Originally posted by Johnny 5
What is great about this attraction aside from its stunning visual, audio, and sensory effects it won’t bore you and will more then likely not get old
Shrek is not like that; this ride starts out fun from the second you step into the line.
Fun from the second you step in line? You must be easily amused, because I don't think watching clips from the movie separated by screens telling you that you can purchase the movie in the giftshop is my idea of fun. Maybe the fantasyland looking shields and banners did it for you. In what way is the giftshop fun?!
And I wouldn't say any of the effects were stunning, since basically all of them were already used more effectively in Honey I shrunk the Audience (sneezing water effect, rat tails on the legs, moving seats, or in this case moving theater.) And the jokes were all just rehashes of things already used in the movie. Every segment felt like a glued on cheap 3d trick. I was bored of this attraction halfway through.
And I surprised to see that some people here seem to think Shrek had some secret formula that made it appeal to children and adults effectively. The muppets and Pixar have always done this, and many times more effectively, without feeling the need to resort to the low brow extremely easy humor Shrek uses non stop.