It's a letdown, it was hyped up, Disney promoted this thing as being reflective of the country's around world showcase.
We had folks in here, suggesting that depending on where you stood, you might even hear different dialog.
We had Zach going on and on about, Epcot this and Epcot that.
Some folks thought this was the 2nd coming of Epcot.
Instead we got a real mess of a show.
It never hits the high water mark set by other clip shows (HEA)
It never hits the high pyro mark set by other fireworks shows (ROE)
It never hits the high fountain mark set by other fountain shows (WOC)
It never hits the high special effects (lasers) set by other shows (not Disney based)
It's a let down, in every sense of the word.
I don't blame all the folks who worked on this, you all did an AMAZING JOB!!!
The tech is there, the barges are there, the audio sounds crisp, the torches got rehabbed.
Plenty of hours of testing, programming, fixing etc, went into this. Again, those crews deserve applause!
Yes, a lot of LOVE, SWEAT and TEARS went into this.. and sadly, those hard workers got ROBBED.
Robbed by a bad storyline (IE, there isn't one) and even worse pacing and execution.
We all know, where the blame here lies.. it's NOT on those "on the ground" folks who executed perfectly what they were told to do.
Sorry guys, your company let you down. Again. Mistake on the lake, Part 2.
Now the quick fix is this. Simply take existing ROE music and programming.
Slot it in onto this, add in new barges and elements. Call it a day.