Return of parties (later) this year?

Giss Neric

Well-Known Member
One positive thing that came out from the pandemic is they can no longer oversell tickets to their parties like what happened in the recent years.


Park History nut
Premium Member
They would need to SERIOUSLY limit numbers. I imagine there would be fewer parties, too.

I was led to believe the parade could be modified to be less formal and the castle stage shows would be cut. You’d go for pop-up parades, fireworks, treats, and rides. Kind of a hybrid of a party and E-Ride Nights.

Not inherently awful depending on price. Parties with 25k people were frustratingly-crowded and the hyper-scheduled entertainment could easily eat up the whole night.
Would the price be comparable to E Ride Night? 😁


Well-Known Member
They would need to SERIOUSLY limit numbers. I imagine there would be fewer parties, too.

I was led to believe the parade could be modified to be less formal and the castle stage shows would be cut. You’d go for pop-up parades, fireworks, treats, and rides. Kind of a hybrid of a party and E-Ride Nights.

Not inherently awful depending on price. Parties with 25k people were frustratingly-crowded and the hyper-scheduled entertainment could easily eat up the whole night.
Totally forgot about E ride nights! That seems like something that would be easy to do right now if they wanted to, and I’d definitely take advantage.


Well-Known Member
There’s also two added problems. The rehearsals for the choirs start in the summer, plus several of the choirs are schools. Since the vaccine trials haven’t included many children I assume they won’t be included in the vaccination programme until later in the year.

Unless they decide to use all adult choirs.... It could be possible I guess. I think it’s a matter of waiting until the late Spring and see what’s happening then.
Can they legally advertise for singers who are 80+ with underlying conditions?


Well-Known Member
Maybe they could make it that in order to watch the CLP, you NEED to buy the CLP dining pkg in order to attend. No standby line, since it would have to be socially distanced. That way they can control the number of people attending?


Well-Known Member
Maybe they could make it that in order to watch the CLP, you NEED to buy the CLP dining pkg in order to attend. No standby line, since it would have to be socially distanced. That way they can control the number of people attending?
They could sell a cheaper version of the ticket and open the World Showcase tent up place video screens and sound system in there and pipe it in there. They could also do the free versiond and just pipe it around world showcase for you to listen to wherever you are.


Well-Known Member
This could be a huge money maker for WDW. Create “socially distanced” parties with a relatively small number of tickets and charge three times the price. These special parties will be in very high demand and will immediately sell out.


Well-Known Member
Welp, good news then. Both new COVID cases as well as hospitalizations in the U.S. peaked on January 8th and have gone down every day since then. This is not unusual and is not related to the vaccine in any way. All coronaviruses, including the common cold and MERS peak around the first week of each new year. Anyone that thinks the worst is yet to come is pushing fear.

That's great news! My wife works in healthcare and said the numbers in her hospital are dropping.


Well-Known Member
I did the villains after hours June 2019.. not sure this is similar to their Christmas or Halloween parties. Never done those.

But aren’t these special events already lowered in capacity? Some may have higher capacity than others, but still. I don’t see crowd management issues here. Maybe they don’t want to spend the money on running the park for even less people than they have to at this point? I don’t think the parks want to be like where they were back in July and August with barely anyone there.

Maybe if it’s profitable to squeeze out that money from people, but it’s not profitable for them I doubt it’ll be back till super late 2021 or 2022. If anything, I think it’ll just be too little amount of people at those events and they don’t want to spend the money keeping operations running after hours and paying CMs for it. Just my thought though.


Well-Known Member
Welp, good news then. Both new COVID cases as well as hospitalizations in the U.S. peaked on January 8th and have gone down every day since then. This is not unusual and is not related to the vaccine in any way. All coronaviruses, including the common cold and MERS peak around the first week of each new year. Anyone that thinks the worst is yet to come is pushing fear.

Wait, what? That is demonstrably false for COVID-19. The common cold typically peaks any time between 12/1 and 2/28 in America.



Well-Known Member
Are you not seeing the exact chart that you yourself posted? Are you kidding me. The peak is right around the time that I said, mid December to the beginning of January. Now you are only looking at one type of coronavirus with this chart. There are others and they peak a little later giving an average peak of around the first week of January. Demonstrably false. What a joke! Even if you don't consider other types of coronaviruses the peak is at most 2 weeks different than what I posted.
One year it’s around 12/1. One year around 1/1. One year around 2/1.

COVID-19 was peaking in Florida in August.


Well-Known Member
The south peaks later in the year giving a double bump in all of these charts for the full nation, which is what I was talking about. There is a peak around the first of the year followed by a second smaller peak in the summer from cases down south.
Ah, so they are spreading year-round which is why we’ve had COVID-19 for a full 12 months. Thanks for the useless insight. I’ll stick with the CDC going forward. You said coronaviruses “always peak around the first week of the year.”

Except for when they peak in December. Or February. Or August.

Your Fastpass for the pedestal has expired.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you will. You obviously don't understand basic modeling or simple terms like an average. Of course a virus is around all year or else it would cease to exist. The fact is though, that on average they peak in the north and south of the country at two different times. Around Jan 1 in the north and in the summer in the south. This is irrelevant however as COVID has already peaked, as you saw in the chart provided. Also, only one of the lines in the chart you show has a peak at Feb 1 and it is a double peak that had the same high in Dec 1. Thus the middle of the peak or it's average is... wait for it....
Jan 1. Wow! Crazy, I know right! Math is hard for some people. Don't be ashamed.

I realize you have bought into the dark winter ahead but spring is coming. Try to be more optimistic in life. It might help you out!
Florida peaked in August around 180 deaths per day and will peak again in February around 200 deaths per day. Stop pretending you have some incredible knowledge no one else has.


Enjoy hibernating.

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