Return of the College Program?

When do you think the DCP will begin again?

  • Spring 2021

    Votes: 5 4.5%
  • Summer 2021

    Votes: 10 8.9%
  • Fall 2021

    Votes: 34 30.4%
  • 2022/Later

    Votes: 63 56.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I did DCP at the DLR maybe six years ago and actually really loved the program. I think the only thing that got on my nerves were the hyper brand-positive DCP CMs who thought them working in custodial was going to promise them a corporate role immediately after the program.

Other than that, it was terrific and I was actually able to leverage the CP as an internship that got me an entry-level role at "the world's largest online retailer" that I'm still with today, but in a much more senior role. Net net, the program has it's perks.

But to really answer the OP, 2022.


Well-Known Member
I did two CP's (2009 and 2013). Amazing experiences for me (5 roommates in 2009, 1 roommate in 2013). I actually met my wife on the second CP.

As far as the party They were not for me, I never went once. But the stories I've heard would make any parent of those kids absolutely sick. Definitely not appropriate to mention on these forums.
The cleaning crew had better deep clean those "party" busses at the end of the night!


Well-Known Member
From what friends of mine who were in the CP say, it's basically cheap labor and terrible living conditions.

I've never been enamoured of Disney's CP.

I did three programs, all of which were year long, and I always laughed when the new CPs realized half way through their program that they were just cheap Labor like no one had ever realized this lol. Yes we are cheap labor, but you get what you give. I did a ton of classes, events, volunteer work, behind the scenes tours etc and have turned my program into 12 years with the company working at DCL and managing at the Disney Store. I also have a network of friends all over the world which I treasure. But I also saw lots of participants go into it and not put in any effort and hate it. It all depends on the individual :)

Parker in NYC

Well-Known Member
I was in Chatham approximately 3 springs ago. I had two roommates. The first roommate was a very openly gay guy. But not the likable kinda guy. He was very toxic and pessimistic. Was always like “Do you actually LIKE Disney?” And I said “Yea I love Disney this is a dream come true!” And all he ever did was complain day in and day out. He left the one bathroom we had an utter mess the whole time. Whenever I had something positive to say, he would shut it down with a negative remark.
I hate when you get an openly gay guy! I would have asked for my money back! I mean, I want politicians, not RuPaul's Drag Race! Oh, such disappointing stereotypes.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I hate when you get an openly gay guy! I would have asked for my money back! I mean, I want politicians, not RuPaul's Drag Race! Oh, such disappointing stereotypes.
Uh.... no. They can be open. I’m perfectly fine with that. Again like I said Before I’m a theatre kid so I have Plenty of openly gay friends/best friends. But even all of them will agree that there is a “negative Nancy” gay stereotype.

Hello and welcome to the political forum.

Giss Neric

Well-Known Member
Worst two weeks of my life. (Yep. I’m part of that infamous crowd.) Working was a dream. But the roommates were utter trash. And they told me I’d have to pay $200 to relocate with new roommates who may or may not be better. So I went home.

Such a shame really. Working at MK was amazing. But god are those college kids unbearable party goers. day in and day out. Plus the creepy adults art of DCP who should have graduated from it years ago.
A lot of my CM friends told me that don't go into the program alone. You should have friends who are on the program so they can be your roommates. It's not bad to meet new friends but yeah you take the risk of having terrible roommates/housemates. You deal with horrible people all the time. You can avoid them at work but it's worse when you have to live with them cause you can't just avoid them.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
A lot of my CM friends told me that don't go into the program alone. You should have friends who are on the program so they can be your roommates. It's not bad to meet new friends but yeah you take the risk of having terrible roommates/housemates. You deal with horrible people all the time. You can avoid them at work but it's worse when you have to live with them cause you can't just avoid them.
My main issue was I just transferred colleges, and our theatre department only had like 8 students, so none of my friends were able to go. I tried doing the Facebook group thing but all of those people sounded very toxic/dramatic whenever I joined a group!

It was just a huge, disappointing, mess. But I know that's not the case for most students who go.


Well-Known Member
What I have heard from a reliable source is that Disney wants the Cultural Representative Program back before the CP. The reason for this is the Q1 Visa. It was made specially for Epcot(and later DAK and even Riviera) to allow them to hire internationals to represent their countries. The fear is the longer Disney goes without using the visa, the more likely the government will revoke it and say it is not needed anymore, severely limiting their ability to staff these areas. So I’d look for CRP to come back before CP/ICP.

Replying to myself that the immigration department at casting was not laid off, which focuses on arranging the cultural program visas

Lora Baines Bradley

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My main issue was I just transferred colleges, and our theatre department only had like 8 students, so none of my friends were able to go. I tried doing the Facebook group thing but all of those people sounded very toxic/dramatic whenever I joined a group!

It was just a huge, disappointing, mess. But I know that's not the case for most students who go.
Totally agree that the FB groups were mostly crap. Lots of people looking for people exactly like them...lots of people with 0 personality too! Throw in some elitism as well.


Well-Known Member
As DCP alumni (the Spring 2020 program that was cancelled) I was wondering when everyone thought it would begin again. I don't think the program will be outright cancelled- they just finished building a new housing complex and the CP is a source of cheap labor. However, I'm not sure when the need will arise to bring them back. Obviously, it will be after everyone furloughed returns (or is let go, which I hope doesn't happen). Personally, I think it will be around Fall 2021. By then, a vaccine will hopefully be making the rounds, and masks may no longer be a requirement. It depends on a multitude of factors, of course, but this is fun to talk about. Personally I don't think I'd do another CP but would rather be employed outright, mainly because of the Aspire program.

I'd love to hear all of your thoughts! :)
Technically you're an "alumni" but really you're not, right?
Worst two weeks of my life. (Yep. I’m part of that infamous crowd.) Working was a dream. But the roommates were utter trash. And they told me I’d have to pay $200 to relocate with new roommates who may or may not be better. So I went home.

Such a shame really. Working at MK was amazing. But god are those college kids unbearable party goers. day in and day out. Plus the creepy adults art of DCP who should have graduated from it years ago.
I know I relocated several times and can't recall paying a fee. Doubt I would have paid one if that was the case. Then again, you didn't really have to go through housing to relocate if you "really want to." It doesn't really sound like you're a people person if you ask me though.
Hm, what complex were you in? I was in Vista and it was actually pretty quiet- maybe it was just my building. I didn't like my roommates (complained about a Mickey and Minnie cookie jar I put in the kitchen, then put a nearly nude photo of Harry Styles in the living room).

Also, the transfer fee is weird...I knew about a transfer (not in my apt) and I don't think there was a fee, but that might be because that roommate was, uh, vaguely threatening?

I'm sorry your experience wasn't good! :(
I can't say I recall a fee either. Someone will tell me I'm wrong though...
I was in Chatham approximately 3 springs ago. I had two roommates. The first roommate was a very openly gay guy. But not the likable kinda guy. He was very toxic and pessimistic. Was always like “Do you actually LIKE Disney?” And I said “Yea I love Disney this is a dream come true!” And all he ever did was complain day in and day out. He left the one bathroom we had an utter mess the whole time. Whenever I had something positive to say, he would shut it down with a negative remark.

The other guy was pretty nerdy and cool. And I feel Like I could Have been good friends with him. But he transferred to a different complex on the third day before I could Remember his name. I knew he hated our roommate and he got into another little click.

I worked Pirates, and my coworkers were a couple of girls who only used me as a ride to work and would never actually hang out with me. (I’m not a dweeb. I have A fiancé now for the record 😂) So coworkers at pirates sucked too. (For the record, we were DEFINITELY not trained properly. Me and my coworker apparently got the worst trainer. Most people flunked under her training but we passed somehow.)

Anyways... I actually ended up having a family emergency back home. And I’d be lying if I said I didnt use that as an excuse to return home.

I’d love to work at Disney full time someday. It was fantastic. But I dont want to ever be involved with DCP again. The students are all so very arrogant, rude, mean, rich boys & girls. They’re not Disney park history geeks either. They’re party people who go out to drink every night and that’s their entire personality. (I HATED THOSE STUPID PARTY BUSSES PARKING OUTSIDE OF CHATHAM EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!) It was not for me. Not my kinda environment.

I would have stayed if I had My own place. I should have rented my own apartment instead of doing Disney’s dorms. Oh well.

Ive seen people make lifelong friends at DCP. And i know genuinely good fun friendly people who went. But I personally Couldn’t find anyone I could vibe with while I was There. It was the most depressing environment. Half of the people there didn’t even LIKE their jobs. They were just there to party and take a break from college.

Biggest let down of my life.
Very odd. Generally speaking people with rants like yours above seem to be the issue not the other way around... you don't sound like a people person at all and that is 120% of what Disney is.
Those CP party buses probably could tell their own stories on what transpired inside them.
PM me for deetz. ;)
Just curious if your program would have been better if he was a very closeted gay guy?
lol asking for a friend
That's crazy. My experience was definitely different. I made multiple friends that were into Disney Parks history, and I only met one or two people on my program that you could catergorize as mean or arrogant (or even rich! I knew quite a few CPs who had never even been to Disney.) I met my boyfriend on my program, and he's one of the biggest Disney Parks geeks you'll ever meet. One of my roommates did frequent a party bus but she never brought it back to the apartment.

I'm so sorry it was a letdown!
You're roommate didn't bring the party bus back? Awe lame. haha
I did two CP's (2009 and 2013). Amazing experiences for me (5 roommates in 2009, 1 roommate in 2013). I actually met my wife on the second CP.

As far as the party They were not for me, I never went once. But the stories I've heard would make any parent of those kids absolutely sick. Definitely not appropriate to mention on these forums.
They weren't that bad. ;)
For me, I didn't care what went on in those party busses... My issue with them was that they were parked right outside my dorm blasting loud base music from like midnight to 1 am when I had to get up at 7 am.
Chatham building 16? lol
Uh.... no. They can be open. I’m perfectly fine with that. Again like I said Before I’m a theatre kid so I have Plenty of openly gay friends/best friends. But even all of them will agree that there is a “negative Nancy” gay stereotype.

Hello and welcome to the political forum.
Those guys are known as Brads.

Or Chad.
Steve, Tim, Tom, Jack, Ben, Mike and Joe.
A lot of my CM friends told me that don't go into the program alone. You should have friends who are on the program so they can be your roommates. It's not bad to meet new friends but yeah you take the risk of having terrible roommates/housemates. You deal with horrible people all the time. You can avoid them at work but it's worse when you have to live with them cause you can't just avoid them.
Compromising is the worst.
My main issue was I just transferred colleges, and our theatre department only had like 8 students, so none of my friends were able to go. I tried doing the Facebook group thing but all of those people sounded very toxic/dramatic whenever I joined a group!

It was just a huge, disappointing, mess. But I know that's not the case for most students who go.
Doesn't make sense. lol I tryin' to remember how you were involved with the Buzzy things...
Totally agree that the FB groups were mostly crap. Lots of people looking for people exactly like them...lots of people with 0 personality too! Throw in some elitism as well.
The admins on them are the best. hahahaa


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I know I relocated several times and can't recall paying a fee. Doubt I would have paid one if that was the case. Then again, you didn't really have to go through housing to relocate if you "really want to." It doesn't really sound like you're a people person if you ask me though.
I was told I would have to pay a $150 fee to change my room. That wasn’t happening. I only had one roommate. The other guy was cool but he relocated in literally 2 days. Again, I’m a theatre kid. I definitely am an extroverted people person. I’m not a party person. There’s a difference.
I can't say I recall a fee either. Someone will tell me I'm wrong though...
Everyone is saying this. So I just want to know what the heck was up when I asked the person at the desk, in person!
Very odd. Generally speaking people with rants like yours above seem to be the issue not the other way around... you don't sound like a people person at all and that is 120% of what Disney is.
Yep. I’m a people person. Not a party person. Get behind a Smash Bros tournament, or let’s make films together or other geeky things. But I don’t drink, and I dont care for being around a bunch of people who only care about partying every single dang night.

I did get REALLY tired of starting the same ice breaker conversation over and over again in traditions, only to immediately get split up.
Hell no.
Steve, Tim, Tom, Jack, Ben, Mike and Joe.
Nope. Those guys are cool.
Doesn't make sense. lol I tryin' to remember how you were involved with the Buzzy things...
What doesn’t make sense? I applied for DCP the semester after I transferred colleges. None of my friends were able to afford/go because of cost and/or theatre commitments.

DCP sucked. Not for most people. But it did for me. Party hungry sex crazy kids just trying to escape college. A lot, for several semesters in a row. Seems pretty sus to me. They all acted like immature high schoolers with all the drama I kept Hearing from a distance, too.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting people saying your program won’t be good if you don’t have friends there. I literally woke up one morning in Canada and went to bed that night in Florida with roommates that I’ve never met before from Norway, Mexico and Germany, and we all got along pretty great.

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