Has anyone had bad experiences with this? We are here on our last day of our 10 day trip and this is by far the most ride closures and break downs I have ever seen. We have been evacuated from test track, universe of energy, and haunted mansion on this trip. And been stuck for 10+ minutes on pirates, haunted mansion two separate times, splash, and a couple others I can't remember right now. Our first timers have already mentioned how they expected disney to have their stuff together. At first I tried to explain test track is the most complicated ride here and it's common and that the other rides have to sometimes stop or slow for wheel chair guest, but as our trip continued on they just kept piling up. And I ran out of excuses and now sitting here waiting to ride test track with our passes we got when it broke down yesterday only to hear it is broke down again we are all getting frustrated. Again I understand these rides are complicated and some things are unavoidable, however when you are stuck on a ride especially for first time riders and they blare over the intercom system to remain seated bla bla every two minutes on top of the rides pre set audio it ruins the ride and the "magic" of being transported into the story. I will be finishing my trip report within the next couple weeks when we return and although we had a great time this just irritates and bugs me. Has anyone else noticed disney slacking on their attractions etc?