Rewriting the DCEU


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Batman Season Two
Part Two of Two


A/N: I'm a little ahead on my writing and I have no idea how swamped with homework I will be next week, so here's an update earlier than promised! I hope you all enjoy!

QotD: Who is your favorite founding member of the Justice League?

Episode Eleven: Let it Go
The episode opens with Bruce at his office at Wayne Inc. His four- thirty appointment arrives - Amanda Waller of ARGUS. She tells Bruce that she knows him and Richard’s secret and wants the duo to meet her at an ARGUS base in Hawaii in one week. She tells them to get their things in order, and to pack for two weeks, and that ARGUS agents will play Batman, Robin, and Oracle while they are gone. Meanwhile a lunatic with incredibly pale skin and frostbite has been terrorizing Gotham - the media calls him “The Snowman.” His crimes have no pattern, but soon Bruce deduces they all relate to Victor Fries - his old lab, the hospital where his wife nearly died, and his home. Bruce is able to pinpoint the Snowman’s final location, and intercept him with Robin. Meanwhile, Gordon interviews for a job back on the police force, and Nick Hamilton (an old friend of Bruce) decides to run for mayor. In the post credit scene, a psychology professor interviews the Snowman, and hands a file to Bullock (Close-eyed fans notice the last name - Craine).

Episode Twelve: All Roads lead to Rome
As the Wayne Inc. private plane lands at Hawaii with Lucius, Richard, Bruce, and Alfred. They check into their five star hotel, where Amanda Waller waits for them in their villa. ARGUS made a deal with a terrorist codenamed “Firebug” - ARGUS would not go after him and would grant him safe passage off the island. In exchange, Firebug would not deploy his device that could erupt the volcano. Thus in order to get at him, Bruce and Richard will be leading a squad of ARGUS agents dressed as members of Carmine Falcone’s gang (to whom Firebug owes money). Richard resuits up as Numerus, Bruce dons the disguise of Brutus, and two ARGUS agents suit up as enforcers Trojan and Spartan. Bruce leads the strike time against Firebug, and manages lead the time to victory. The post credit scene features someone discovering Firebug’s ultimate weapon.

Episode Thirteen: Red Arrow
This episode begins where the last episode ended. The mysterious individual is revealed to be a young boy, dressed in Native attire. His name is Roy Harper in English (given to him by his mother - an American), but the natives call him Red Arrow (given to him by his father - Brave Bow). Brave Bow follows Roy into the room where Firebug hid his weapon. Suddenly, ARGUS agents storm the facility, & kill Brave Bow, thinking he to be an ally of Firebug. This enrages Roy, who hides during the gunfire. As the ARGUS agents leave with the weapon, Roy holds on to one prototype. He leaves the room with the device, and he grabs his father’s bow. Back at ARGUS, Waller works with agents to plan an attack against Bruce and Richard. However, they are interrupted when Roy waltzes into ARGUS and begins to shoot officers with his bow. He then presents an ultimatum - he will blow ARGUS up if he cannot meet with Waller. Meanwhile, Bruce and company are enjoying the high life at their resort. Lucius’ surveillance cameras inside of ARGUS show Roy’s actions. Bruce and Richard suit up as Brutus and Numerus to stop Roy. After a huge battle at ARGUS, Roy triggers the bomb which is in the facility. It blows up, sending the massive building into an inferno. Brutus goes inside to save Waller, while Numerus continues to battle Roy. When Brutus finds Waller, he sees her plans to kill him and Richard. Bruce still decides to save her, however, he steals the hard drive from her computer. The episode concludes with a heartfelt conversation between Bruce and Roy, as Roy is transferred to Iron Heights prison, near Starling City, where he will be living for the next 6 months (due to several cover ups preventing most of his crimes).

Episode Fourteen: Victor Fries
The episode opens with Gordon confessing to Bullock that he has interacted with Batman, and helped his associates. Bullock answers that what he did is technically legal. Later, Bruce and Nick Hamilton are catching up at Bruce’s manor, where Bruce is hosting a birthday party for Nick’s daughter. Suddenly, a man with a cold gun (like Victor’s) attacks the manor and in a battle, kidnaps Nick’s daughter. Nick is brought to the ER , while Bruce and Richard suit up. Nick gets a text saying to drop out of the race by tonight or his daughter will be killed. (Also, he can’t tell anyone.) Nick gives a press conference and says that it is all too real for him, and he has to take time with what really matter - his family. Gordon confronts Nick, and says they just got a tip on where his daughter can be found - in the Gotham City Mirror Maze at the Pier. Meanwhile, Batman and Robin interrogate Victor who reveals nothing, but they are able to bug his phone. When they hear the news about the location from Lucius, they leave for the pier. At the pier, Gordon has a confrontation with the Joker, who is holding Nick’s daughter hostage in the mirror maze. The post credit scene shows Victor Fries entering his mech-suit.

Episode Fifteen: Mr. Freeze
The episode opens right where the last one ended. Gordon stands with his gun pointed at the Joker whose gun is pointed at Nick’s daughter. The Joker torments Gordon for his dismissal and rejoining of the police force. When both lower their weapons, the Joker runs off with Nick’s daughter. Batman and Robin are driving there and Mr. Freeze is following them, slightly behind, in a large ice cream truck. When they arrive, Batman and Robin engage Mr. Freeze first. The trio has an epic showdown in the parking lot. Meanwhile, Gordon, Bullock, and GCPD struggle to find the Joker in the world’s largest mirror maze as they are slowly picked off one by one by minions of the Joker. Finally, it is down to Gordon, Bullock, and an officer named Rene. The trio finds a trapdoor, which leads to an sea-level dock, where the Joker has escaped on a boat. The police boats are not fast enough to catch up to it, but Mr. Freeze begins to freeze the water and Batman drives his motorcycle to save Nick’s daughter. After the incident, the trio of vigilantes disappears and the media is left to question Mr. Freeze’s loyalty. The post credit scene shows Mr. Freeze’s location - Crime Alley.

Episode Sixteen: To Great Lengths
The episode opens with Batman and Robin entering a secret lab underneath the campaign office of Victor Fries. The lab contains hundreds of frozen bodies and prototype weapons. In the center of the lab, a single woman is frozen. As Batman and Robin explore and begin to read pages of Victor/Mr. Freeze’s diaries. The reveal details about his experiments, his wife’s disease, and how his venture is motivated out of love and revenge. Multiple flashbacks are seen which make the viewer sympathize with Victor. Suddenly, Mr. Freeze arrives and he reveals he knew about the tracker. He freezes Batman and Robin, and begins to wheel Nora out of the lab. As he leaves, bombs start to explode. Batman and Robin are saved by Gordon who came after a 911 sighting was called in for Mr. Freeze. All of the evidence is destroyed. The post credit scene shows a final flashback - a testament to Victor and Nora’s love.

Episode Seventeen: Clark
The episode opens with Bruce Wayne analyzing files in his computer. Each file contains hundreds of articles and online theories and is labeled - Superman, Robin (Richard Grayson), Oracle (Lucius Fox), Red Arrow (Roy Harper), the Wonder Woman, Mockingbird (Amanda Waller), Hummingbird (Lyla Michaels), Spartan (Jonathan Diggle), Trojan (Aaron Cutler), and the Martian. He lists all of these people as individuals that they can trust in the event of mass terror. Lucius criticizes Bruce for four ARGUS agents, two things that haven’t been seen in years, a psychopathic kid, and a god. Bruce then cites the goal of the week as to attract the attention of Superman, and claims the way to do it is by making a spectacle. Alfred sends Bruce a link to an article by Clark Kent - a new drug called Mirage has been making individuals go crazy. Batman and Robin resort to extreme ways in order to find the location of the drug’s manufacturing. In the final scenes during Batman and Robin’s clash with the drug lord (which features some trippy hallucinations. NOTE: Close eyed fans will once again notice the name Craine attached to the drug’s production.), Superman arrives. He claims that they can’t kill the drug lord, and Bruce says they weren’t planning on it. Superman reveals that he’s been tailing the drug lord for weeks, after his friend died. They chat and neither reveals their secret identities. The episode’s post credit scene with Lucius providing Bruce a list of 600 individuals who could be Superman.

Episode Eighteen: Election
The episode opens with Victor Fries winning the election. Within the next week, the anti vigilante task force is established as well as a few other changes are made to Gotham’s infrastructure. He is heiled as the best mayor of Gotham. Batman meets with Gordon on the rooftop above the police precinct. Batman says that Fries is “Mr. Freeze” and Gordon says that Bullock and himself suspect so, but the policemen all love Fries. Batman and Gordon both have to bolt due to criminal activity at the department store. When they arrive, Robin helps the police evacuate people, executing new parkour moves. Meanwhile, Batman battles a lunatic calling himself the Cavalier, although his real name is Mortimer Drake - a professor of Shakespeare at Gotham State. He supports Victor’s agenda and thinks that Batman is a disease to Gotham, and he must purge him from Gotham [which is similar to some Shakespearean story, I am sure]. Once Batman wins, he is thanked by Bullock. However, Officer Renee Montoya (from Ep. 15) attempts to arrest and capture him with the new task force weapons. She is nearly successful, but Batman manages to free himself and Robin. However, Gordon is placed under arrest for his meeting with Batman on the rooftop. The post credit scene shows Gordon meeting his cellmate - Harvey Dent.

Episode Nineteen: Inside Arkham
Gordon refuses to speak to Harvey, yet Harvey talks to him. He tells Gordon that Gordon shouldn’t be here upon initial arrest; Gordon should be in the cell at the precinct. Dent concludes that someone wants Gordon dead. At lunch later, the guards are knocked out as the lights go out. Firefly, Dodger, and Memento all come forward to attack Gordon. With the help of an unarmed Harvey Dent, Gordon manages to defeat the trio just in time for more reinforcements to arrive. The next morning the trio is found dead in their cells, all frozen to death. Meanwhile, Bruce meets with old friend from his college days- Rachel Dawes - in order to help free Gordon legally, as Gordon can not afford a lawyer. Bruce spends the night with her. Meanwhile, Robin breaks into the mayoral office and steals one of Victor’s new bills which installs “cooling devices” in the Gotham sewer system. Lucius begins to analyze the patents for the devices. In the post credit scene, Gordon has a trial where no progress is made. Bruce and Rachel smile at each other, but she is killed as they leave the theater by Mr. Freeze.

Episode Twenty: Sub-Zero
As Bruce engages Mr. Freeze in broad daylight with cameras watching, Lucius figures out that these installed devices can freeze Gotham. Alfred petitions for help from ARGUS who send in a small field team to aid Batman. Lucius/Oracle releases all of the information on Victor/Mr. Freeze to the internet. Bullock order the police to unite under Batman’s orders, and even allows Gordon and Harvey Dent to fight. Batman leads his team of police officers, ARGUS agents, Robin, and Dent to fight Mr. Freeze’s militia of automated robots and mercenaries. After a high stakes battle, Batman and Mr. Freeze arrive in his lair where Robin stands ready to kill Nora. Mr. Freeze surrenders, but his militia does not. After Batman rejoins the fight, the battle is over. Bullock and Trojan (the ARGUS agent Aaron Cutler) are dead, as well as several unnamed officers. After the credits, Nick Hamilton is sworn in as the mayor of Gotham, and he pardons Batman, Robin, Oracle, and Gordon. Gordon is made Chief of Police and Dent is given a reduced sentence. Victor is moved to a secure ARGUS prison. It is revealed that Nora has been dead the whole time, unknown to Victor. Bruce speaks at Rachel’s funeral. But, as a whole, the future looks bright to Gotham.
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Batman Season Three
Part One of Two

A/N: A lot of the choices I made this season are risky, and I truly hoped that they have paid off for a much more intense/high-stakes stories. Let me know what you think. Expect another update on Thursday (The Newsroom, so it is much smaller), and hopefully Sunday or Monday next.

Episode One: Out of Gotham
The episode opens with Bruce Wayne and Alfred checking into their huge room on a cruise ship. [In an ideal world, this would be Disney.] Through their conversations and flashbacks, we discover that they were hired to take this trip by ARGUS, as South American drug lord Ameriko Vesper is on-board. Bruce has to stop the sale of a new prototype drug on board - called Venom. Nothing is known about the drug but that it “will change the face of society.” On board, Bruce meets his neighbor Selina Kyle and hears about Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kerz. Selina is on board to steal the drug and sell it for huge profit. We then skip forward a few days, and Bruce interrupts a drug trade between two individuals. However, Vesper’s agents surround him and he is imprisoned below deck. Below deck, Selina greets him, as she is also imprisoned. Mr. Kerz (aka the Joker) and Harley Quinn are also imprisoned. After a heated discussion between the four of them, Alfred arrives below deck and frees Bruce. In order to beat Vesper, Bruce frees his adversaries and they all suit up in the costumes of the ship’s mascots (either Mickey, Minnie, etc. or Bugs Bunny, Daffy, etc.). In an epic, Grand Theft Auto style-sequence, the five defeat Vesper and his gang. Bruce then tries to throw the Venom into the ocean, but is stopped by his three adversaries. The episode ends with another epic fight sequence, Bruce shattering the drug, Joker and Harley being thrown into the ocean, and Selina spending the night with Bruce. The post credit scene shows Selina getting off the ship with the drug in her pocket.

Episode Two: A Fateful Night
On a rooftop above Gotham, Gordon reveals that Batman disrupted the balance of power in Gotham’s criminal underworld when he defeated Carmine Falcone. A huge empty space was left which allowed for an old force to make a move for. He hands Batman a file on Gotham’s Crime Wars, and tells Batman to “brush up on them.” At the cave, Bruce opens the first of thousands of files, which is labeled the Wayne murders. Young Detective James Gordon becomes the POV character for this episode, which serves as the backdoor pilot for a Hulu-original show called “Gotham.” After seeing a terrifying recreation of the murder of the Wayne parents, Detective Gordon and his partner (Nelson Crowe) are assigned to the case. Nelson and mob leader Fish Falcone (daughter of Carmine Falcone) organize a massive cover up, which gets an innocent suspect killed. Upon Gordon’s further investigation, he is nearly killed by Fish’s right-handed man, Oswald Cobblebot, but is saved by his corrupt partner. After a shoot-out, Fish and Crowe end up dead. The episode concludes with a much older Gordon fighting alongside Cobblebot against two mobs - Carmine’s and an unknown force.

Episode Three: The Lost Boy
The episode opens with Bruce revealing most of the files that Gordon gave him were encrypted, had parts deleted, or cannot be opened. The news in the Wayne Manor shows billionaire Oliver Queen was recently found on an uncharted island after being missing and presumed dead for five years. The Queen family is throwing a massive party, and Bruce has to go so that Wayne Inc. maintains good relations with Queen Consolidated. As Bruce gets on his private jet, news reports a new mysteriously hooded vigilante using bows and arrows in Starling City. As Bruce lands in Starling City, he is greeted by Moira Queen-Steele and Walter Steele, the mother and stepfather of Oliver. At the party that night, Bruce meets a Thea Queen, Tommy Merlyn, and Dinah Lance. Oliver Queen is nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, the Hooded Vigilante is going after Adam Hunt, a billionaire who stole money from the poor. Bruce goes to meet the vigilante dressed as Batman, and presumes the vigilante is Roy Harper. After an intense battle, Batman unmasks the arrow and is shocked. The Arrow reveals about a conspiracy in Starling City and the List, and that he alone can avenge it. He alone can save his city. The post credit scene is a trailer for the upcoming Arrow video game.

Episode Four: Arkham’s Best
High School genius Victor Stone is hired at Wayne Inc., and is given Frie’s old lab to work. Victor, Lucius, and Richard work together to redecorate the lab, but discover that Fries had been receiving more funding for his experiments from a mysterious entity called “Iceberg.” Thus, Lucius heads to Arkham Asylum to meet with Victor Fries, who reveals nothing about the organization. Gordon arrests Selina Kyle , who uses here one phone call to call Bruce. Batman now has to bust Selina out of Arkham or else she will reveal his identity. When Batman does, he comes into a direct face-off with Gordon. He then loses the trust of Gotham and Mayor Hamilton reinstates the anti-vigilante task force. The post credit scene features Gordon and Hamilton going over evidence which could convict Bruce of being the Batman.

Episode Five: The Crime Wars
The episode opens with Gordon placing Bruce under arrest for being the Batman. Lucius and Richard move Bruce’s equipment from under Wayne Manor to Lucius’ apartment. Selina Kyle tells Richard that some of Falcone’s loyalists bought off Arkham guards, and is now on the loose. Selina offers to help Richard, who refuses and says that he will not accept her help. Meanwhile, Sal Maroni has been gaining control over territories that were once controlled by Falcone. Falcone and Maroni meet and discuss the return of the Penguin - which worries them. It is revealed via more flashbacks that the Penguin has a vendetta against the mob leaders and betrayed them to Gordon long ago. Gordon was known to not support the police department’s corruption, yet in the end, he was forced to side with the mob and betray the Penguin. This ultimately kept Gotham ‘safe’ for years. The episode ends with a surprise attack by the individual called “the Penguin” and his militia of goons - some armed with freeze guns. Carmine Falcone dies in the fight. In the post credits scene, Bruce Wayne meets his cellmate - Derek Powers.

Episode Six: The Key
The episode opens at Blackgate prison, where Sal Maroni breaks out a mysterious individual. Selina tells Richard and Lucius that his name is Joseph Rodman and he was the best bank robber back during the old days. He could rob any bank without tripping a single alarm - was called “the Key.” Richard wants to reject her help, but Lucius forces him to accept it, as Lucius can’t help stop the Key. Richard and Selina fight the Key and his cronies at Gotham City National, where Selina’s past as a bank robber allows them to save the day. Meanwhile, the Board of Directors at Wayne Inc. tries to fire Bruce, but Lucius convinces them to wait until after the trial. Meanwhile, Bruce and Derek have a fight in their cell. Alfred’s daughter Julia becomes Bruce’s lawyer. She and Gordon have a huge debate at the prison, which allows Bruce to be merely placed under house arrest. In the post credit scene, Maroni asks Catwoman if they trust her yet and she says “Almost.”

Episode Seven: Byzantium
The Penguin arrives at Wayne Manor and tells Bruce that he admires his work as the Batman. Bruce denies being Batman, but the Penguin merely laughs it off. He them tells Bruce his name (Oswald Cobblepot), his plan (to kill Maroni and destroy organized crime and corruption in Gotham), and his motives (Falcone’s betrayal of him during the Crime Wars). He then bid Bruce goodbye, and leaves as Julia arrives. Bruce and Julia then talk about the trial, and they spend the night together. Alfred catches them as the episode ends, and is incredibly angry. While all of that was happening, Maroni briefs Catwoman as to how some of Falcone’s followers are regrouping under the Third Roman Empire. Maroni wants Catwoman to examine the situation, and secure their loyalty to Maroni or eliminate the,. Catwoman brings Richard with her to investigate, and she discovers that they are loyal to the Penguin. She and Richard begin to fight them off, but the Penguin arrives and reveals Catwoman's loyalty to Maroni. Richard abandons her as the Penguin kidnaps her.

Episode Eight: Underworld
At trial, Bruce is proved innocent when an unknown individual confesses to being the Batman. When Oswald stops by to visit Bruce, he reveals that the man who confessed was a member of his personal army. Oswald proposes an alliance between Bruce and himself. Together, they can put an end to corruption and organized crime. They can only defeat Maroni together. Batman agrees. Meanwhile, Maroni kidnaps Alfred (who quit his job at Wayne Manor), revealing to Bruce that Catwoman told him his identity. Batman interrogates Catwoman at the Penguin’s lair, and then heads off to rescue Alfred solo. Upon his success, Alfred and Batman talk, before Alfred leaves Gotham for “a little while.” Meanwhile, Robin and the Penguin break “Batman” out of prison. The post credit scene shows the Penguin’s lair - where he has put cameras around the Batcave, Wayne Manor, and Wayne Inc.

Episode Nine: Shock Factor
Batman kidnaps Gordon to ask him about the Penguin. Gordon reveals that Oswald came from a powerful family, which lost all of its power when Maroni and Falcone began their operations. Gordon claims Oswald is insane and not to trust him. Gordon then is knocked out and finds himself back in his home. At work, Gordon suits up as the Electrocutioner - the new weapon of the anti-vigilante task force with weaponry designed by Wayne Inc. With Nick Hamilton’s approval, Gordon and the anti-vigilante task force suit up and intercept Batman and Robin in the field. An intense battle occurs and Batman and Robin end up defeating Gotham City Police Department, though Gordon can fire lightning at Batman. The post credit scene features an individual finding the Electrocutioner costume.

Episode Ten: Just the Tip of the Iceberg
The episode opens with Bruce and Julia planning a vacation. They are interrupted by Oswald who tells Bruce that they have a small window to take out Maroni. Bruce leaves and apologizes to Julia, who begins to explore Wayne Manor. She discovers the entrance to the Batcave. Meanwhile, Batman, Robin, and the Penguin battle Maroni and his goons. They easily overpower him, but the Penguin kills Maroni, which angers Batman. The Penguin betrays Batman, as he doesn’t need him anymore. He tells Bruce that if he or Richard attempt to battle him, their identities will be revealed to the world. The Penguin has won - he consolidated almost all of organized crime in Gotham all under himself. Batman calls Gordon and informs him that he will be retiring. In the post credit scene, Bruce is fired from Wayne Inc. for being an awful employee (he never shows up to work).


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The Newsroom Season One
An American Workplace

This show is meant to be the opposite of Batman. The show would feature little plot, as most Superman stories are going to be told on the big screen. The plot that is there will be mostly romance and drama, with minimal action. That is why the show is advertised as a spin-off to The Office. Similar directing, camera styles and plot lines.

I personally don’t see the point of writing a detailed description for every episode. The majority of every episode is comedy, and that doesn’t translate well in writing.

The Story
The Daily Planet is Metropolis' Number One Newspaper, and have been selected to be the subject of the third documentary based on an American workplace (The Office and Parks and Recreation in the DCEU Easter Egg?!? :) ). Instead of a camera crew, robotic camera-ed drones will be following employees around. Tech-savvy Jimmy Olsen from the documentary team has been put in charge of managing the drones, yet boss Perry White insists that he work at the Daily Planet if he is to be spending all of his time there.

Olsen primarily decides to spend his time with the individuals on the “top floor” - aka the floor of the writers of the newspapers. Sales and all of the “office” stuff are on a different floor.

The main storyline throughout this season is that Jimmy is trying to figure out what the often late-to-work-and-leaving-work-early Clark Kent is hiding. The season is only 8 episodes, so the storyline won’t feel dragged out. Jimmy has some crazy theories - Clark is actually a woman, Clark is a crime lord - and he finally learns in the season finale the truth. Clark tells him right as we watch him fly off the save Metropolis from Starro. We get a cool battle, which Olsen narrates in awe.

Other storylines include: Lois and Clark’s undying love for one another. Steve Lombard (an incredibly muscular guy’s; sports reporter) attempt to woo Lara Lang (the “Ann” of this show; a business reporter). Teenage Cat Grant and her hilarious gossip columns that anger the individuals she targets. Erik Bernard (an investigative, intelligent reporter) winning a Pulitzer Prize for his editorial on the “Suicide Squad” plans at ARGUS. Perry White being a strict boss.
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The Flash Versus The Rogues

The movie opens with a young Barry Allen watching two things zoom through with house faster than he can see. One is yellow and tries to attack him and his family, and one is red who tries to protect him. The yellow thing slows down to kill Barry’s mother, while the red thing gets Barry to safety. Weeks later, Barry’s father is imprisoned for the murder of Barry’s mother, though Barry knows that it is not true.

In my movie, Central City is a city inspired by the 1950s vision of the future. Buildings are white, and the skyline is incredibly iconic. One building in particular - STAR Labs - stands out as a “weenie” for the city.


In modern times, Barry works as a CSI at CCPD. Eddie, a detective, hands Barry a knife to analyze in his lab. Eddie then kisses Iris West, his girlfriend, and Barry shows eminent jealousy. When Barry gets up to his lab, we see a bulletin board with files on his mother’s murder and he gets to work. Later that night, the TV in his lab talks about STAR Labs particle accelerator turning on. We then hear alarms on the TV and see something of a nuclear explosion over the lab, as Barry runs to look, lightning shatters the window and he falls back, getting chemicals doused on him.

Six months in the future, we watch as three vigilantes, each armed with a cold laser, flamethrower, and golden gun stop two people with mysterious powers from stopping a bank robbery. The robbers can enter reflective surfaces and make people dizzy, but they are cleverly defeated by the vigilantes with the help of their coach on headset Cisco Ramon. The vigilantes return to STAR Labs where Cisco greets them by proclaiming another victory for Captain Cold, Heat Wave, and the Golden Glider and the defeat of Mirror Master and Top.

STAR Labs founder Harrison Wells wheels into the room and begins to apprehend the robbers with power-dampening handcuffs. However, Captain Cold cuts him off and demands their paycheck. Meanwhile, Barry wakes up from a coma in STAR Labs and sees Dr. Caitlin Snow watching him, and measuring his vitals. He jumps up and time slows down. He walks around the lab in slow motion, before realizing what happens. Caitlin sees this and runs to tell Dr. Wells, who promptly fires his vigilantes. In their rage, they take the apprehended criminals and their advanced weaponry.

Dr. Wells, Cisco, and Caitlin begin to test Barry’s powers at an airstrip and we get a training montage where he fights a drone controlled by Cisco. Meanwhile, Captain Cold unites the three vigilantes and criminals and plot to destroy STAR Labs, the place responsible for Central City’s misfortune.

The team decides to put Barry’s powers to work, and he successfully stops a grand theft auto done by a non-meta-powered individual. He apprehends the subject and leaves them there for the police officer who is chasing them - Eddie. Meanwhile, Eddie returns home and tells Iris about this meta with super speed and she pulls up an article on Barry’s mom’s murder and reads it.

Barry next fails to stop the Rogues from stealing a bunch of bombs from a local ARGUS outpost. Barry is forced to flee when his leg is frozen and he can’t move at super speed. Back at STAR Labs, Cisco unveils a newer suit with a larger resistance to temperature (but “not perfect”) as Caitlin studies Barry as he heals.

During the final battle, the Rogues invade STAR Labs, forcing Barry and team to fight them. Dr. Wells and company monitor the entire situation, as Barry uses his super speed. After cleverly devising a way to win, STAR Labs is partially destroyed allowing many of the metahumans that were captured by the Rogues before to be released.

The movie has two post-credit scenes. The first shows the flash saving a young kid from a metahuman. The boy’s older sister is then revealed to be Iris, and the boy to be Wally West. The third post credit scene features Harrison Wells walking (he is ‘paralyzed’, so this is strange) into a mysterious room, where he is greeted by a futuristic AI, a newspaper article from the future, and a yellow flash suit.
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The Flash Versus The Rogues

The movie opens with a young Barry Allen watching two things zoom through with house faster than he can see. One is yellow and tries to attack him and his family, and one is red who tries to protect him. The yellow thing slows down to kill Barry’s mother, while the red thing gets Barry to safety. Weeks later, Barry’s father is imprisoned for the murder of Barry’s mother, though Barry knows that it is not true.

In my movie, Central City is a city inspired by the 1950s vision of the future. Buildings are white, and the skyline is incredibly iconic. One building in particular - the Central City Future Institute, now rebranded to STAR Labs by its new owner - stands out.


In modern times, Barry works as a CSI at CCPD. Eddie, a detective, hands Barry a knife to analyze in his lab. Eddie then kisses Iris West, his girlfriend, and Barry shows eminent jealousy. When Barry gets up to his lab, we see a bulletin board with files on his mother’s murder and he gets to work. Later that night, the TV in his lab talks about STAR Labs particle accelerator turning on. We then hear alarms on the TV and see something of a nuclear explosion over the lab, as Barry runs to look, lightning shatters the window and he falls back, getting chemicals doused on him.

Six months in the future, we watch as three vigilantes, each armed with a cold laser, flamethrower, and golden gun stop two people with mysterious powers from stopping a bank robbery. The robbers can enter reflective surfaces and make people dizzy, but they are cleverly defeated by the vigilantes with the help of their coach on headset Cisco Ramon. The vigilantes return to STAR Labs where Cisco greets them by proclaiming another victory for Captain Cold, Heat Wave, and the Golden Glider and the defeat of Mirror Master and Top.

STAR Labs founder Harrison Wells wheels into the room and begins to apprehend the robbers with power-dampening handcuffs. However, Captain Cold cuts him off and demands their paycheck. Meanwhile, Barry wakes up from a coma in STAR Labs and sees Dr. Caitlin Snow watching him, and measuring his vitals. He jumps up and time slows down. He walks around the lab in slow motion, before realizing what happens. Caitlin sees this and runs to tell Dr. Wells, who promptly fires his vigilantes. In their rage, they take the apprehended criminals and their advanced weaponry.

Dr. Wells, Cisco, and Caitlin begin to test Barry’s powers at an airstrip and we get a training montage where he fights a drone controlled by Cisco. Meanwhile, Captain Cold unites the three vigilantes and criminals and plot to destroy STAR Labs, the place responsible for Central City’s misfortune.

The team decides to put Barry’s powers to work, and he successfully stops a grand theft auto done by a non-meta-powered individual. He apprehends the subject and leaves them there for the police officer who is chasing them - Eddie. Meanwhile, Eddie returns home and tells Iris about this meta with super speed and she pulls up an article on Barry’s mom’s murder and reads it.

Barry next fails to stop the Rogues from stealing a bunch of bombs from a local ARGUS outpost. Barry is forced to flee when his leg is frozen and he can’t move at super speed. Back at STAR Labs, Cisco unveils a newer suit with a larger resistance to temperature (but “not perfect”) as Caitlin studies Barry as he heals.

During the final battle, the Rogues invade STAR Labs, forcing Barry and team to fight them. Dr. Wells and company monitor the entire situation, as Barry uses his super speed. After cleverly devising a way to win, STAR Labs is partially destroyed allowing many of the metahumans that were captured by the Rogues before to be released.

The movie has two post-credit scenes. The first shows the flash saving a young kid from a metahuman. The boy’s older sister is then revealed to be Iris, and the boy to be Wally West. The third post credit scene features Harrison Wells walking (he is ‘paralyzed’) into a mysterious room, where he is greeted by a futuristic AI, a newspaper article from the future, and a yellow flash suit.
I'd see this -- for sure:D


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“My name is Oliver Queen. For five years, I was stranded on an island with only one goal-- Survive. Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish-- to use the list of names he left me and bring down those who are poisoning my city. To do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else.”

A/N: Heavy inspiration from the TV Show. If you haven’t watched Season 1, and you want to - READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. I view Arrow Season One as the best season of any television show of all time.

The game, like the TV show, is really two separate stories, and thus I will narrate them as such, beginning with the island.

The Story: The Island

The story begins with a cut scene. Oliver Queen and Sara Lance are partying on a boat with Oliver’s father, Robert, and several bodyguards. Suddenly the boat goes down, and only Robert, Oliver, and a single bodyguard make it to the liferaft. Robert reveals to Oliver that he has failed Starling City, and that he needs Oliver to right his wrongs. He then shoots the bodyguard and himself so that Oliver will have enough food to make it to the island.

On the island, Oliver meets Yao Fei, who saves him from starvation. Yao Fei equips Oliver with a bow and arrows and begins to teach him how to survive. However, Oliver is soon kidnapped by General Edward Fyers who is on the island hunting Yao Fei. When Oliver refuses to betray his new friend, he is tortured by a masked man - Billy Wintergreen. Yao Fei rescues Oliver and the two escape.

After a few more survival missions, Yao Fei shows a map of the island and claims that they will try to make it to a crashed plane. On the mission, Yao Fei is captured right before they make it to the plane. At the plane, Oliver meets Slade Wilson. Slade wears armor similar to that of Billy. He reveals that him and Billy were sent here on a mission by ASIS to extract Yao Fei from his captors here. Unfortunately, Billy was corrupted by the evilness on the island and joined Yao Fei’s captors. Slade has been stranded here without a radio without a way to contact his family.

Next, Oliver and Slade have a training mission. Then the duo break into Fyers’ base where they discover a missile and two prisoners - one revealed to be Shado, daughter of Yao Fei. Fyers reveals his plan - to blow an American commercial airline (en route to China) out of the sky and ignite a war between America and China, where his military company would profit.

In the final series of missions, Oliver and company (heh…) repeatedly attack Fyers’ outposts throughout the island and manage to take control of an airfield with a single aircraft. In the last mission, as Oliver, Slade, and Shado take on Fyers and Billy. Meanwhile, Yao Fei takes the aircraft and flies it into the missile causing a Fyers’ plan to fail. Oliver, Slade, and Shado are still stranded on the island.

The Story: Starling City

Billionaire playboy Oliver Queen returns home after five years of being stuck ‘alone’ on an island. Many of the supporting cast is revealed in the opening cutscene. Moira Queen is Oliver’s mother. Walter Steele is Moira’s new husband, and the new CEO of Queen Consolidated. Thea Queen is Oliver’s sister, who has a bit of a drug problem. Tommy Merlyn is Oliver’s best friend from before his time on the island; he is the son of billionaire Malcolm Merlyn. Dinah Laurel Lance is Oliver’s girlfriend before the island, but he cheated on her with her sister. Jonathan Diggle is an ex-ARGUS agent, who is the new head of security for the Wayne family.

Oliver Queen has come back to Starling City with a purpose - to use the list of names his father gave him to write his wrongs. He will target individuals from the list and extort them to ‘be better people.’ He assumes the list represents merely crooked individuals, but it represents something much more.

In order to cover for his extended absences, Oliver plans to open up a nightclub - Verdant - and eventually hires Tommy (after Malcolm abandons him) as the general manager. Verdant’s basement serves as the base of operations

Diggle, his bodyguard, has to be ditched in the first few levels, before he becomes the first one to learn Oliver’s secret and join his crusade. Diggle’s past in ARGUS is not revealed yet. He has a wife - Lyla Diggle - in ARGUS. He becomes the vigilante ‘Spartan.’

The next person to learn Oliver’s crusade is Helena Bertinelli, daughter of crime boss Frank Bertinelli. She serves as a love interest for Oliver, in addition to having a deep storyline. Her fiance was murdered by her father’s goons for trying to sell him out to ARGUS. She wants to get revenge. She is trained to use a crossbow by Oliver, and flirts the line between hero and villain, with her ruthless killing. She serves as one of the game’s four bosses, but also as a member of ‘Team Arrow.’

Dinah Lance and Tommy Merlyn are in a happy relationship with one another, and both of them have limited fighting abilities (existent but limited).

Tommy learns about Oliver’s alter identity, when Oliver saves Tommy’s dad Malcolm after he is shot by Deadshot. Tommy does not tell his father the identity. It is revealed that Moira hired Deadshot to kill Malcolm, so that a mysterious event called ‘The Undertaking’ does not occur. Deadshot serves as another boss.

Detective Quentin Lance hates Oliver Queen for the death of Sara, and hates the arrow for his crimes against the city. However, as the levels progress, the Detective warms up to the Arrow and even joins them in the final crusade.

Roy Harper is a street thug in Starling City, who is saved by the Arrow when Roy is captured by a random villain. Roy begins to fight for good with his friend, Sin, and eventually they both join ‘Team Arrow.’ He also begins to date Thea.

Thea Queen has a drug addiction and Oliver and Tommy work together to stop her dealer - Count Vertigo. He serves as one of the other bosses.

Walter Steele begins to investigate mysterious financial circumstances, and he begins to learn of the list an his wife’s involvement. He is kidnapped a mysterious individual who also yields a bow. Much later, Oliver rescues him.

Felicity Smoak is a tech guru at Queen Consolidated who Oliver approaches for help numerous times. She eventually joins ‘Team Arrow’ as ‘Overwatch,’ their hacker.

Oliver figures out that his mother is evil, and that Malcolm Merlyn is the man behind ‘The List.’ ‘The Undertaking’ is a planned event where Malcolm will destroy the Glades (the lower class neighborhood) and The List are people who have helped to pay for his Earthquake machine. Merlyn is also the Dark Archer and the final boss.

In the final two levels, Roy, Sin, and Diggle protect Queen Manor from the incoming mob. Oliver and Tommy battle Malcolm. Felicity, Detective Lance, and Helena work to stop Malcolm’s henchmen and deactivate the machines (they ultimately fail). Oliver and Tommy also have to save Laurel from a collapsing building. Ultimately, Tommy dies in the building.

In the post game level, Tommy wakes up in a mysterious dungeon, and tries to escape it.


The island has 17 levels and the main story has 42. The final level can be unlocked via 100 % completion.

In terms of gameplay, imagine the new Lego video games (ie: Lord of the Rings) with better graphics and a good story. The levels are all challenging, and have secret areas to investigate upon replaying them with new characters.

After completing the first level on the island, the player can switch between the two stories.

Star City and the Island are available for open world exploration, yet it is criticized for having very little side missions to play with. Verdant, Queen Manor, and Queen Consolidated are the only locations that are incredibly detailed. The rest of the city is critically considered to be a shell.

Different characters have different abilities which can gain access to different areas in open world and the free play of levels. For example, Tommy and Oliver both have the fame ability, which can gain them access to clubs and ‘elite buildings,’ but Oliver has much more combat experience and Tommy has the sweet talk ability. Felicity Smoak has the hacker ability which can be used to turn off alarms/ unlock doors/ access computers. She is very rarely out in the field during the campaign, but be sure to bring her along on some levels in ‘Free Play!’


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Batman Season Three
Part Two of Two


Episode 11: The Hightower
The Penguin arrives at Wayne Manor, where Bruce has not left for the past month. Lucius has abandoned Bruce, as the board already questions Lucius’ loyalty to the company. Julia and Richard come and go. Richard has nearly given up on Batman and Robin, and Julia has not told Bruce that she knows his secret. The Penguin tells Bruce that he has a chance to play hero again. If Bruce can hinder the Joker’s plans, the Penguin will give Batman and Robin an unspecified reward. If not, nothing happens. The Penguin does not threaten Bruce, and Bruce accepts. The Joker is currently waiting inside the penthouse suite of a new high-rise in Downtown, waiting for Batman to challenge him. He has been dropping the construction workers off of the balcony every half hour. Batman calls Richard, who will meet him there. At the tower, Batman and Robin arrive but are stopped by Gordon, who does not want their interference. Gordon sees this as a chance to regain the trust of Gotham. Batman punches Gordon, and proceeds to enter the tower. At the top, the Joker offers Batman a truce - they could work together to stop the Penguin. Batman eventually says something like “I’ll never work with the likes of you.” They fight. Robin and Harley fight. Gotham’s finest proceed to arrest Joker and Harley and Gordon thanks Batman. In the post credit scene, the Penguin gives Bruce a file labeled the ‘Wayne Murders.’

Episode 12: Deadshot
In the episode’s intro, Bruce is packing his bags to go on a ‘personal journey.’ Julia is worried and reveals that she knows he is Batman. He says he will explain everything later, and speeds out of Wayne Manor to Gotham International, where he boards a plane to Dubai. Alfred meets him upon landing, and is incredibly confused how Bruce found him. Bruce says he is in Dubai for a different reason and had no idea Alfred was here. He shows Alfred the file on his parents murder - Floyd Lawton was hired to kill them, but refused. However, he gave the clients a referral to someone not wanted by INTERPOL. Floyd Lawton is currently living in Dubai - nothing else is known. Bruce arranges a meeting with Lawton - who is know retired and living off the fruits of his labor. Lawton assumes Bruce wants someone killed, so he immediately refuses, but he will give a referral. Bruce says he wants someone not known to INTERPOL. Lawton says he only knows one man and its very ironic Bruce would want him. Bruce gets the contact information and leaves. That night, angered that men such as Lawton can get away with their life of crime, he breaks into Lawton’s mansion. He has an epic battle with Deadshot, and ends up burning down the mansion and all of his money. Meanwhile, Victor Stone suffers from a near fatal explosion in his lab. He is brought to the hospital, where Richard and Lucius check in with him. The episode ends with a post credit scene showing Lawton ‘getting back in the game’ and a teaser - “Deadshot has returned in Arrow.’ A/N: This episode takes place before the Deadshot sequence in Arrow.

Episode 13: Closure
Bruce and Alfred travel deep into the desert, to find the secluded home of the mysterious murder of Bruce’s parents. He arrives at a mansion which seems incredibly out of place. On the door, he sees the Wayne Incorporated logo, and Wayne Inc. vehicles on premise. This leads Bruce to realize that his own company hired the man who murdered his parents. Alfred reminds him that the men who guard the mansion are innocent, and should not be killed (Bruce planned to slaughter everyone in his rage). In his epic stealth mission, Bruce fights the man who murdered his parents, and prevents him from calling to his guards. The man’s name is Joseph Chill and he lives here with his wife and family. If the Wayne Inc. doesn’t continually pay for this house, he will release the information on the murders of Thomas and Martha. If they kill him, there is an automatic protocol set to release the files. Bruce reveals his identity to Joseph, who is shocked, and then kills him. He escapes the mansion with no one noticing. Meanwhile, Victor is in a coma. His father shows designs to Lucius that could save him, if they get enough money. Lucius makes a charitable donation to save Victor Stone. The designs read ‘Project: Cyborg.’ In the post credit scene the files are all released and Joe Chill is found dead in his bed. The Wayne Inc. board is mostly incriminated. Gordon arrests 9 of the 12 members on the board.

Episode 14: Return of Clayface
When Bruce returns home, Wayne Inc. is in shavels. He is itching to get back into the field, and receives the Ok from Penguin to stop ordinary crime. However, Julia wants to talk. She demands that Bruce tell her everything. When Bruce finishes, she says that she won’t let Bruce go out there alone. Bruce says that he has Robin and sometimes Penguin to support him. She argues and eventually Bruce decides to make her a suit. Meanwhile, a metahuman from the central city particle accelerator explosion arrives and dons the identity of Clayface. Matt Hagen is a former treasure hunter who wants to steal a museum from Gotham Museum of Art. Batman, Batwoman, and Robin all stop him and he is arrested by GCPD.

Episode 15: Cyborg
At the start of the episode, Victor Stone walks out of the surgery room. Half of his body is metal and riddled with technology. He is able to browse the internet through just his eye, and his arm has multiple functions that are useful in a scientific lab (the one he experiments is a scale). He returns to school with Richard, where he is ridiculed and laughed at (behind his back). However, with his enhanced ears, he can hear everything. He beats a kid up for using an offensive slur behind his back. He is suspended and there will be an expulsion meeting for him later. His teacher Mr. Desmond offers him a chance to never be ridiculed again. Victor finds himself protecting drug trades, and beating up thugs who don’t pay full price for the Blockbuster drug. Batman targets Victor and they have an epic battle on the rooftop. Batman says he knows that Victor can be good; he doesn’t have to use his powers for evil. Victor asks how and Batman reveals himself to be Bruce Wayne, and he offers Victor a spot on the team. In the post credit scene, Lucius tells Bruce about a piece of technology ARGUS has which can temporarily jam all technology long enough for them to stop the Penguin - called Protocol: Midnight.

Episode 16: Blockbuster
The episode opens with Lucius rejoining the team as the Wayne Board can make no threats to him. Team Batman currently has Bruce, Robin, Victor, Alfred, Julia, and Lucius. The Penguin arrives and he tells Bruce he needs him to take care of this drug dealer named Desmond. He deals a drug called Blockbuster, which the Penguin wants full control of. For the mission, the Penguin is gifting Bruce Harvey Dent - who once sued Mr. Desmond, but didn’t have solid evidence. He however knows a lot about him. We get a great fight scene against Blockbuster, after they stalk him out. Large quantities of the Blockbuster drug enhance Mr. Desmond and he becomes similar to the hulk (although grey/blue) in appearance. Incredibly interesting dynamics between Bruce and Dent - who now knows Bruce’s identity. Dent wants to know why Bruce is working with the most malicious mob boss in Gotham’s history, and Bruce claims he has no choice. Dent says something like there is always a way. In the post credit scene, Victor adds a gun function to his arm, and begins to work on connecting his arm to his brain at the Batcave.

Episode 17: College Visit
Richard and Victor travel to San Francisco to visit Blake University - their dream school, which is based off of Stanford and other competitive schools. Richard is a prospective finance major, while Victor is planning on studying electrical engineering. When they arrive, they meet Gordon and his daughter Barbara - who is a prospective public policy major. They go about their visit and then Richard and Gordon get into a heated debate about whether Batman is good or not. Suddenly, a crook steals Barbara's purse. Both Richard and Gordon go after to crook. Gordon gets shot in the arm, but Richard is able to parkour and recover the pursue in a minor conflict. Barbara and Richard stand outside of Gordon’s hospital room, and Barbara kisses Richard as a thank you, and Richard smiles. Meanwhile, Penguin needs Bruce to break into ARGUS to recover a device called the Oculus. Catwoman is to join Batman’s team, as she is the best burglar. In the post credit scene, Bruce reveals to the entire team that they will recover Protocol: Midnight in addition to the Oculus.

Episode 18: Protocol Midnight
Bruce and his team meet outside ARGUS Headquarters - Catwoman and Batwoman are to go after the Oculus cache file that the Penguin desires. Bruce and Dent will meet with Waller and attempt to secure the Midnight file peacefully. If not, Robin and Cyborg will distract ARGUS while Bruce and Dent secure it. Oracle and Alfred will monitor the team. -- The mission begins as Dent and Bruce enter ARGUS to meet with Waller. Waller, of course, refuses to give it to them, claiming it is the most powerful weapon in the history of man. Meanwhile, Catwoman is forced to abandon Batwoman to ARGUS agents as they are caught. She escapes with the Oculus. In the meeting, ARGUS agents enter to seize Bruce and Dent. The duo attacks the sea of agents, and are able to get Waller as hostage. They knock Waller out and suit up in the guise of ARGUS agents. Meanwhile, Cyborg and Robin protect Catwoman from ARGUS agents. As Dent and Bruce break further into ARGUS’s securest bunkers. They secure the hard drive with the code for Midnight, they are ambushed by the Suicide Squad - Mr. Freeze, Clayface II, Deadshot, and Mirror Master. Bruce and Dent manage to outsmart their enemies, and the best battle of all of the show ensues. After Bruce and Dent escape (not win) and are standing outside of the facility, they are met by Waller who holds a gun to Julia’s head. She creates an ultimatum, but in order to prevent Bruce from doing anything rash, Julia attacks Waller forcing the agents to kill her. The team of eight escapes with only seven. In the post credit scene, Victor analyzes both files and reveals that he needs time to break the encryption on Midnight.

Episode 19: Oculus
The episode opens with the team analyzing what the Oculus that Penguin wanted can do. Victor says that is has the code to analyze images from every single camera in the world - cell phone, security, etc. However the Penguin will need an immense amount of power to work it, and an army to sift through the data. It should be unusable to him for the time. Victor and Bruce go to give it to the Penguin, while Lucius tries to break the encryption of Midnight. When Bruce and Victor arrive, the Penguin says he will also need Victor. Bruce goes to argue but Victor surrenders himself. The Penguin reveals his plan - he will plug the Oculus into Victor (who has a lot of power in his body), who will then analyze the data and provide the penguin with the most useful parts. Victor’s humanity will understand ‘useful’ but he will be too drained to fight it. As Victor is plugged in, he goes near dead (after a funny comment about what he can see in the singular city block). Meanwhile, Richard and Catwoman recover Julia’s body from ARGUS to give it a proper burial later. Victor tells the Penguin this, but the penguin doesn’t care. Finally, Victor tells the Penguin about Protocol Midnight. Bruce instantly engages Oswald, but he has been enhanced from the Blockbuster drug. Oswald is about to release evidence which would condemn Bruce, but Lucius is able to activate Protocol Midnight. Bruce escapes and begins to plan his final strike.

Episode 20: Countdown
The internet is down across the world, and television broadcasts are as well. The Penguin has no way of revealing Bruce’s identity to the world, and Bruce has no way to track down the Penguin. Richard arrives back at the Batcave with news - he has kidnapped the Penguin’s second in command (who has had various appearances throughout the season). He reveals (after some torture) that the Penguin plans to blow up the bridges in Gotham City (as well as several buildings) as a distraction while he and Cyborg escape to Washington DC, where he will seize power using the Oculus (which will be back online). Everything Batman did has played right into his moves - he has time to escape Gotham without noticement. Batman orders his team - Alfred, Robin, Catwoman, Dent, and Lucius to each monitor one bridge out of Gotham. He will go to Gordon and convey the information they know and have all police hands on deck. Hours later, all five bridges blow up simultaneously. Catwoman, Robin, Alfred, Lucius, and Dent begin to tail specific cars that seem to drive suspicious. Catwoman reveals that he she following the Penguin. Batman flies a police helicopter to catch up with them. An epic battle/chase ensues. Batman defeats the Penguin by crashing his helicopter into the Penguin’s car. Victor Stone survives but Catwoman’s body is not found. In the post credit scene, Bruce gives a moving speech at the former sight of Wayne Bridge. In his speech he honors the lives lost at the hands of the malicious Penguin and donates money to rebuild the bridge that his ancestors built. Then, Victor destroys the Oculus, saying that no one should have this much power. Harvey Dent is missing. Bruce is offered two jobs - one in Nick Hamilton’s cabinet and one back at Wayne Inc.

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Superman: The Man of Steel

The movie opens with Alexander Luthor standing in Metropolis, watching the LexCorp building get destroyed during the Battle of Metropolis. Essentially the intro to Batman v Superman with Lex, instead of Bruce, he hugs a young girl as the building crumbles to the ground. He then is publicly financing repairs as a philanthropist, and building up a good public image. He has also been developing weapons based on Kryptonian tech from Zod's ship secretly, with the consent of Amanda Waller of ARGUS. We see a prototype suit of armor and a biological life form in his lab, as he menacingly smiles.


Later, he is giving a speech in front of LexCorp - he denounces Superman and says that his battles have caused nothing but chaos for Metropolis. Lex claims he wants the best for Metropolis, and the best Metropolis has no Superman in it! Clark Kent stands in the crowd taking notes. After the speech he runs up and asks a question, making it clear he thinks that Superman is a hero. Lex takes out a pen with a green gemstone, as he gives an answer. Clark feels weak and stumbles a little. Lex looks between Clark and the pen - he has suspicions. He then smiles and grants Clark a full-on interview with him.

We cut to Clark preparing for his interview with the aid of Lois Lane. She thinks he should not go; Lex Luthor is a dangerous man, and he would not have granted Clark an interview (as he has never granted interviews before) if he did not want something from Clark. Clark has his doubts but leaves to the interview.

When Clark walks into Lex’s personal study he notes that he cannot see or hear anything behind these walls. Lex says that Clark should not be scared -- Superman can not watch them here as the room is surrounded by lead. Clark and Lex begin their interview, which is cut short due to a code green at LexCorp. Lex promises to continue the interview at a later date, and smiles menacingly.

When Clark returns to his apartment, he finds it ransacked and Lois is missing. He rips off his suit (and becomes Superman) and flies to LexCorp, where Lex attempts to smooth talk his way out when. When that doesn’t work, Lex dares Superman to strike him. That would just prove to the world that Superman is a monster. Superman puts Lex down and begins to solemnly walk away. Lex is immediately suited up in the mech suit from the beginning of the movie -- he punches Superman across the street. In his rage, Superman burns the suit and kills an observer. He then flies away out of guilt, retreating from humanity.


Flash back to Lex’s lab - the biological life form possesses a human maintenance worker to give us - PARASITE!

A/N: I was really debating what to do next. I know I wanted to introduce a member of league and ultimately I was torn between Wonder Woman and the Flash. Because the Flash had a movie in the past six months, I choose the former.

We cut to Paris, France - the Louvre, specifically - where Diana Prince is watching the footage of Lex Luthor’s attack on Superman. She purchases a one way ticket to Metropolis and orders a cab to take her to the airport.

Lex Luthor receives word from his number two that a powered individual is flying intro Metropolis. His men are waiting at the airport and they ambush Wonder Woman. She fends all of them off and destroys a section of the airport.

Lex receives word the Parasite plan is proceeding as planned. However, Diana Prince marches into his company and holds him by his neck - “What have you done to Superman, pesky mortal?” She marches down and breaks Lois out of the confinement Lex is keeping her in.

Lois returns home and introduces Diana to Clark - the two of them have a lot in common. Both believe humanity is innately evil (as of now). However, Lois reasurres Clark, and then begins to work on an article condemning Luthor.

Lex goes on live TV and publically explains his actions against Lois. He claims she was trespassing on his property and his security guards detained her there. He has fired these security guards and issues an apology. During his speech, he is 'attacked' by the Parasite.


Clark says that him and Diana have to go and rescue everyone there from Parasite. Diana says that Lex is evil and they should not go, to which Clark replies Lex may be evil but the people there are not. Both of them suit up.

At the facility, agents of Lex Luthor shoot at the Parasite. When the dynamic duo arrives, they shoot at them. Diana engages them - epic action shots. Superman engages the Parasite, and he ultimately loses as the Parasite drains his powers. Lex stands above the crippled Superman and stabs him with a kryptonite blade, before taking him to his dungeon.

Diana continues to fight her way through Lex’s army where he sees his number two standing in a full suit of armor. She sees the injured Clark being taken away. She retreats. She, Lois, and Jimmy Olsen (Clark’s now best friend) work on a plan to break into the LexCorp.


Meanwhile Superman is being tortured by Lex’s number two - John Corben aka Metallo. He reveals his family all died during the Battle against Zod. Superman apologizes but it does no good.

Using the blueprints, Diana breaks in and manages to gain access to the control room by knocking out guards. No alarms have been sounded. Jimmy and Lois stay in the control room monitoring the situation. Diana continues her fight through the facility and uses her lasso of truth to gain access to the password and route to Superman’s cell.

When she arrives at the cell she sees Metallo. She engages him and manages to release Superman. Superman flies away to confront Lex and save Metropolis, while Diana fights Metallo.


Epic battle occurs on the roof. Diana defeats Metallo and joins Superman. However, neither can defeat Parasite. Parasite is about to win when Lex Luthor kills him. Lex stands in his full suit of armor and declares that he has just saved Metropolis. The spectating crowds cheer for him.

As the movie concludes, Lex is hailed as a hero and no one know what to think of Wonder Woman or Superman. Clark says that he and Diana will be in touch.

In the mid credits scene, Lex Luthor declares that he will be running for president of the United States come 2016. Clark stands in the background taking notes.

In the second post credit scene, Amanda Waller is seen looking at a photo from World War One of Wonder Woman - “She’s real!”



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I suggest Wild CATS for Phase 2. Either as a movie or a show. Maybe introduce Gen13, Stormwatch, etc. via WildCATS?
To be quite honest, I had no idea what any of these were. I didn’t know too much beyond the mainstream characters (though I have been doing research on some more obscure characters like Booster Gold ;) ). However upon research, these characters/team-ups seem pretty interesting. I could see them working as my universe’s “Guardians of the Galaxy”. I still need to do more research and thinking before I make any promises, though! Thank you for the advice! :)


Well-Known Member
To be quite honest, I had no idea what any of these were. I didn’t know too much beyond the mainstream characters (though I have been doing research on some more obscure characters like Booster Gold ;) ). However upon research, these characters/team-ups seem pretty interesting. I could see them working as my universe’s “Guardians of the Galaxy”. I still need to do more research and thinking before I make any promises, though! Thank you for the advice! :)

Any plans for Captain Carrot to be used?


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The Legend of Aquaman

A/N: I am pursuing the Aquaman that you have seen in the new movies as my ‘take’ on the character. Enjoy. Also, this has been by far by favorite movie to write.

QOTP (Question of the Post): Who is your favorite main villain so far (Two-Face, Mr. Freeze, Penguin, Zod, Parasite, Luthor, Dr. Poison, Captain Cold and his Rouges, Merlyn, or Orm)?
For me it goes Penguin, Orm, then Luthor.

The movie opens when lifeguard Tom Curry sees a woman barely afloat, and he runs out to rescue her. She says she has to get back to ‘Atlantis’ and other gibberish, and Tom makes a joke about drugs and enjoying life. When Tom finally gets her ashore, she keeps saying that she can’t stay long and she has responsibilities. Tom hands her some drugs and she laughs and agrees to stay.

The Beatles’ Hello, Goodbye plays. We get a silent montage of their relationship, pregnancy, and raising of their child Arthur. Repeatedly, the blonde woman (whose name is never said) attends to jump into the ocean. Tom thinks she is suicidal and eventually moves inland. She leaves Tom and Arthur when Tom decides to be responsible, and leaves a necklace behind.

Arthur joins his high school swim and dive team. He hits his head on a rock while diving in Lake Michigan and gets knocked unconscious for several hours. The world thinks he is dead, and Tom grieves. However, he swims up several hours later and Tom hugs him. Arthur figures out he has powers connected to the ocean, and begins to experiment with them to his father’s disapproval. At age 18, Arthur runs away from his father (and grabs his mother’s necklace) to go to the beach where his father met his mother, who claimed she was from Atlantis.

Flash forward to 2014. Arthur is a beach bum. No shirt, no shoes, no possessions, no life. A police officer walks up and casually talks to Arthur. However, a drunken Arthur spews out ‘I’m allowed to be here man.’ The officer moves to arrest Arthur for public intoxication. Arthur punches him, and runs to dive in the water. Epic music plays, but the officer tases him and Arthur spends the night in jail.

In jail, another inmate asks Arthur about the necklace and he tells that it was from his mother who was from Atlantis. A third inmate makes a joke about Arthur being on pot, and we get a hilarious interchange. The original inmate quietly says that that (ew, grammer) necklace belongs to the Queen of Atlantis. He introduces himself as Orm, and that he must be Arthur’s half-brother. He says that their mother returned to Atlantis years ago, and that she sent him and other agents out to look for Arthur, who he mockingly calls ‘The Rightful Heir to Atlantis.” Orm controls the water from the toilets, showers, sinks, etc. and the duo break out of the jail and dive into the ocean, never to be seen again.

Upon arriving in Atlantis, Arthur is greated by a life of luxury and his mother, who apologizes to him for everything. She immediately announces Arthur to be the heir to the throne, much to Orm and the people of Atlantis’ dismay. She says that Arthur will prove himself by defeating King Shark in combat.

Arthur is ordered to lead a small tope of soldiers to the nearby encampment (they are presented as barbarians). In the group, Orm monitors the situation (he is supposed to help Arthur, though he does a careless job) and Nuidis Vulko becomes a sort of father figure. He tells the history of Atlantis (The god Ares killed both Zeus and Hera. Fearing for his life, the sea god Poseidon fled and abandoned his city of Corinth. Without his powers to protect it, much of the city collapsed into the ocean. However, most Corinthians were able to survive underwater due to their previous prayers to Poseidon.), and Vulko helps Arthur learn to communicate with aqualife.

Arthur’s raid on King Shark would have been successful, but someone (Orm, though we do not know this yet) alerted them that the Atlanteans were planning a raid. Only Arthur, Orm, and Vulko survive the attack, and they flee back to Atlantis in their submarine-ish, futuristic craft.

Back at Atlantis, Arthur meets Mera, the beautiful lead general in the military. Arthur makes a dumb comment about her beauty and she makes an eye roll at him. At the council meeting, Orm argues that Arthur is a traitor to Atlantis and he should be killed. Mera retorts that she does not believe that, and Arthur is rather incompetent. The council agrees with Mera, and Arthur storms out in a rage.

Arthur grabs a new weapon - The Trident of Neptune - from its display case and marches out of the city, defeating Atlantean guards en route. He begins to swim towards King Shark’s base. Meanwhile, Orm kills their mother with a different trident. When the guards find her, Orm is made king and he publicly blames Arthur for her death.

Arthur slaughters the barbarian sharks, and King Shark reveals that he was tipped off by the ‘Master of the Oceans.’ As Arthur leaves the encampment, he is very proud of himself and thinks the Atlanteans will recognize him as a hero. However, he is caught by surprise when Mera and her band of soldiers force him into custody for killing the queen.

While Arthur sits in prison, Vulko is brought there (who reveals that he spoke out against Orm), and Arthur tells him what happened. They plan a ridiculous escape, which is cut short when Orm’s executioner - The Black Manta - comes to collect Arthur. As Arthur is about to be publicly executed, he engages in an epic battle with the Black Manta. He cuts off the Black Manta’s head. Orm gives a speech where he says that there is no where Arthur can run- Orm is the “Master of the Ocean.”

Arthur puts everything together. He challenges Orm’s authority and tells his whole story publically. Both brothers are arrested and they will have the greatest challenge ahead of them - a court trial. At trial, Vulko serves as Arthur’s lawyer. The jury remains undecided. Arthur brings forth his greatest evidence - how can he yield the Trident of Neptune if he is not worthy to be king, as it can only be yielded by the worthy leader.

The court rules Orm guilty, but he escapes. Aquaman and Mera team up to chase him as he makes his grand escape. Grand battle to match the epicness of the movie. Orm is banished to another dimensional prison. Arthur sits on the throne at the end of the movie, with Vulko and Mera at his side.

In the first post credit scene, Vulko shows Arthur the reason why his mother went to land years ago. A photograph of Diana Prince is in his hand - she went looking for the last daughter of Zeus. In the second post credit scene, Black Manta gets a new, robotic body.

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