Ride break downs


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Has anyone had bad experiences with this? We are here on our last day of our 10 day trip and this is by far the most ride closures and break downs I have ever seen. We have been evacuated from test track, universe of energy, and haunted mansion on this trip. And been stuck for 10+ minutes on pirates, haunted mansion two separate times, splash, and a couple others I can't remember right now. Our first timers have already mentioned how they expected disney to have their stuff together. At first I tried to explain test track is the most complicated ride here and it's common and that the other rides have to sometimes stop or slow for wheel chair guest, but as our trip continued on they just kept piling up. And I ran out of excuses and now sitting here waiting to ride test track with our passes we got when it broke down yesterday only to hear it is broke down again we are all getting frustrated. Again I understand these rides are complicated and some things are unavoidable, however when you are stuck on a ride especially for first time riders and they blare over the intercom system to remain seated bla bla every two minutes on top of the rides pre set audio it ruins the ride and the "magic" of being transported into the story. I will be finishing my trip report within the next couple weeks when we return and although we had a great time this just irritates and bugs me. Has anyone else noticed disney slacking on their attractions etc?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had bad experiences with this? We are here on our last day of our 10 day trip and this is by far the most ride closures and break downs I have ever seen. We have been evacuated from test track, universe of energy, and haunted mansion on this trip. And been stuck for 10+ minutes on pirates, haunted mansion two separate times, splash, and a couple others I can't remember right now. Our first timers have already mentioned how they expected disney to have their stuff together. At first I tried to explain test track is the most complicated ride here and it's common and that the other rides have to sometimes stop or slow for wheel chair guest, but as our trip continued on they just kept piling up. And I ran out of excuses and now sitting here waiting to ride test track with our passes we got when it broke down yesterday only to hear it is broke down again we are all getting frustrated. Again I understand these rides are complicated and some things are unavoidable, however when you are stuck on a ride especially for first time riders and they blare over the intercom system to remain seated bla bla every two minutes on top of the rides pre set audio it ruins the ride and the "magic" of being transported into the story. I will be finishing my trip report within the next couple weeks when we return and although we had a great time this just irritates and bugs me. Has anyone else noticed disney slacking on their attractions etc?

It is too bad that you experienced as many as you did. I have been going for 30 years and have never experienced one time that evacuation was necessary. However, there may be no limit as to how many stops for handicapped people are going to happen. They don't pile up, they are as much a part of riding a Disney dark ride as waiting in line. :) What seems like 10 minutes usually isn't really, but any one that doesn't require evacuation is more then likely the handicapped accessibility reason. No harm, no foul on those.


Premium Member
Sorry you had that many break downs. I've only had a handfull of breakdowns in all my trips and only had to be evacucated from one and that was Pirates. I was on Test Track once when it broke down and when we got back to the loading area they let us ride again.


Well-Known Member
On our June trip, we went to MK or morning EMHs, and Space Mountain was broken down. Then later in the day Splash broke down, along with PPF. Then they got Splash working again, and we had FPs so we hopped in line. Just as we were getting to the tunnel, it broke down again. And then it rained later and a lot of the rides were closed. It was the worst day I've ever had at Disney.

EDIT-- Two years ago I was evacuated from Backlot Tours, and got to take the back way out from the PotC line.
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Well-Known Member
I've never been evacuated. A few break downs. Mostly on test track. They let us ride it two extra times because of that. Sorry you had such problems this trip!!!

Marc Gil

Well-Known Member
Back in 09 I was waiting on the Test Track for 3 hours. Yes 3 hours! The wait time said 50 minutes and my cousins who lived in San Francisco were begging me to take them on. The Fast Passes were all distributed and 50 minutes wasn't so bad, so we waited. I swear we were in that blue room in the queue for about 2 hours. They informed us that the ride had broke down and that they don't know when they'll reopen. I insisted to leave, but my cousins twisted my arm to stay, so we did. 3 hours of waiting and playing I Spy, then we finally rode Test Track. At the end they gave us complementary Fast Passes so we could ride again with no wait. But we used them for Soarin' lol. The new Test Track I heard breaks down a lot, and I remember Splash Mountain after the refurb closed down every day due to technical difficulties. I rode the first week of opening and it was closed down for most of the day. It ended up opening again late at night. I waited hours!
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Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
I used to be an attractions CM at Disneyland. Ride closures don't always have to do with the ride breaking down. I had to close down Pan once because an unattended bag was left on one of the ships, and the same thing happened for Pinocchio another day. A guest dropped her purse in another ride, and I had to evacuate and shut down the ride for that and another time, a disabled guest took too long getting on the ride and it shut down. I also evac'd for safety reasons. There were a few times where the rides simply broke down, but most of the time, my evacuations and shut downs had to do with guests or for safety.

I'm really sorry you experienced so many on your trip. Sucks even more that you were with newbies. :/ Hopefully next time will be better.

Sweet Melissa

Well-Known Member
I've only been evacuated once, from Tower of Terror. Our car was loaded, pushed back from the doors, then got stuck for about 30 minutes before we were re-set and let off. Everyone was offered a chance to go to another car and ride again, but we had somewhere else to be and had to skip it. I have been evacuated from the line several times at Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye in Disneyland. That ride seems to spend as much time shutting down than it does running normally these days, or maybe I'm just lucky. :p

Other than that, we've experienced a few short stops (10 minutes or less), but no big closures. I did see people evacuated from the Pepoplemover on a recent trip. I imagine walking along that track would be kind of fun.


Well-Known Member
I was on The Seas Nemo Ride and it E-Stopped for me just by the Finale..Having to hear Big Blue World repeating for almost 20 minutes before they shut it off..I was able to see how the illusion of the characters swim in the tank works. It was pretty interesting to see. After which I got a fastpass good for either TT, M:S or Malestrom...


Active Member
Reminds me how I went with first-timers to Universal Studios. I kept saying how awesome everything was at the park. Our first ride, Spiderman, broke down half-way through. I felt so embarrassed. :)

As far as Disney World. I've been four times and not once has anything broken down on me.

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
Maybe it's luck but I've been 5 times since 2007 and I've had one attraction completely stop while on it that we had to get off (TTA in Feb this year). Only two other times in those 5 trips did we go to get on something and it wasn't available...Space both times. Have had Haunted pause briefly once but only for maybe 20 seconds.

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