenty of other things I can do instead.

Dog Ate Mouse

Well-Known Member
First let me say that you are lucky and survived the widow maker at your age. Listen to your Doctor, No means no. Nothing at your age is worth dying over. I am glad that you survived that terrible ordeal, but I am even happier that you can get back on with life and enjoy WDW with your family. Okay no thrill rides, but Disney has so many things to do and see. It is going to be a little disappointing the first time you go and see Space Mountain or the ToT and not ride it. I somewhat understand. I am a type II Diabetic and can't eat all the things I want. My Doctor tells me I can cheat a few times while on vacation as long as I am exercising and walking and not over doing it at every meal. That is why I take eating my favorite ICE Cream serious at Ghiardelli's in DTD. I look forward to two things in WDW a Waffle in Norway Bakery and ICE Cream at Ghiardelli's. There are so many good deserts and sweet treats to eat at WDW and I have to just walk by them. It's a little bit of a downer at first but after the initial dog gone it I am fine and happy. I sometimes forget to be thankful for my good health and finally taking caring of myself. So what I am telling you is remember to be thankful to be alive and being able to be with your family and going to WDW. When you think about it, it could be a lot worse. You may not of been so lucky and we would not be having this discussion. You are way to young with a lot of life ahead of you. So please stay off the thrill rides and just enjoy every little thing that it has to offer.


Well-Known Member
Like others have said, definitely ask your doctor and take his word before ours.

But based on my experience, I'd definitely avoid Rockin, Tower, Space MT,Mission Space, and Everest at WDW as I feel those rides have/somewhat has a G-Force feeling compared to like BTMRR, Barnstormer, ect.

But like I said, take your doctors word before mine.

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