Resort Hopping in WDW.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
How's it hingin folks? Heres my question today. How many of you,when staying on site, hop around other resorts,just to check them out,not stay.? We have done quite a bit of resort hopping ( not pool by the way ) and its a great way to check out other resorts whilst in the magic bubble.I feel like I'am in this huge complex covered by a glass dome,and no one from the outside world can see me.( see,told you I'am losing it ) But in all seriousness,does anyone else do the Disney hop while your there.? Oh by the way,my top three ( jaw dropping from hopping ) experiences were in third place. Poly Resort, in second place,AKL,and in first place WL.:)

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
I sort of did park hopping last time, in that in order to travel between AK and DTD, I changed buses at AKL. Similarly with travelling between DTD and MK, we went to Port Orleans, although earlier in the trip we had gone to Port Orleans to meet up with our folks who were staying there.
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I tend to utilise the DDP by eating at restaurants in other resorts. While I'm there I like to check out what else the resort has to offer and Shorty likes to check out the play areas. I really like the Wilderness Lodge, Yacht Club and this years winner, the Beach Club. We found the Grand Floridian to be too stuffy and Fort Wilderness has some great grounds to wander about in.

This year we are going to check out the Boardwalk (I have to see that clown up close) and the Coronado (specifically for the Pepper Market) while also taking in the usual favourites of the Yacht Club (easy enough to do from the Beach Club), Animal Kingdom Lodge (not keen on the resort but I love Boma), the Polynesian and the Wilderness Lodge.
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Well-Known Member
Last trip was the first time we did it and that was only because we head to the Beach after WDW every time, but still fly back out of MCO. I had planned on staying at the beach all day and leaving late afternoon and go directly to the Airport. The wife was quite nervous that something would happen and we'd miss our flight, so we ended up leaving the beach at about noon and since we had time, I pulled into the AKL since I have always wanted to check it out. It was amazing. I then planned on heading to the Boardwalk, but a thunderstorm rolled in and we were "stuck" at AKL for a good hour. Finally I decided to make a run for it in the rain to grab the car. The DW was hungry, so we headed to DD and the Earl of Sandwich instead.

I always intend to check out other resorts, but when the time comes I'd rather stay in the parks...heck that's why I go there.

But I think I'll do a similar thing for the next trip and schedule a late flight out and allow us time to resort hop a bit on that last day.
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I love checking out the other resorts. My goal is to get AoA in this next trip and check that out for myself. I also like going to the Boardwalk. Nice place and nice atmosphere.
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Well-Known Member
How's it hingin folks? Heres my question today. How many of you,when staying on site, hop around other resorts,just to check them out,not stay.? We have done quite a bit of resort hopping ( not pool by the way ) and its a great way to check out other resorts whilst in the magic bubble.I feel like I'am in this huge complex covered by a glass dome,and no one from the outside world can see me.( see,told you I'am losing it ) But in all seriousness,does anyone else do the Disney hop while your there.? Oh by the way,my top three ( jaw dropping from hopping ) experiences were in third place. Poly Resort, in second place,AKL,and in first place WL.:)
We visit other resorts every trip. Last October, DS and I revisted *Dixie Landings*, aka POR. (That was the first Disney hotel he stayed in at age 3) and we also explored WL ... our choice for this year's visit. Of course, we visit the Contemporary every year ... after all, that's where it all started :)
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Well-Known Member
We visit other resorts every trip. Last October, DS and I revisted *Dixie Landings*, aka POR. (That was the first Disney hotel he stayed in at age 3) and we also explored WL ... our choice for this year's visit. Of course, we visit the Contemporary every year ... after all, that's where it all started :)

Weather can dictate some of our resort hopping decisions..but I generally have ADR's scheduled at we see them then. Xmas is a great time to see the resorts...each deluxe certainly has it's own distinct feel...cant wait til December!
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Well-Known Member
We didn't start hopping until staying on property, but since staying onsite...we do find ourselves hopping for a variety of reasons.

While we did it some this past trip to go in search of better service, we hopped from YC to BC to BW to Swan to Dolphin on one of our rest days. On some down time one afternoon, we also hopped the monorail loop. That seems to be the area where we do the bulk of our hopping...that and WL. We also used dinner as an excuse to pop into AKL back in 2010. The Contemporary is still my favorite place to visit, but DH loves popping into WL and I adore the GF's lobby.
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Active Member
We love to Resort Hop. The most convenient are the Monorail loop (GF, Poly, Contemporary) and the Boardwalk loop (Boardwalk, BC, YC and I guess you could throw in Swolphin for good measure.) There are bars/lounges at all of these... that's the kind of hoppin' we like to do :)
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Well-Known Member
Is it possible to get a tour of the rooms from the front desk if we are in the business of "Resort Hopping"? That could really put the cincher on if I'd like to eventually stay there...
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I have done my share of resort hopping on trips. A trip over to the Poly is always a must, eating there or not. We will ususually alternate the boat to the monorail; one mode going over, one mode leaving. We always make it a point to eat a Cape May and visit the BC. I want to go over to POR to see YeeHaw Bob and check out that resort. I have already warned DH that we are going to go over and check out AOA
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Hmm... I don't know what key I just tripped over to cause a posting while I was still typing. Anyhoo.... On one trip my brother was with us and planning to take my DSIL on a trip so we drove over to Pop for him to see. We asked the guard at the gatehouse if we could go tour the resort and they let us right through. We did have a parking slip from ASMu on the dash so that probably helped. So far we have toured Poly, GF, Contemporary, BC, YC, WL, ASMu, Pop, FWC, CS
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When I attended a seminar at the Contemporary, my wife came along to enjoy herself. It was the first time that we had stayed onsite and we were at the Contemporary as a bonus! So, while I was in class, she hung around the pools as she didn't want to go to the parks by herself. Plus, I would bring out the awesome snacks at break (I gave her mine). The snacks were Disney magic, on a stick. After two days of that, she felt adventuresome and hopped on the boat to the Wilderness Lodge. After exploring there, she came back and hopped on the monorail to Poly and GF. By the time that class ended that day, she had an itinerary of places to go with me. That was how we found out about the WL and fell in love with it. We went there a few times for supper and to walk around. So, resort hopping is a way for us to experience the resorts without being able to stay due to cost and we plan on it every trip.
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Well-Known Member
If I find myself in the area next week for a work trip I am 100% going resort hopping because a 1 day park hopper is just too far out of my budget.
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