Well-Known Member
My least favorite thing about the DCEU mess is that people believe that Superhero Movies have to be funny
Nobody complained about The Dark Knight trilogy being dark, but then the MCU started making superhero movies with comedy, which helped the MCU make hit, after hit.
Lots of people have lost hope on the DCEU... but I still think that overtime, it can be as successful as the MCU.
I feel like that's a very surface level read on what makes the Marvel movies work and what makes the DC movies not work. Marvel for the most part is run like a very expensive TV series with a main showrunner (Kevin Feige) who a) loves the source material and b) knows to hire and trust great directors with proven track records and c) understands what it takes to tell a good story.
all these points are things that DC just didn't do. They let their cinematic universe rest in the hands of the people who made "Man of Steel", people who were a) very vocal about how they didn't like Superman. b) Who have polarizing reputations. c) Are known to favor stye of substance with their storytelling.
It's telling that the only truly successful movie in the franchise was the movie that the studio just did not care about whatsoever that they largely left it alone. (Wonder Woman.)
All in all, the reason they don't work is because of bad leadership that is ashamed of superhero movies in general.