Ride Testing In Progress...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Was on the bus back to the Cast Parking Lot today and as we were passing behind the TLM building I noticed one of the doors had a sign on it that had Ride & Show Engineering's logo on it with the words "Do Not Enter! Ride Testing In Progress!"

I wasn't expecting it or I would have tried to snap a picture of it. It's been quite a long time since the interior of this building has been visible. Can anyone confirm if the ride system has already been installed? Considering the opening date, and the amount of construction still being done this seems awfully early to be testing it.


Well-Known Member
Was on the bus back to the Cast Parking Lot today and as we were passing behind the TLM building I noticed one of the doors had a sign on it that had Ride & Show Engineering's logo on it with the words "Do Not Enter! Ride Testing In Progress!"

I wasn't expecting it or I would have tried to snap a picture of it. It's been quite a long time since the interior of this building has been visible. Can anyone confirm if the ride system has already been installed? Considering the opening date, and the amount of construction still being done this seems awfully early to be testing it.

Considering there was an equal amount of exterior work on the DCA version at this point I wouldn't read too much into that. I think the ride itself could open in Nov or Dec as I have always said. I always thought this project was about 6 or 7 months behind its clone. But there is so much work still to be done on the rest of the FLE that it may very well be it will not open for a year or so. I guess I am saying that I am not at all suprised ride testing might be in progress. Not suprised at all.

Bill McKim

New Member
I find it kind of amazing that someone will basically list their name and where they work via username and then apologize for not taking pictures in a backstage area. What has the world come to?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I find it kind of amazing that someone will basically list their name and where they work via username and then apologize for not taking pictures in a backstage area. What has the world come to?

Good lord. It's not like I actually TOOK the picture. It was an aside to my comment.


Well-Known Member
I believe Lee had mentioned that most of the ride interior is already installed.

There's also a big difference between testing the ride system and a fully-operational attraction. You could still cycle the ride system to test it even if there aren't any animatronics, show lights, effects, etc.

But a functioning ride system is still a big milestone.



Active Member
I believe Lee had mentioned that most of the ride interior is already installed.

I can second that I've heard this from other places. Although my knowledge is that it's the basic track and ride mechanism; no AAs or fully realized sets or anything.


Well-Known Member
Good lord. It's not like I actually TOOK the picture. It was an aside to my comment.

Don't worry abou tit. Had you snapped the picture they would be gawking at it and demanding answers to their questions or they would be accusing you of being a troll and not having seen it at all. :ROFLOL::goodnevil:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Ride system...yes.
Show elements...nope.

Didn't they start installing the show about 2 months before opening at DCA? I know it did not take that long and I am assuming it had been assembled off site and then relocated. All that said, I don't see it opening for several months at the soonest because of all the other FLE infrastructure work that still needs completing.


No current plans to open the ride early.
Still scheduled to open with BatB about a year from now, even if it is technically ready earlier.


Well-Known Member
Still scheduled to open with BatB about a year from now, even if it is technically ready earlier.

And the Fall 2012 opening of the first phase of FLE makes sense really. The Summer 2012 season will be all about Cars Land and Buena Vista Street, and Disney's marketing machine (blogs, TV, traditional media, etc.) will all be aimed at DCA. Al Lutz has said that they are really going whole hog with "re-launching" a new DCA, so Disney would want all of its marketing and corporate muscle aimed at Anaheim through next summer.

Then, once the summer is over and the DCA message has gotten out there, they can shift focus and aim the marketing machine at WDW and the FLE.

Even if Mermaid is ready to open by the 4th of July, they would be very wise to just put it in mothballs for 90 days and wait until October to open it up. The Summer of 2012 already belongs to DCA and the bigger investment of Cars Land and Buena Vista Street. FLE will have its day, and be better off for waiting just a bit.

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