While I do understand that WDW is a family park first and foremost, not everything is targeted for families there. Rock N Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror, Space Mountain .... not for toddlers! The play area in Dumbo's tent, the Boneyard at AK, Kid Cot fun stops at Epcot... not aimed at adults! People who state that WDW is a family park and adults only restaurants shouldn't be allowed need to look at the whole picture! If you want to keep family only options, then you would need to get rid of everything targeted just for adults and everything targeted just for children and keep only everything that is family friendly. But that will never happen. Disney cannot make everything accessible to everyone. It's impossible.
As soneone posted above, if you go to Chef Mickey's, expect some louder, more rowdier behavior. If you go somewhere like Le Cellier, you should expect somewhere quieter and laid back. I should NOT expect (from my personal experience) a 5 year old girl climbing all over the bench seating, kicking me, putting her hands on and bumping into our table while grandpa sits there blowing his nose and Mom could care less. Or having a 3-4 year old child stand on top of the table next to us at Coral Reef and proceed to screech at the tops of his lungs a good 20-30 seconds before Mom or Dad did anything. While I understand that's a reflection of the PARENT and not the child, that type of behavior should NOT be displayed and I shouldn't have to deal with it, nor should anyone else dining there. I would be 100% all for children dining wherever they please, if they are well behaved but the fact of the matter is, MANY children this day in age don't know how to behave properly in a restaurant. Which is why having adults only options would be nice. I'm not saying turn 10 restaurants into adults only. Maybe like 3-4.