There's no "suing somebody for embarrassment." Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. There would only be a potential tort if Disney claimed that a guest was disabled when they were not. In general, defamation cases require some kind of lie to be told. Or, potentially if you had a legally executed non-disclosure agreement that one side violated. Obviously Disney is not signing such a thing for one guest without considerable consideration in return. The only remedy would be bad press, or getting the ADA involved. But I believe that Disney is in compliance with the ADA, and that would be a decision for the lawyers on both sides to hash out.
Personally, I feel like parks should have to be explicit about why rides are malfunctioning, stopping, or deviating from the planned course. It may be obvious to you, but not everybody knows what you know. These are potentially dangerous rides, and as a passenger you shouldn't be conditioned to be so trusting and passive when it comes to irregularities. You deserve to be kept in the loop when things happen.
lol, you're probably right but in today's society, I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts that someone would sue saying Disney caused them emotional trauma and they were unable to enjoy the rest of their lives because of it.
There are such things as privacy laws also, do you deserve to know whats going on with me just to be kept in the loop? that's a question.
Sorry I disagree. If I'm pregnant and have an incident on a ride, how is it any of your business or concern?
Why do you need to know someone is struggling to get on a ride because of their disability? Does knowing make it go faster? Yes they are dangerous rides but I'm not sure how knowing someone with a disability having an issue, makes it less dangerous for you? If the ride is stuck all you need to know is the safety rules. such as stay seated or if they are going to evacuate. Again if the ride breaks down because someone has a heart attack, you absolutely do NOT need to know that. that is private medical information. All you need to know is that there has been an issue and they are asking you to evacuate. If you ask a cm, all you would need to know is "sorry Ma'am, we are having an issue and hope it will be resolve quickly, please stay seated with the safety bar secured".
IMO, all you need to know is the basic information. ride is down. I do not feel it is any of the general public's business if the ride is shut down due to a situation with another guest unless that guests action could have a direct effect on your safety. fire? Yes, Hurricane? absolutely. God forbid, active shooter? definitely. A guy in a wheel chair needing assistance absolutely not.
Again just me, if I had a disability and the cm decided to blare it across the loudspeaker or post it publicly, you better believe I'd be lawyering up and calling the tv station. There is no good reason you need to know anyone else difficulties or business to ride any ride.
Seriously can you imagine the hell that would break out if a cm said " ladies and gentlemen there is a delay because a guest with cerebral palsy is having difficulties "?? Lol
EDITED: I do not speak for the disabled community.