Rides That Broke Down


Well-Known Member
Pretty much everyone. Rides stop all the time - omnimovers like the Haunted Mansion and Buzz in particular to make loading handicapped guests easier. I wouldn't necessarily say that's breaking down, but technical problems aren't all that uncommon either.

Once it happened to me on Splash for a good half hour, and a friendly frog decided that jumping into a boat full of humans was a smart life choice.


New Member
Original Poster
Pretty much everyone. Rides stop all the time - omnimovers like the Haunted Mansion and Buzz in particular to make loading handicapped guests easier. I wouldn't necessarily say that's breaking down, but technical problems aren't all that uncommon either.

Once it happened to me on Splash for a good half hour, and a friendly frog decided that jumping into a boat full of humans was a smart life choice.
I don't think they were loading handicapped people, we were not moving for a good 15 minutes, I would hate to be stuck on Splash Mountain lol.


Well-Known Member
I was on SSE when it broke. They announced for everyone to stay seated and it started moving 15 minutes later with no sound. I had waited in a 90 minute line for the Rock and Roll Coaster, only to get to the studio entrance the have the CM tell everyone there was technical difficulties and the ride would be closed for the next couple of hours.


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In the Parks
Back in 2010, I waited 20 minutes for Maelstrom :( and as soon as my family boarded, the ride broke down. We got back off the boat and then all got rain check Fastpasses.


I had to get evacuated from Ellen's Energy Adventure. We were in the 2nd theater and Alex had just revealed the Final Jeopardy answer when they made an announcement that the ride was having a technical issue and we would have to be evacuated. Since no one wouldn't get to see the end of the ride (or the question for Final Jeopardy), my family yelled out, "What is Brain Power!" as we were getting off the ride.
I was on Pirates of the Caribbean when it broke down once. Sat there for 20 minutes before we got going even though the announcement said we would start moving again and to be prepared 5 minutes in


Well-Known Member
We once got evacuated off Test Track. It was in the old version, right before it turned into the corridors with the hot/cold rooms. It was pretty neat, although the sudden stop was a bit painful.


Well-Known Member
We get stuck on Haunted Mansion and SSE almost every trip. It's usually only for 10-15 minutes, so not too bad. We broke down on Pirates once for a long time. All the lights came on...it was weird.


Well-Known Member
Mansion and SSE. I love when HM breaks down though. It is fun to look around and see all the things you might miss what you are moving along.


Well-Known Member
few years ago we were on TSMM & it broke down at the beginning by the practice screen. we got return fast passes & came back the next day.


I've broken down on plenty of rides but the only time i've been evacuated was on tower of terror. We sat in the 5th dimension room for over thirty minutes then they turned the lights on & got everyone off and into a very small elevator. it was pretty neat to see that scene with the lights on tho

Matt Deitz

BTM just at the 2nd hill. We sat in the sawmill shed for about 10 minutes before 2 CMs came and walked us back, through the mountain, to the boarding area. They were telling us no photos as we were backstage. It was very interesting to see the underside of the mountain and how it was constructed.


Well-Known Member
I'm so jealous of anyone who has been evacuated from a ride! It gives you such a unique opportunity to look around. I feel like I get stuck on Ariel every time. AND ALWAYS RIGHT BEFORE OR RIGHT AFTER URSULA, which is the only section I would like to be stuck on. One time, a teenager on TOT had her feet up on the front wall of the elevator car and the ride stopped just short of our door with an announcement saying "please take your feet down." But the announcement was mumbled and I was SOBBING with fear because dying on TOT is my biggest fear, hahaha.

Gig 'Em Mickey

Well-Known Member
Test Track. My son and I were riding and it was his first time. He was already a little scared by the inside part, but then we got stuck for 5-10 minutes on the fastest highest banked portion of the turn outside. We got back in and the CM said they were going to send us all back through to ride again. My son was having none of that.

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