Premium Member
So people can determine that it’s acceptable to get gouged or decide whether or not to get gouged. Is it possible for someone to feel they’re not getting gouged?Let's not go down this path. It's not about "not going"...its about getting value for what you are paying. Everybody on this board loves Disney. A lot of us also love Uni, SeaWorld, heck, even ICON. The point here is - the "Disney Experience" is no longer an "experience". It's a fun, distracting, entertaining day (or few days) that equates to a considerable amount of money. Unless you are an AP on AP pricing, you're getting gouged right now.
To some, getting gouged is acceptable. To others, not so much. At the end of the day you make the decision to get gouged or not. But don't criticize people who feel they are. It is acceptable to "enjoy" Disney and yet feel the experience was not worth the price you paid. This is the reason we have forums such as this in the first place. To express opinions. Opinions are not right or wrong. They are opinions. You can agree with them. Or you don't.
If you don't agree with a posters position either don't respond or give your rationale about why you disagree (which doesn't make you or them - right or wrong). Throwing a tantrum doesn't make for good reading.