Rewriting the DCEU


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Rewriting the DCEU
DC used to be a film IP that wowed millions. Everyone was amazed by Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. Yet, the recent movies (with the exception of Wonder Woman) have been critical flops. While the dark overtone may have worked for Nolan's Batman, it does not apply to Man of Steel. That's why in this project I plan to rewrite the entirety of the DCEU. My personal goal is to reach Phase Four, and I hopefully will.

Some notes before I begin -
I will be taking inspiration from the current movies and TV Show's (Arrow and the Flash). I promise not to directly steal another person's ideas. (There's tons of rewrites on the subreddit r/fixingmovies)

Also, I will not be copying Marvel's formula. My goal is to use all forms of cinematography right away - movies, TV, and video games will all be integrated into my DC Extended Universe.

Finally, my goal is to make parts of the universe grounded and realistic (Batman), some parts incredibly fun and wacky (Flash and the Green Lantern), and most parts somewhere in-between those extremes.​


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October 2011- May 2012 -> Batman Season One (TV show)
Part One; Part Two
January 2012 -> Superman (Movie)
October 2012 - May 2013 -> Batman Season Two (TV show)
Part One; Part Two
February 2013 -> Wonder Woman (Movie)
October 2013 - May 2014 -> Batman Season Three (TV show)
Part One; Part Two
October 2013 - January 2014 -> The Newsroom Season One (TV show)
November 2013-> The Flash versus the Rogues (Movie)
November 2013 -> Arrow (Video game)
February 2014 -> Superman: The Man of Steel (Movie)
August 2014-> The Legend of Aquaman (Movie)
October 2014 - May 2015 -> Batman Season Four (TV show)
Part One; Part Two
December 2014 - May 2015 -> The Newsroom Season Two (TV show)
May 2015 -> Arrow II (Video game)
October 2015 - May 2016 -> Titans Season One (TV show)
Part One
December 2015 -> Justice League (Movie)

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Ooh love this thread idea!

I'm one of the few people who really liked both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman. The later I think was just poorly interpreted by the critics. Empire Strikes Back got mixed reviews when it opened, so maybe with time and analysis people will appreciate it a bit more.

What got the DCEU off on the wrong foot was it was very reactionary. I don't think anyone predicted the success of the Avengers in 2012, which was the same year The Dark Knight Trilogy wrapped up, and they signed Nolan to do story treatment for Man of Steel.

So the DCEU was 4+ years behind schedule of Marvel...and WB wanted to catch up quick after seeing the box office success of the Avengers.

But Nolan's superhero style is as if it's set in the real world and contained, which is the complete opposite of an expansive DCEU - so the whole dynamic of a somber Superman trying to find his place, and an aged Batman viewing him a threat...fits in the bubble of that world (but not for an entire DCEU).

I think people look for a tonal shift sometimes, like in Marvel. Civil War wasn't as comical as Thor: Ragnarok or Guardians...because they were in different worlds, telling different stories, but still within the same universe.

Trying to play catch-up -- DC tried at first to mold Wonder Woman, Flash, and all the other Justice League members into the darker Man of Steel/Batman world...but then for Justice League -- just did a 180 and added bright colors, made Batman quippy, and changed the entire universe because they thought that's what people wanted.'s not. :p

What I would have done if I was DC/WB was simply make a trilogy. Don't have an expansive DCEU like the MCU...just simply...

Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, then Justice League.

All with the same Zack Snyder tone (what you started you have to finish)

At the end of Justice League, since Snyder tends to polarize audiences, throw a twist in and do Flashpoint...which resets the entire universe and completes the trilogy.

Then...DC/WB could have had time to reboot from scratch starting in 2019 or so, rather than try to rush or alter their pre-established Man of Steel world like they just did with Justice League. It could have been a trilogy, then boom...a reboot from scratch... a clean slate, no Snyder or Nolan world allows DC to set up different themed sections of their universe...some darker others lighter...and more in line with the New 52 comics.


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I loooooved Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman was good - but nothing to really write home about. DC just seems to keep missing the mark.
While I didn't absolutely despise Suicide Squad, I just don't think it was given Justice (heh... I'm so funny) to the cool comic it was based off of. Also, the characters (besides for Deadshot) were meh, in my opinion.

Ooh love this thread idea!

I'm one of the few people who really liked both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman. The later I think was just poorly interpreted by the critics. Empire Strikes Back got mixed reviews when it opened, so maybe with time and analysis people will appreciate it a bit more.
I did enjoy both films, but I do not think either was exceptional. Batman v Superman was fun, but it had so many plotholes and it just seemed off to me. Partially because it was so long, and often I had to struggle to stay awake (it was late at night when I first watched it.

What got the DCEU off on the wrong foot was it was very reactionary. I don't think anyone predicted the success of the Avengers in 2012, which was the same year The Dark Knight Trilogy wrapped up, and they signed Nolan to do story treatment for Man of Steel.

So the DCEU was 4+ years behind schedule of Marvel...and WB wanted to catch up quick after seeing the box office success of the Avengers.

But Nolan's superhero style is as if it's set in the real world and contained, which is the complete opposite of an expansive DCEU - so the whole dynamic of a somber Superman trying to find his place, and an aged Batman viewing him a threat...fits in the bubble of that world (but not for an entire DCEU).

I think people look for a tonal shift sometimes, like in Marvel. Civil War wasn't as comical as Thor: Ragnarok or Guardians...because they were in different worlds, telling different stories, but still within the same universe.

Trying to play catch-up -- DC tried at first to mold Wonder Woman, Flash, and all the other Justice League members into the darker Man of Steel/Batman world...but then for Justice League -- just did a 180 and added bright colors, made Batman quippy, and changed the entire universe because they thought that's what people wanted.'s not. :p

What I would have done if I was DC/WB was simply make a trilogy. Don't have an expansive DCEU like the MCU...just simply...

Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, then Justice League.

All with the same Zack Snyder tone (what you started you have to finish)

At the end of Justice League, since Snyder tends to polarize audiences, throw a twist in and do Flashpoint...which resets the entire universe and completes the trilogy.

Then...DC/WB could have had time to reboot from scratch starting in 2019 or so, rather than try to rush or alter their pre-established Man of Steel world like they just did with Justice League. It could have been a trilogy, then boom...a reboot from scratch... a clean slate, no Snyder or Nolan world allows DC to set up different themed sections of their universe...some darker others lighter...and more in line with the New 52 comics.
This is all perfectly summarizing why they messed up. Which is why I hope to redo all of it!:)


While I didn't absolutely despise Suicide Squad, I just don't think it was given Justice (heh... I'm so funny) to the cool comic it was based off of. Also, the characters (besides for Deadshot) were meh, in my opinion.

I did enjoy both films, but I do not think either was exceptional. Batman v Superman was fun, but it had so many plotholes and it just seemed off to me. Partially because it was so long, and often I had to struggle to stay awake (it was late at night when I first watched it.

This is all perfectly summarizing why they messed up. Which is why I hope to redo all of it!:)
You should watch the Ultimate Edition (and also while awake lol)

My original score was a 7/10ish for the movie out of theaters...and it jumped to a 9/9.5 with the extended edition. Fills in pretty much every plot hole WB created by cutting down snyders film.


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Batman Season One
Part One of Two

Before we begin, some notes. Gotham City is re-imagined to be a combination of Nolan's Chicago/Pittsburgh and Burton's heavy Gothic influence. Thomas and Martha Wayne's deaths are not shown at all in he first season, though they are mentioned. Their deaths are shown in the Cinematic Trailers, and is very similar to the ones in Batman v Superman and Batman Begins. Batman is charactericized to be mid-to-late-twenties and Richard is a freshman in high school.Final note, there is no meta-humans/ magic in this season. This is supposed to be realistic to an extent.

EDIT: Assume Richard goes by his abbreviation, as he does in the comics, and Lego Batman (it's not a bad word!) The filter does not allow me to type it.

Episode One: The Birth of the Bat
Wayne Industries plans to move several of its manufacturing units overseas due to high crime rates in Gotham City. Bruce Wayne, who wants to obey with father's legacy, makes a generous donation to the police department in hopes to reduce crime. Five months later, no changes occur, and Bruce only has a month to the shareholders meeting. He decides to take matters into his own hands. With his engineering associate Lucius Fox, Bruce borrows some equipment from the company, and build himself a leather suit. He begins his adventure of fighting crime, beginning with making a surprise arrest on the crime syndicate -Joker.

Episode Two: The Man of Clay
High School Freshman acrobat/actor Richard Grayson finishes up his application to spend the winter working at Wayne Inc (with his friend Victor Stone). Currently he is in the lead role for the remake of the film Dread Castle. Basil Karlo is an actor who is angered that someone else will be playing his role. Meanwhile, as Bruce makes improvements on his suit and lair with his butler Alfred and Lucius, he hears that Karlo has gone crazy and is currently holding everyone on the movie set hostage. Bruce suits up, battles the maniac, and has help from Richard, who is in awe of Batman. Police Detective James Gordon interviews Richard about the vigilante in the first post credit scene.

Episode Three: Most Wanted
Bruce visits GCPD where James Gordon is interviewing witnesses about a mysterious vigilante. (It is assumed Batman has a few more outings.) Bruce wants to know what happened to the money he donated, to which Gordon has no idea. None of the police officers saw the five million that he donated. The Commissioner gives a simple reply with no substance. Bruce returns home, and with the help of Alfred and the black market plans a raid on GCPD during the night. Batman breaks in, and begins downloading files of the commissioner's personal computer. However, he is caught by Gordon and two police officers. After a confrontation, Bruce narrowly escapes with critical data on a flash drive. In the post credit scene, the Joker is meeting with his ‘lawyer.’

Episode Four: Interns
Lucius Fox leaves the team after he learns what Bruce did to GCPD, and GCPD declares Batman a terrorist and villain. Bruce arrives to the main foyer of Wayne Inc. where he (re)meets Richard Grayson and his friend, Victor Stone. Both of them are interviewing for internships where the shadow corporate executives. Richard expresses his interest to save Gotham, as he is an orphan much like Bruce. On his way home from his interview, Richard watches as a single man robs a gas station. Richard chases after the man and engages him in a fist fight. The man pulls out a gun, and hits Richard first in the leg. Batman intervenes and saves Richard's life. However, he is forced to choose whether to get Richard to a hospital or go after the bad guy. He decides to stay with Richard, and the bad guy gets away - cigar in hand. It looks like a firefly - the further and further he gets. The post credit scene teases Fox meeting with a mysterious man - Derek Powers.

Episode Five: The Shareholder Meeting
Bruce Wayne prepares to make his case for staying in Gotham while his new secretary Richard Grayson recovers. Meanwhile, Derek Powers (who is the leader of Wayne Entertainment) and Lucius Fox (who is the leader of Wayne Technologies) work together to plan a speech for moving to Metropolis. After a compelling speech by Bruce with little statistics, Derek and Lucius give a much better speech. The company is about to vote when people begin to terrorize the auditorium. Bruce is escorted out by Gordon, as are Fox and Powers. Bruce runs to the upper stairs and begins to combat the gunman in his normal clothes. Derek Powers joins him in his fight. One of the gunman reveals the codename of the man who hired them - Blight. Bruce and Derek meet afterwards. The board members who died were all those loyal to Bruce, but the company has to delay the vote. The post credit scene features Derek killing a mobster in alleyway as one of his mob gave up the name Blight.

Episode Six: The Trial of the Joker
Bruce, his newly recovered assistant Richard, Alfred, Derek, and Lucius all head to the trial of the man who has created about a third of Gotham’s crime. The Joker’s lawyer is Laurel Lance of Starling City and Harvey Dent represents Gotham. Due to the means of arresting not following code (ie: Batman), Joker almost escapes with a laxer punishment. However, he confesses to hundreds of crimes and receives the punishment. Everyone in the courthouse is surprised. Outside the courthouse, a member of Joker’s gang - Mr. Hammer - attacks visitors. Harvey Dent surprisingly defeats him on live TV, leading the media to question if he is Batman. That night, Bruce watches over Dent’s apartment and sees clowns go in. He fights them off with the help of Harvey Dent, and the two of them a conversion about heroism after the victory. The post credit scene features Joker meeting his prison psychologist - Harleen Quinzel.

Episode Seven: To Save the City
Gordon and his partner Harvey Bullock raid a drug operation, where due to Bullock’s ‘clumsiness’, Gordon ends up captured by the Falcone crime family. The mob leader demands the life of Batman in exchange for Gordon back. The police are given 48 hours. Richard prepares to give Bruce a presentation as to why Bruce should fund Batman - Batman agrees with everything Bruce stands for. Bruce then reveals his dual identity and recruits Richard as a sidekick. Bruce and Richard work to discover where the mob is located, and infiltrate it themselves. They discover the mob has hundreds of members, and they find Gordon. Batman and Richard (who only wears a ski mask) proceed to secretly break him out. Gordon thanks them, and says that he and Batman will have to talk soon. Gordon is placed in protective custody. The post-credit scene features Richard sewing his suit.

Episode Eight: The Rise of the Robin
In the Batcave, Alfred, Richard , and Bruce work on the installation of a multi-monitor computer. Batman and Robin attempt next to stop a robbery at an electronics store. However, due to Robin’s error, they lose the crook. Bruce is regretting recruiting Robin. The computer lights up and reveals a bombing in progress at Gotham National Bank which Bruce and Richard themselves to deal with. The duo arrive and stay back; they find fire trucks and police cars surrounding the scene. A firefighter walks into a fire truck with a sack, and the truck drives away. Robin tails the truck, while Batman enters the building to help survivors. Batman has a confrontation with Bullock, who abandons all hopes of helping the people to kill Batman. Batman wins and carries Bullock’s semi conscious body outside as the building explodes. Meanwhile, Robin confronts the men in the firetruck who were the bombers and thieves (one if them is the villain from ep. 4). Robin manages to defeat them one by one as he enters their gang’s base. The post-credit scene features Bruce giving a great presentation to the board followed by a decision to stay in Gotham.

Episode Nine: Toxicity
Derek Powers wanders into Professor Jonathan Crane's office at an unnamed university, where he acquires an airborne pathogen which should drive Wayne Inc into a great state of panic. He also acquires a computer virus to install on Lucius’ computer, an antidote to the pathogen, a strange weapon, and a serum that should enhance his body. When injected it allows him abilities similar to those of Captain America (enhanced strength). Meanwhile Bruce and Gordon are discussing the death of Bruce’s parents over coffee and how that would make Bruce a wise candidate for the mayoral run. Bruce declines the offer for now, and both of their phones buzz of a robbery at a nearby jewelry store. Gordon heads to his cop car, and Bruce suits up after grabbing a bag from his trunk. At the jewelry store, police chase after a set of motorcycles, and Batman follows with a stolen motorcycle. The thieves escape to the sewers, where only Batman can follow. When he gets down there he is engaged by a singular woman dressed in all black. She questions where he learn to fight and he said he had a teacher. After Batman defeats the woman in an intense battle, he is ambushed by three more folks dressed in similar attire. They declare that Bruce has passed the test and will begin the next phase of testing. Bruce wakes up in his bed the next day with the Batman suit stored away in the cave. In the post-credit scene, Derek Powers sets up for his assault on Wayne Inc.

Episode Ten: Wayne Inc.
The episode begins with Gordon and Dent arriving at Wayne Inc. to meet with Bruce and Lucius about crime cleanup in Gotham. They discuss finances and corruption, while Richard and Victor Stone arrive. The young duo spots a mysterious van in the parking lot with a suspicious individual. Richard makes a call to security about it, and a gang member appears behind Richard and smashes the phone. Richard combats the guy while more arrive. Wayne security joins Richard in the battle. Upstairs, Derek releases the poison into the air ducts on Wayne Inc and shuts down all computers and security cameras with a virus. In Bruce’s meeting, security runs in to escort the men of importance to a safe bunker. While en route, the security guards go crazy and attempt to kill anything they see. They wound Lucius by shooting him in the arm. Gordon begins to feel pain in his head, like a million voices screaming. Dent has to fight Gordon from killing himself out of pain, while Bruce runs to look for help. Meanwhile, Alfred arrives on scene to allow Bruce and Richard an easy suit-up. He also provides them with gas masks. Robin works with the police to take out the unknown attackers, while Batman goes inside to rescue Dent and Gordon. When he arrives, he finds Derek Powers holding a gun to both Gordon and Dent’s head. After a climactic battle between Batman and Powers, Batman defeats Powers and begins to escort him out of the building. Powers yanks off Batman’s gas mask and forces him to inhale the serum - that is when Batman realizes Powers is behind the attack (insert villainous monologue). Batman tries to fight Powers but finds himself terrified and insane. Batman falls to the ground about to lose when Dent shoots Powers in the leg. Batman and Dent escape the building while police surround Powers, and use video from Dent’s cell phone as evidence. The post-credit scene features the Joker meeting with psychologist and then kissing her. They break out of prison.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Batman Season One
Part One of Two

Before we begin, some notes. Gotham City is re-imagined to be a combination of Nolan's Chicago/Pittsburgh and Burton's heavy Gothic influence. Thomas and Martha Wayne's deaths are not shown at all in he first season, though they are mentioned. Their deaths are shown in the Cinematic Trailers, and is very similar to the ones in Batman v Superman and Batman Begins. Batman is charactericized to be mid-to-late-twenties and **** is a freshman in high school.Final note, there is no meta-humans/ magic in this season. This is supposed to be realistic to an extent.

Episode One: The Birth of the Bat
Wayne Industries plans to move several of its manufacturing units overseas due to high crime rates in Gotham City. Bruce Wayne, who wants to obey with father's legacy, makes a generous donation to the police department in hopes to reduce crime. Five months later, no changes occur, and Bruce only has a month to the shareholders meeting. He decides to take matters into his own hands. With his engineering associate Lucius Fox, Bruce borrows some equipment from the company, and build himself a leather suit. He begins his adventure of fighting crime, beginning with making a surprise arrest on the crime syndicate -Joker.

Episode Two: The Man of Clay
High School Freshman acrobat/actor **** Grayson finishes up his application to spend the winter working at Wayne Inc (with his friend Victor Stone). Currently he is in the lead role for the remake of the film Dread Castle. Basil Karlo is an actor who is angered that someone else will be playing his role. Meanwhile, as Bruce makes improvements on his suit and lair with his butler Alfred and Lucius, he hears that Karlo has gone crazy and is currently holding everyone on the movie set hostage. Bruce suits up, battles the maniac, and has help from ****, who is in awe of Batman. Police Detective James Gordon interviews **** about the vigilante in the first post credit scene.

Episode Three: Most Wanted
Bruce visits GCPD where James Gordon is interviewing witnesses about a mysterious vigilante. (It is assumed Batman has a few more outings.) Bruce wants to know what happened to the money he donated, to which Gordon has no idea. None of the police officers saw the five million that he donated. The Commissioner gives a simple reply with no substance. Bruce returns home, and with the help of Alfred and the black market plans a raid on GCPD during the night. Batman breaks in, and begins downloading files of the commissioner's personal computer. However, he is caught by Gordon and two police officers. After a confrontation, Bruce narrowly escapes with critical data on a flash drive. In the post credit scene, the Joker is meeting with his ‘lawyer.’

Episode Four: Interns
Lucius Fox leaves the team after he learns what Bruce did to GCPD, and GCPD declares Batman a terrorist and villain. Bruce arrives to the main foyer of Wayne Inc. where he (re)meets **** Grayson and his friend, Victor Stone. Both of them are interviewing for internships where the shadow corporate executives. **** expresses his interest to save Gotham, as he is an orphan much like Bruce. On his way home from his interview, **** watches as a single man robs a gas station. **** chases after the man and engages him in a fist fight. The man pulls out a gun, and hits **** first in the leg. Batman intervenes and saves ****’s life. However, he is forced to choose whether to get **** to a hospital or go after the bad guy. He decides to stay with ****, and the bad guy gets away - cigar in hand. It looks like a firefly - the further and further he gets. The post credit scene teases Fox meeting with a mysterious man - Derek Powers.

Episode Five: The Shareholder Meeting
Bruce Wayne prepares to make his case for staying in Gotham while his new secretary **** Grayson recovers. Meanwhile, Derek Powers (who is the leader of Wayne Entertainment) and Lucius Fox (who is the leader of Wayne Technologies) work together to plan a speech for moving to Metropolis. After a compelling speech by Bruce with little statistics, Derek and Lucius give a much better speech. The company is about to vote when people begin to terrorize the auditorium. Bruce is escorted out by Gordon, as are Fox and Powers. Bruce runs to the upper stairs and begins to combat the gunman in his normal clothes. Derek Powers joins him in his fight. One of the gunman reveals the codename of the man who hired them - Blight. Bruce and Derek meet afterwards. The board members who died were all those loyal to Bruce, but the company has to delay the vote. The post credit scene features Derek killing a mobster in alleyway as one of his mob gave up the name Blight.

Episode Six: The Trial of the Joker
Bruce, his newly recovered assistant ****, Alfred, Derek, and Lucius all head to the trial of the man who has created about a third of Gotham’s crime. The Joker’s lawyer is Laurel Lance of Starling City and Harvey Dent represents Gotham. Due to the means of arresting not following code (ie: Batman), Joker almost escapes with a laxer punishment. However, he confesses to hundreds of crimes and receives the punishment. Everyone in the courthouse is surprised. Outside the courthouse, a member of Joker’s gang - Mr. Hammer - attacks visitors. Harvey Dent surprisingly defeats him on live TV, leading the media to question if he is Batman. That night, Bruce watches over Dent’s apartment and sees clowns go in. He fights them off with the help of Harvey Dent, and the two of them a conversion about heroism after the victory. The post credit scene features Joker meeting his prison psychologist - Harleen Quinzel.

Episode Seven: To Save the City
Gordon and his partner Harvey Bullock raid a drug operation, where due to Bullock’s ‘clumsiness’, Gordon ends up captured by the Falcone crime family. The mob leader demands the life of Batman in exchange for Gordon back. The police are given 48 hours. **** prepares to give Bruce a presentation as to why Bruce should fund Batman - Batman agrees with everything Bruce stands for. Bruce then reveals his dual identity and recruits **** as a sidekick. Bruce and **** work to discover where the mob is located, and infiltrate it themselves. They discover the mob has hundreds of members, and they find Gordon. Batman and **** (who only wears a ski mask) proceed to secretly break him out. Gordon thanks them, and says that he and Batman will have to talk soon. Gordon is placed in protective custody. The post-credit scene features **** sewing his suit.

Episode Eight: The Rise of the Robin
In the Batcave, Alfred, ****, and Bruce work on the installation of a multi-monitor computer. Bruce and Robin attempt next to stop a robbery at an electronics store. However, due to Robin’s error, they lose the crook. Bruce is regretting recruiting Robin. The computer lights up and reveals a bombing in progress at Gotham National Bank which Bruce and **** equip themselves to deal with. The duo arrive and stay back; they find fire trucks and police cars surrounding the scene. A firefighter walks into a fire truck with a sack, and the truck drives away. Robin tails the truck, while Batman enters the building to help survivors. Batman has a confrontation with Bullock, who abandons all hopes of helping the people to kill Batman. Batman wins and carries Bullock’s semi conscious body outside as the building explodes. Meanwhile, Robin confronts the men in the firetruck who were the bombers and thieves (one if them is the villain from ep. 4). Robin manages to defeat them one by one as he enters their gang’s base. The post-credit scene features Bruce giving a great presentation to the board followed by a decision to stay in Gotham.

Episode Nine: Toxicity
Derek Powers wanders into Professor Jonathan Crane's office at an unnamed university, where he acquires an airborne pathogen which should drive Wayne Inc into a great state of panic. He also acquires a computer virus to install on Lucius’ computer, an antidote to the pathogen, a strange weapon, and a serum that should enhance his body. When injected it allows him abilities similar to those of Captain America. Meanwhile Bruce and Gordon are discussing the death of Bruce’s parents over coffee and how that would make Bruce a wise candidate for the mayoral run. Bruce declines the offer for now, and both of their phones buzz of a robbery at a nearby jewelry store. Gordon heads to his cop car, and Bruce suits up after grabbing a bag from his trunk. At the jewelry store, police chase after a set of motorcycles, and Batman follows with a stolen motorcycle. The thieves escape to the sewers, where only Batman can follow. When he gets down there he is engaged by a singular woman dressed in all black. She questions where he learn to fight and he said he had a teacher. After Batman defeats the woman in an intense battle, he is ambushed by three more folks dressed in similar attire. They declare that Bruce has passed the test and will begin the next phase of testing. Bruce wakes up in his bed the next day with the Batman suit stored away in the cave. In the post-credit scene, Derek Powers sets up for his assault on Wayne Inc.

Episode Ten: Wayne Inc.
The episode begins with Gordon and Dent arriving at Wayne Inc. to meet with Bruce and Lucius about crime cleanup in Gotham. They discuss finances and corruption, while **** and Victor Stone arrive. The young duo spots a mysterious van in the parking lot with a suspicious individual. **** makes a call to security about it, and a gang member appears behind **** and smashes the phone. **** combats the guy while more arrive. Wayne security joins **** in the battle. Upstairs, Derek releases the poison into the air ducts on Wayne Inc and shuts down all computers and security cameras with a virus. In Bruce’s meeting, security runs in to escort the men of importance to a safe bunker. While en route, the security guards go crazy and attempt to kill anything they see. They wound Lucius by shooting him in the arm. Gordon begins to feel pain in his head, like a million voices screaming. Dent has to fight Gordon from killing himself out of pain, while Bruce runs to look for help. Meanwhile, Alfred arrives on scene to allow Bruce and **** an easy suit-up. He also provides them with gas masks. Robin works with the police to take out the unknown attackers, while Batman goes inside to rescue Dent and Gordon. When he arrives, he finds Derek Powers holding a gun to both Gordon and Dent’s head. After a climactic battle between Batman and Powers, Batman defeats Powers and begins to escort him out of the building. Powers yanks off Batman’s gas mask and forces him to inhale the serum - that is when Batman realizes Powers is behind the attack (insert villainous monologue). Batman tries to fight Powers but finds himself terrified and insane. Batman falls to the ground about to lose when Dent shoots Powers in the leg. Batman and Dent escape the building while police surround Powers, and use video from Dent’s cell phone as evidence. The post-credit scene features the Joker meeting with psychologist and then kissing her. They break out of prison.
and I just realized the abbreviation of Richard is blocked...


Well-Known Member
Batman Season One
Part One of Two

Before we begin, some notes. Gotham City is re-imagined to be a combination of Nolan's Chicago/Pittsburgh and Burton's heavy Gothic influence. Thomas and Martha Wayne's deaths are not shown at all in he first season, though they are mentioned. Their deaths are shown in the Cinematic Trailers, and is very similar to the ones in Batman v Superman and Batman Begins. Batman is charactericized to be mid-to-late-twenties and Richard is a freshman in high school.Final note, there is no meta-humans/ magic in this season. This is supposed to be realistic to an extent.

EDIT: Assume Richard goes by his abbreviation, as he does in the comics, and Lego Batman (it's not a bad word!) The filter does not allow me to type it.

Episode One: The Birth of the Bat
Wayne Industries plans to move several of its manufacturing units overseas due to high crime rates in Gotham City. Bruce Wayne, who wants to obey with father's legacy, makes a generous donation to the police department in hopes to reduce crime. Five months later, no changes occur, and Bruce only has a month to the shareholders meeting. He decides to take matters into his own hands. With his engineering associate Lucius Fox, Bruce borrows some equipment from the company, and build himself a leather suit. He begins his adventure of fighting crime, beginning with making a surprise arrest on the crime syndicate -Joker.

Episode Two: The Man of Clay
High School Freshman acrobat/actor Richard Grayson finishes up his application to spend the winter working at Wayne Inc (with his friend Victor Stone). Currently he is in the lead role for the remake of the film Dread Castle. Basil Karlo is an actor who is angered that someone else will be playing his role. Meanwhile, as Bruce makes improvements on his suit and lair with his butler Alfred and Lucius, he hears that Karlo has gone crazy and is currently holding everyone on the movie set hostage. Bruce suits up, battles the maniac, and has help from Richard, who is in awe of Batman. Police Detective James Gordon interviews Richard about the vigilante in the first post credit scene.

Episode Three: Most Wanted
Bruce visits GCPD where James Gordon is interviewing witnesses about a mysterious vigilante. (It is assumed Batman has a few more outings.) Bruce wants to know what happened to the money he donated, to which Gordon has no idea. None of the police officers saw the five million that he donated. The Commissioner gives a simple reply with no substance. Bruce returns home, and with the help of Alfred and the black market plans a raid on GCPD during the night. Batman breaks in, and begins downloading files of the commissioner's personal computer. However, he is caught by Gordon and two police officers. After a confrontation, Bruce narrowly escapes with critical data on a flash drive. In the post credit scene, the Joker is meeting with his ‘lawyer.’

Episode Four: Interns
Lucius Fox leaves the team after he learns what Bruce did to GCPD, and GCPD declares Batman a terrorist and villain. Bruce arrives to the main foyer of Wayne Inc. where he (re)meets Richard Grayson and his friend, Victor Stone. Both of them are interviewing for internships where the shadow corporate executives. Richard expresses his interest to save Gotham, as he is an orphan much like Bruce. On his way home from his interview, Richard watches as a single man robs a gas station. Richard chases after the man and engages him in a fist fight. The man pulls out a gun, and hits Richard first in the leg. Batman intervenes and saves Richard's life. However, he is forced to choose whether to get Richard to a hospital or go after the bad guy. He decides to stay with Richard, and the bad guy gets away - cigar in hand. It looks like a firefly - the further and further he gets. The post credit scene teases Fox meeting with a mysterious man - Derek Powers.

Episode Five: The Shareholder Meeting
Bruce Wayne prepares to make his case for staying in Gotham while his new secretary Richard Grayson recovers. Meanwhile, Derek Powers (who is the leader of Wayne Entertainment) and Lucius Fox (who is the leader of Wayne Technologies) work together to plan a speech for moving to Metropolis. After a compelling speech by Bruce with little statistics, Derek and Lucius give a much better speech. The company is about to vote when people begin to terrorize the auditorium. Bruce is escorted out by Gordon, as are Fox and Powers. Bruce runs to the upper stairs and begins to combat the gunman in his normal clothes. Derek Powers joins him in his fight. One of the gunman reveals the codename of the man who hired them - Blight. Bruce and Derek meet afterwards. The board members who died were all those loyal to Bruce, but the company has to delay the vote. The post credit scene features Derek killing a mobster in alleyway as one of his mob gave up the name Blight.

Episode Six: The Trial of the Joker
Bruce, his newly recovered assistant Richard, Alfred, Derek, and Lucius all head to the trial of the man who has created about a third of Gotham’s crime. The Joker’s lawyer is Laurel Lance of Starling City and Harvey Dent represents Gotham. Due to the means of arresting not following code (ie: Batman), Joker almost escapes with a laxer punishment. However, he confesses to hundreds of crimes and receives the punishment. Everyone in the courthouse is surprised. Outside the courthouse, a member of Joker’s gang - Mr. Hammer - attacks visitors. Harvey Dent surprisingly defeats him on live TV, leading the media to question if he is Batman. That night, Bruce watches over Dent’s apartment and sees clowns go in. He fights them off with the help of Harvey Dent, and the two of them a conversion about heroism after the victory. The post credit scene features Joker meeting his prison psychologist - Harleen Quinzel.

Episode Seven: To Save the City
Gordon and his partner Harvey Bullock raid a drug operation, where due to Bullock’s ‘clumsiness’, Gordon ends up captured by the Falcone crime family. The mob leader demands the life of Batman in exchange for Gordon back. The police are given 48 hours. Richard prepares to give Bruce a presentation as to why Bruce should fund Batman - Batman agrees with everything Bruce stands for. Bruce then reveals his dual identity and recruits Richard as a sidekick. Bruce and Richard work to discover where the mob is located, and infiltrate it themselves. They discover the mob has hundreds of members, and they find Gordon. Batman and Richard (who only wears a ski mask) proceed to secretly break him out. Gordon thanks them, and says that he and Batman will have to talk soon. Gordon is placed in protective custody. The post-credit scene features Richard sewing his suit.

Episode Eight: The Rise of the Robin
In the Batcave, Alfred, Richard , and Bruce work on the installation of a multi-monitor computer. Batman and Robin attempt next to stop a robbery at an electronics store. However, due to Robin’s error, they lose the crook. Bruce is regretting recruiting Robin. The computer lights up and reveals a bombing in progress at Gotham National Bank which Bruce and Richard themselves to deal with. The duo arrive and stay back; they find fire trucks and police cars surrounding the scene. A firefighter walks into a fire truck with a sack, and the truck drives away. Robin tails the truck, while Batman enters the building to help survivors. Batman has a confrontation with Bullock, who abandons all hopes of helping the people to kill Batman. Batman wins and carries Bullock’s semi conscious body outside as the building explodes. Meanwhile, Robin confronts the men in the firetruck who were the bombers and thieves (one if them is the villain from ep. 4). Robin manages to defeat them one by one as he enters their gang’s base. The post-credit scene features Bruce giving a great presentation to the board followed by a decision to stay in Gotham.

Episode Nine: Toxicity
Derek Powers wanders into Professor Jonathan Crane's office at an unnamed university, where he acquires an airborne pathogen which should drive Wayne Inc into a great state of panic. He also acquires a computer virus to install on Lucius’ computer, an antidote to the pathogen, a strange weapon, and a serum that should enhance his body. When injected it allows him abilities similar to those of Captain America (enhanced strength). Meanwhile Bruce and Gordon are discussing the death of Bruce’s parents over coffee and how that would make Bruce a wise candidate for the mayoral run. Bruce declines the offer for now, and both of their phones buzz of a robbery at a nearby jewelry store. Gordon heads to his cop car, and Bruce suits up after grabbing a bag from his trunk. At the jewelry store, police chase after a set of motorcycles, and Batman follows with a stolen motorcycle. The thieves escape to the sewers, where only Batman can follow. When he gets down there he is engaged by a singular woman dressed in all black. She questions where he learn to fight and he said he had a teacher. After Batman defeats the woman in an intense battle, he is ambushed by three more folks dressed in similar attire. They declare that Bruce has passed the test and will begin the next phase of testing. Bruce wakes up in his bed the next day with the Batman suit stored away in the cave. In the post-credit scene, Derek Powers sets up for his assault on Wayne Inc.

Episode Ten: Wayne Inc.
The episode begins with Gordon and Dent arriving at Wayne Inc. to meet with Bruce and Lucius about crime cleanup in Gotham. They discuss finances and corruption, while Richard and Victor Stone arrive. The young duo spots a mysterious van in the parking lot with a suspicious individual. Richard makes a call to security about it, and a gang member appears behind Richard and smashes the phone. Richard combats the guy while more arrive. Wayne security joins Richard in the battle. Upstairs, Derek releases the poison into the air ducts on Wayne Inc and shuts down all computers and security cameras with a virus. In Bruce’s meeting, security runs in to escort the men of importance to a safe bunker. While en route, the security guards go crazy and attempt to kill anything they see. They wound Lucius by shooting him in the arm. Gordon begins to feel pain in his head, like a million voices screaming. Dent has to fight Gordon from killing himself out of pain, while Bruce runs to look for help. Meanwhile, Alfred arrives on scene to allow Bruce and Richard an easy suit-up. He also provides them with gas masks. Robin works with the police to take out the unknown attackers, while Batman goes inside to rescue Dent and Gordon. When he arrives, he finds Derek Powers holding a gun to both Gordon and Dent’s head. After a climactic battle between Batman and Powers, Batman defeats Powers and begins to escort him out of the building. Powers yanks off Batman’s gas mask and forces him to inhale the serum - that is when Batman realizes Powers is behind the attack (insert villainous monologue). Batman tries to fight Powers but finds himself terrified and insane. Batman falls to the ground about to lose when Dent shoots Powers in the leg. Batman and Dent escape the building while police surround Powers, and use video from Dent’s cell phone as evidence. The post-credit scene features the Joker meeting with psychologist and then kissing her. They break out of prison.
Cast the right person as Batman and I’m about 1,000,000% sold on this


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A/N: Before I begin, I just wanted to say that I thought the plot of Snyder's Man of Steel was near perfect. As you can probably tell, this movie is very similar with a few small differences. The key differences are that the movie will be much more optimistic, Superman will be genuinely happy, and the color grading in the movie will be colorful (see here). Part 2 of Batman Season One will be posted on Friday! Enjoy!


The planet Krypton, unstable from years of industrial mining, faces impending destruction. Jor-El, chief advisor to Krypton's supreme council, recommends the council give him control of the genetics codex. Before any action can be taken, soldiers led by General Zod, an old friend of Jor-El's, launch an uprising and arrest the councilors. Realizing that Krypton is doomed, Jor-El steals genetic codes sought by Zod and infuses them into the DNA of his infant son, Kal-El – the first naturally born Kryptonian child in centuries. Donning his old armor, Jor-El sacrifices his life to allow his son to escape on a preprogrammed spacecraft. Zod orders the rocket's destruction, only to learn that forces loyal to the council have suppressed the rebellion. In a brief trial, Zod and several of the surviving rebels are convicted of treason and sentenced to the Phantom Zone moments before Krypton explodes. NOTE: There will be a Braniac Easter Egg in this section

Following Jor-El's coordinates, the ship crash lands on Earth in Smallville, Kansas. A childless couple, Jonathan and Martha Kent, find Kal-El and raise him as their own, naming him Clark. Clark eventually develops superhuman powers, and uses them to stop local bullies and criminals. He then learns his true origins from Jonathan, who urges him to do good with his powers but stay safe. He helps Clark fabricate his alter ego of Superman, and set up shop in his abandoned spaceship.

Several months later, Metropolis, Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane receives an assignment to investigate the discovery of a Kryptonian scout ship in the Canadian Arctic. Disguised as a worker, Clark enters the ship and activates its central computer using a key left by Jor-El, which allows him to communicate with an artificial intelligence modeled after his father. The AI explains that Clark was sent to Earth to guide its people, and presents him with a Kryptonian uniform bearing his family's symbol. While following Clark, Lois inadvertently triggers the ship's security system. Clark uses his powers to rescue Lois before wearing the uniform and testing his flying abilities. Unable to convince supervisor Perry White to publish an article on the incident, Lois tracks down Clark and agrees to keep his secret safe.

Escaping the Phantom Zone, Zod and his crew intercept a transmission from the scout vessel and travel to Earth. Deducing that Kal-El is nearby, they broadcast a global address demanding that he surrender or risk war. Clark meets with the United States Army and agrees to comply, with Lois joining him as a hostage. Zod reveals that he possesses advanced terraforming equipment salvaged from Kryptonian outposts, which he intends to use to transform Earth into a new Krypton. His science officer, Jax-Ur, extracts Clark's genes to create Kryptonian colonists who will annihilate humanity and build a society based on Zod's ideals of genetic purity. With help from Jor-El, Clark and Lois flee and warn the U.S. military, just as Zod orders an invasion.

Given the codename "Superman", Clark destroys the terraforming platform, while his human allies launch a suicide attack, killing Zod's troops. With the ship destroyed and Krypton's only hope of revival gone, Zod vows to destroy the Earth and its inhabitants. Zod fights Superman and in the process they both destroy downtown Metropolis. They then crash into a train station, where Zod kills some of the passengers of whom Jonathan Kent is a part of (and he is killed), forcing Superman to “Hulk out” (for lack of a better term) and fly Zod into the sun.

Superman persuades the government to let him act independently, so long as he does not turn against humanity. To allow access to dangerous situations without attracting attention, Clark takes a job as a freelance reporter for the Daily Planet, and travels to Gotham to investigate the “Batman.”

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Batman Season One
Part Two of Two


A/N: I lied. Part Two is being posted now. Enjoy. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions, leave a reply and I promise I will get back to ya! :)

EDIT: Typos.

Episode Eleven: Aftermath
After the events of the winter finale, Wayne Inc stock prices have plummeted. The company is not sure how to proceed and considers selling to either the booming LexCorp or Queen Consolidated. Lucius, however, proposes a plan which will cuts hundreds of jobs but save the company until they figure out a long-term plan. The board agrees. Meanwhile, Gordon and Bullock follow a lead on the Joker where they instead find a room full of pictures and dolls of Dent, all stabbed. They run out of the hotel to try and save Dent, but arrive at his apartment too late. In the third plot arc throughout the episode, Robin works with Alfred to discover the identity of the man who killed his parents. He fights his way into Falcone’s base of operations and GCPD to piece together a singular name.

Episode Twelve: Chaos Theory
The episode opens with Joker discussing morality and vision with Dent. Joker believes that everyone should do what makes themselves happy, while Dent argues that everyone serves to better society. Joker questions man’s obligation to society, and what society offers in return to which Dent calmly lists the benefits. Eventually, Joker is able to convince Dent that Joker wants no part in society, which doesn’t make the Joker a criminal. Joker then manages to convince Dent that he has not been true to his own vision of society - look at corruption in the police force and the increased crime rate. Dent makes the decision to become a vigilante to which the Joker smiles. Meanwhile, Richard enjoys a school trip to Six Flags. Batman suits up and tries to stop a robbery at a jewelry store, where he meets Catwoman - who claims that she is a new vigilante like Batman. Batman and her talk, kiss, and spend the night. Meanwhile, Bullock recounts his time in Afghanistan to Gordon. The post credit scene features Bruce wakes up with a note on his bed that says “Toodles Bruce! <3” and a single diamond ring.

Episode Thirteen: Of Dogs and Men
Gordon asks Bruce for permission to enter an abandoned factory of Wayne Chemical. Bruce allows them, but asks why to which Gordon whispers that it is where the Joker and Dent are. Batman, Robin, Gordon, and Bullock enter the facility to find Dent dangling above a chemical. Batman goes to save him, but the Joker stands before him. After an intense battle which leaves Gordon, Bullock, and Robin surrendered, Joker orders his soldiers to knock them out. Joker tells Batman he can either catch the Joker or save Dent. After a moment and Dent’s disagreement, Batman chooses to save Dent. However, as Batman runs to save him the Joker drops him anyways. As the Joker and his men leave the facility, Batman pulls Dent’s body out of the chemical to find half of his body disfigured. Bruce calls 911 and leaves with Robin over his shoulders. The post credit scene shows Alfred conversing with Richard on morality.

Episode Fourteen: Two Face
The episode opens with Harvey Dent creating a new business suit - half black and half white while sitting in his hospital room. The Joker arrives, dressed as a nurse and offers Dent a chance to be truly free from all of society’s constraints. Dent agrees (after another long philosophical debate), and the Joker wheels Dent out of the hospital as it explodes. Meanwhile. Bruce heads to the hospital explosion site to do philanthropic work where he meets Nora Fries, who was badly injured in the explosion. She will not live long. Bruce donates money to help rebuild the hospital and names it after his father. Richard reports to Bruce about a 911 call made from a nearby house, and they suit up from Bruce’s limo. Inside the house, Batman and Robin find a corrupt police officer dead and a note from a vigilante calling himself “Two-Face.” Batman realizes this is Dent. Throughout the next week, attacks on corrupt police officers and mob enforcers occur. The final battle occurs when Dent goes after a mysterious man, which Batman and Robin stop him during the act. After defeating Dent, the man reveals himself to be the Carmine Falcone, and says that he owes the two vigilantes a favor. The post credit scene features the Italian analyzing the fingerprints of those involved in the front. He comes up with a single name - Richard Grayson.

Episode Fifteen: Left to Chance
The episode opens with Gordon interrogating Dent, who provides Gordon with no answer other than that he has a revelation. Dent was already a hero to Gotham; why did he ruin his image? Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne is caught at a nightclub and accidentally gets a bit too drunk and has to spend the week behind bars. Little does the public know that this is Batman’s plan to see the inside of GCPD. Meanwhile, a new burglar has been stealing museum artifacts that correspond to the day of the week (Thor’s hammer for Thursday, etc.). Robin investigates and as the police set up a trap on Sunday, Robin combats Calendar Man at Gotham City International Airport. The post credit scene features Bruce being released and being swarmed by media.

Episode Sixteen: Gotham’s Fallen
The episode opens with Dent escaping prison with Calendar Man, Firefly, Blight, and Clayface. The five of them separate upon escape and the news outlets cover it the next morning. Throughout the episode, Gordon and Bullock work to catch Calender Man, who is planning to explode a paper mill outside of Gotham. Meanwhile, Basil Karlo (Clayface) begins his drive to Hollywood, but he is stopped by Batman and Robin in a high speed chase. The post credit scene features Derek Powers escaping a nuclear power plant with uranium.

Episode Seventeen: Ways and Means
The episode opens with Bruce confronting Lucius - pleading for his help to put an end to Derek Powers. Lucius agrees as he has a vendetta against Powers. Lucius arrives in the Batcave and begins to give it some technical updates. Batman and Robin wait for Derek Powers as he brings a tank of nuclear waste into Wayne Inc. He and Batman fight while Robin tries to move the heavy crate. The episode concludes with with Derek literally ripping open the lid and submerging himself inside it as tactical teams run into Wayne Inc. Meanwhile, Gordon and Bullock receive the location of the Falcone’s primary HQ, and Commissioner Loeb orders them to go after it. The duo suits up with a team of highly trained military folks; however, the mob expects their arrival. Gordon, Bullock, and three of the fifty men escape, while the rest die. The post credit scene features Loeb receiving a check from the Carmine Falcone.

Episode Eighteen: Revelations
The episode opens with Lucius decrypting the police flash drive and then SWAT and police teams swarming Wayne Inc. after they saw the location where the flash drive was opened. Bruce throws the flash drive (in a container) down the garbage chute and closes all files while Lucius works to delete memory from the computer and security cameras and Bruce sends an encrypted message to Richard. Richard recovers the flash drive and hides it in his pocket. SWAT teams swarm Lucius’ office, but manages to convince them that while the real hacker may be in Wayne Inc. it is more likely that they rerouted their IP address to the largest building in Gotham as a diversion. Commissioner Loeb sends his tech expert to investigate. He finds nothing. Later in the episode, Bruce holds a massive party while Lucius and Richard spend the night as Batman and Robin. Lucius uses his advanced technology to make up for his older age and lack of athleticism. They bring down Firefly and put him behind bars. The post credit scene features Harvey Bullock escorting Dent’s family into protective custody.

Episode Nineteen: Slight of Hand
The episode begins with Lucius uploading all of the secret police files (under user name Oracle) to WikiLeaks in the Batcave. He explains the futility of the documents in a court of law, and the hundreds of law he and Bruce have broken. The Batman email address receives an encrypted message from Gordon. Batman and Robin meet with Gordon and Bullock, neither of which are incriminated by the files. Gordon hands Batman a file on the Joker’s club, where he and Harley Quinn are hiding. Gordon asserts that GCPD as a whole can not go after them due to criticisms from the leaks, but that Gordon and Bullock will join Batman. While Bruce is uneasy about this partnership, he agrees. Richard enters the club in the persona of an Austrian noble who wears a mask, and he is able to give Fox - who receives the code name Oracle - details on the inside of the club. The Joker requests to meet with Richard. The Joker, obviously, thinks Richard is someone else - someone called the King. Individuals with code names Jack, the Queen, and Ace are also in the meeting. Joker shoots the Queen as he doesn’t like her and replaces her with Harley. The group’s first face-to-face meeting. Outside, Gordon and Bullock notice the actual King entering the alleyway and promptly arrest him. Guns are fired, which can be heard inside the club. Joker brings all of his mysterious group to his personal limo as they drive away. Batman enters pursuit, but the Joker’s limo is heavily armed. Richard blows his cover and combats Harley Quinn, while Joker and Jack are on guns, and Ace dries. Richard knocks Harley out of the car, and he begins to battle her as Batman and Joker drive forwards. It’s only after the Joker escapes that he realizes they are gone, and what happens. Harley Quinn is locked up, and the post-credit scene features the Joker hanging up a hundred painted pictures of Richard Grayson, each with a knife stabbed through it.

Episode Twenty: Sheer Chance
The episode begins with Dent walking into Wayne Manor where he claims the next man that wronged him is - Bruce Wayne. He claims Bruce is the reason for Gotham’s condition, as he thinks all of Gotham’s problems can be solved with money. One sentimental item at a time, Dent destroys everything in Bruce’s house while Bruce watches. Dent flips a coin, which leads him to spare Bruce’s life, but he lights the mansion on fire. Dent then says he will end crime like Batman never could. Bruce decides to stop his mansion from burning instead of chasing Dent. That night, three of the corrupt police officers are found dead in their beds, and one is found badly injured. He claims Dent is the attacker. Gordon and Bullock are assigned to guard the commissioner's mansion. Dent enters and him and Gordon have one final standoff and Dent asks Gordon to join his crusade. Batman and Robin ambush Dent, saving Gordon’s life. However, just as Batman holds a dagger to Dent’s head, Commissioner Loeb arrives and points his gun at Batman. Everyone draws their weapons on another - Robin on Loeb, Bullock on Robin, and Gordon on Bullock. There are lots of monologues on justice, loyalty, and power. Dent interrupts Loeb’s speech with his gunfire. Loeb is dead, and Batman begins to beat Dent out of rage. The post credit scene shows Bullock being promoted to Commissioner and Gordon receiving a dishonorable discharge from the force.
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Batman Season Two
Part One of Two


A/N: The biggest challenge for me this season was finding multiple reasonable ways for Batman to have his trust betrayed. You'll see how I tried to do this later. My other main goal was to start introducing more of the main characters for the entirety of the DCEU. You'll see that once this half, and definitely more the next half. As for progress, I am wrapping up the second half of the season now, and I have completed Wonder Woman. Also I want to get some more activity in this thread so I'm going to ask a random question with every post:

QOTD: Who is you're favorite 'villain' in the Batman TV Show?

Episode One: Batman Reborn
The episode begins with Robin stopping a terror attack by some criminal gang who are all dressed as Batman. The trio overpower Robin, and tell him that if Batman doesn’t come to fight them, Gotham will fall. They then prove their power by blowing up a local apartment building, and Richard struggles to save a few. Meanwhile, Bruce is out getting drunk - trying to forget about the corruption of Harvey Dent. There is a neat Rachel Dawes reference (she is a woman Bruce dated in college, who Bruce forgot about). After his night, Alfred drives him home and fills him in on Richard’s adventures, though Bruce does not care. In order to stop violence, Richard wears the Batman suit to fight the squadron - however, they know he is not the real Batman. Richard is getting demolished; however, after Bruce’s change of heart upon watching Richard’s failure, he equips himself in Lucius’ new suit and joins the fight. The three members of the gang are crushed by the dynamic duo. The post credit scene shows Bruce analyzing the gag’s equipment and finding that they are government agents.

Episode Two: Memento
Richard has to spend the night working the graveyard shift at a theme park at Gotham City Pier. Meanwhile, a woman wearing half of a mask has been destroying things related to Gillian B. Loeb - starting with his tombstone, his old house (which has recently been sitting abandoned). Bruce suspects she is going to go after his family, who are living in an apartment building, next. Batman engages the criminal there and is able to save the family's life. Loeb’s wife, hold a gun to Batman’s head, and Batman realizes that he was set up. As the police start to swarm the building, Commissioner Bullock walks to unmask Batman. However, He gets electrically shocked by the mask, and in that diversion, Batman escapes. The post credit scene shows Gordon in a dimly lit office analyzing photos labeled - Gotham City Mayoral Corruption.

Episode Three: Headhunter
The episode opens with a worker in the mayoral office watching the current mayor hire an assassin to kill James Gordon. The worker sends an email to and Lucius is immediately notified. Richard mysteriously is able to get information of the assassin including a resume. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Gordon is now a private investigator doing some digging into the mayor’s personal life. Gordon’s wife divorced him and he is only able to see his kids - James Jr. and Barbara on weekends. Batman and Robin wait outside Gordon’s office and tail him to his apartment and watch. They see the Headhunter and engage him inside Gordon’s apartment. Upon this victory, the police arrive and take Gordon into “protective custody”. The Headhunter is mysteriously waiting for Gordon and Bullock at GCPD, and he shoots Gordon. However, Bullock pushes Gordon out of the way, and Bullock is severely injured. Gordon is amazed by his former partner’s bravery, and is able to kill the Headhunter. The post credit scene shows Richard meeting up with a mysterious individual and speaking Italian.

Episode Four: Numerus
Richard again can not join Bruce again due to his “job at the pier.” Batman suits up to take on a new mob enforcer for Carmine Falcone who has killed many individuals in the past week. Batman intercepts the enforcer who is dressed in all orange and engages him in combat. The enforcer is able to gain the upper hand and surprise Batman, yet he leaves Batman alive. Bruce spends time training in the cave, and Gordon gives Batman a file on everything GCPD knows on the enforcer (Gordon uses a back-door entry to the system he created before his dismissal). He goes by the name Numerus and has been one of the top enforcers since summer. That night, Batman engages Numerus in battle, and defeats him. Upon taking off his mask, Batman sees that it is Richard Grayson. Richard punches Batman, while he is shocked and escapes the scene. The post credit scene shows Richard talking to the leader of the mob in Italian. Phrases like “He knows” and “We’re all dead” are translated.

Episode Five: Recollection
Bruce returns to the Batcave incredibly angry, yelling about Richard’s betrayal. He shuns Alfred and Lucius, and the next day is found passed out at a club. Bruce reconnects with a criminal he met last year - a woman in all black who he fought in the sewers and barely defeated (S1 EP 9). The woman introduces herself as Talia, and tells Bruce that she was being held captive by the four men that she was with. She then asks for Bruce’s help in defeating them. The two of them engage the four men in all black and defeat them in a crowded hotel. Bruce and Talia spend the night together. Meanwhile, Lucius suits up as the Batman and works to catch the “Dodger” a criminal who threatens individuals to do his dirty work by placing bombs around their neck. The episode concludes with Bat-Lucius defeating the Dodger and Bruce inviting Talia to join Team Batman, as they begin to date. The post credit scene shows Talia meeting with the masked men, who reveal that she is their leader.

Episode Six: World’s Greatest Detective
The episode opens with Batman and Talia (who rejects a code name) defeating a random criminal. Talia proceeds to kill him, which makes Bruce disappointed. Meanwhile. Lucius is able to piece together that Richard is not a part of the mob by choice. He asks Gordon (who learns that Richard Grayson is Robin and Lucius is a part of the Bat Family, but still does not know who Batman is) to infiltrate the mob and learn Richard’s motivation. Richard reveals to Gordon (via flashbacks) that the leader somehow knows both Richard and Batman’s dual identities and will sell them out if Richard doesn’t do as he says. Richard has to help the mob leader stop a rebellion lead by the top enforcer - who calls himself Brutus. Richard explains how Falcone refers to his empire as the next Roman empire, and how they are being slowly weakened by a rival Italian family - Sal Marconi. Richard tells Gordon not to worry and to “Watch the Guardsmen game on Christmas.” The Guardsmen are the football team, and they are not playing on Christmas. The post credit scene shows Bruce purchasing Talia a nice necklace and the two happily sit by the fire. Alfred proceeds to slip a tracker into her phone.

Episode Seven: The Jokes on Him
Hundreds of cellphone images show the Joker at the Gotham City pier. However, with no circumstantial evidence, Bruce and Talia head to the pier for a “date.” After spending a day at the pier, no conclusions are made. Bruce and Talia pass out in a nearby hotel room. Meanwhile, the Joker leads a jailbreak to free Harley. Thus, Numerus (who claims that the Joker not gaining power is in the Falcone’s best interest) works to stop collateral damage, but the Joker and Quinn escape. Lucius later analyzes Bruce and Talia’s blood to find a mysterious drug in it. The post credit scene shows Alfred analyzing the tracker in Talia’s phone; she is currently not in Wayne Manor, rather in Crime Alley.

Episode Eight: The Scientist
The episode opens with a man found dead in Wayne Inc.’s atrium, completely frozen. Central City Forensics expert Barry Allen analyzes the body and shows that he was frozen from a particular point outwards, not all at once. This must have been done by technology not known to the public. Lucius discovers designs for a prototype designed by Dr. Victor Fries (a Wayne Inc. employee) would do just that. There are no images of Fries anywhere on the web, but Lucius and Bruce enter his lab at Wayne Inc with Barry and Bullock, where they find several frozen bodies, and several prototype machines. After this “chilling” scene (heh), Bruce and Lucius do some digging and find the former employees address. Batman then meets Dr. Victor Fries, a completely normal scientist specializing in cryogenics. He explains the cold gun is just one of his many works in the field, and he then says he is not a criminal or a vigilante. The police suddenly swarm Victor’s house, and as Batman plans to escape, he is shot by a cold gun. Victor complies with the officers who swarm the house, and they see Batman with a knee frozen. Batman miraculously escapes, with the aid of Robin and the forensic scientist’s clumsiness with a gun. The post credit scene shows Alfred reading a text Talia sent out to someone in the Middle-East - “Mission Accomplished.”

Episode Nine: The Candidate
It is time for the mayoral election in Gotham - current mayor Armand Krol announces that he will not be running again. Victor Fries tosses his hat into the ring. Victor reveals his wife was severely injured at the hospital that the Joker blew up, and now has Parkinson’s disease. This reassures Bruce slightly, although he still does trust the man. Meanwhile, Talia has disappeared, and Batman is searching the city for her. Lucius hacks (using Alfred’s tracker) Talia’s phone and discovers her at a private hanger at Gotham International. Batman arrives there and comes into conflict with her when he sneaks aboard her private jet. She claims she was kidnapped by the evil organization. She asks Bruce to trust her, and he does. The episode concludes with her betraying Bruce’s trust and pushing him out of the plane, saying that she never actually loved him. As Batman glides over Gotham in a black parachute he realizes that she was working with those men the whole time. The post credit scene features Richard suiting up.

Episode Ten: While Rome Burns
It is Christmas Day, and Bruce and company are exchanging presents. Lucius’ camera in GCPD lights up and shows a live video. Richard stands in one end zone, while an older man stands in the other. Many more sit in the stands. Falcone Marconi tells Richard that all he has to is win the duel, and then proclaim then the Brutus reveals that he killed Richard’s parents. Richard is motivated further, but Brutus gets the upper hand. Batman arrives, along with GCPD to interrupt the fight. As most flee, Richard continues to fight Brutus. In the end, Batman takes out Falcone, while Richard kills Sunfire, who reveals that his real name is “Tony Zucco” and he was hired to kill Richard’s parents and take out Falcone by Sal Marconi. With the mob destroyed, Batman and crew make a miraculous escape. The post credit scene features Bruce welcoming Richard home, and both parties apologizing.
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Wonder Woman

The daughter of Queen Hippolyta, Diana was raised on the hidden island of Themyscira, home to the Amazonian race of warrior women created by Zeus to protect mankind. As a young child, Diana wants nothing more than to train like the rest of her people. Hippolyta shares the Amazonian history with Diana, including how Ares became jealous of mankind and worked to orchestrate its destruction. When the rest of the gods from Mount Olympus attempt to stop him, Ares attempts to kill all of the Gods. Zeus leaves the Amazons a weapon, the "Godkiller", in case Ares should ever return. Ares kills both Zeus and Hera, leaving Olympus without a master. The other gods flee the burning Olympus, presumably to go into hiding.

Initially forbidding Diana to train, Hippolyta agrees to allow her sister Antiope to train Diana, so long as she trains her harder than any other warrior in the army. As a young woman in 1918, Diana rescues American pilot Captain Steve Trevor after his plane crashes off Themyscira's coast. The island is soon invaded by a German cruiser pursuing Trevor. The Amazons engage and kill all of the German sailors, but Antiope sacrifices herself to save Diana. Interrogated with the Lasso of Hestia, Trevor reveals that a war is raging in the outside world, and that he is an Allied spy. He has stolen a notebook with valuable information from the Spanish chief chemist Isabel Maru, who is attempting to engineer a deadlier form of mustard gas under the orders of General Erich Ludendorff from a weapons facility in the Ottoman empire. Believing Ares is responsible for the war, Diana arms herself with the "Godkiller" sword, the Lasso of Hestia, and armor before leavings Themyscira with Trevor to find and destroy Ares.

When the two arrive in London, they deliver Maru's notebook to the Supreme War Council, including Sir Patrick Morgan, who is trying to negotiate an armistice with Germany. Diana translates Maru's notes and reveals that the Germans plan to release the deadly gas at the warfront. Although forbidden by his commanders to act, Trevor, with secret funding from Morgan, recruits spy Sameer, marksman Charlie, and smuggler Chief to help prevent the gas from being released. When the team reaches the Western Front in Belgium, they are halted by the enemy lines. Diana pushes alone through no man's land and rallies the Allied forces behind her to liberate the village of Veld. The team briefly celebrates, while Diana and Trevor grow closer romantically.

The team learns a gala will be held at the nearby German High Command. Trevor and Diana each infiltrate the party, he intending to locate the gas and destroy it, she intending to kill Ludendorff, believing he is Ares and that killing him will end the war. Trevor stops her to avoid jeopardizing the mission. Ludendorff unleashes the gas on Veld, killing its inhabitants. Diana blames Trevor for intervening and pursues Ludendorff to a base where the gas is being loaded into a bomber aircraft bound for London. Diana fights and kills Ludendorff but is confused when his death does not stop the war.

After her original plan fails, Maru decides that she must take matters into her own hands. She releases a wave of her first attempt at the poisonous gas. It is slow acting. She promises a cure to the Allied Forces if they bring her the head of Diana. This proves how corruptible man is and how they value their own individual lives more than that of the greater good. Diana prepare to surrender herself to save Trevor and the allies. However, Trevor will not take this. He states that there must be a reason why she was brought to them and can resist the poison. However, the Allied forces capture her and surrender her to Dr. Poison. In an epic final battle, Diana stops Dr. Poison and Trevor sacrifices himself to destroy all of her gas. Having come to the realization that each human is capable of much good and much evil, she begins her abandonment to humanity, while the Allies capture Maru.

In the post credit scenes, Morgan congratulates Diana at an assembly before walking alone to a secret lair. He complains of how Diana foiled his plan to ruin civilization, and lure the gods into the open. He claims he was promised no interventions in his war. A voice tells him four words “History wants to happen.” In another scene, The Amazons manage to rebuild/improve Trevor's plane, but with concealment like the island.

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