Refillable Mugs

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Active Member
Mine wasn't stamped with any specific date, but it does say 2006 on the side. I got a chance to look at a few other resorts, and it seems like they did a good job of making each resort look different too. (though not OKW and Vero!)


Well-Known Member
There wasn't a "written/displayed" policy early on when the mugs were introduced. The CM mentioned it... I was incredulous... so I asked a manager. Same line every time. "This resort for any visit" I asked on later trips and got the same thing. *shrug*

This was probably in 91 or 92... maybe a little earlier.

We bought our first mugs in 92 and we were told the same thing.
Our last 2 trips (each summer) the mugs have been marked that they were for that trip only.

We've always bought new mugs anyway because we use them at home & wear them out. :lol:


On my upcoming trip I am staying on property for the first time and am very excited :eek: about getting a refillable resort mug instead of having to stop on the way back to the hotel to buy a bucket of coffee (or it seems that size to a british girl!!!):lol: :lol:
We've been bringing our Port Orleans mugs back for years. The only comment is "Boy, that one's been around awhile!" Haven't paid for soda or coffee in over 8 years.


New to mugs

My mom aunt and I stayed at the poly last week from the 8th through the 12th and first order of business was to get our mugs.

My mom and I were introduced to the mugs in 2004 during my choir trip to disney, but my aunt had never stayed on-site. She was amazed at the freedom the mugs gave us. She couldn't beleive she could have a mug of tea with breakfast then get another drink for later. With a bottle of soda/water from the vending machine being $2.50 each it definitly pays off.

The mugs support my diet coke addiction! lol


POP! I have been living in the south too long. Took a while to get use to saying 'coke' for any type of soft drink. When I first moved down here and said 'pop' they looked at me like I was crazy.

I was born in Michigan (actually, Royal Oak which is where that poster is from) but raised in Florida and people also thought I was insane (what's pop, etc???) Now I usually say soda or Coke but they are pretty much all interchangable to me at this point :lol:
If any of you is a cheap college kid like me there's an even cheaper way by not buying soda at all and just drinking water the whole time...

Yeah, some don't like the taste of tap water, which is why I emphasize this would only work w/ college kids who are cheap. It'd be a lot healthier too though!

Even at home, I never get soda at a sit down restaurant. Water does just fine with me.

And for some odd reason the water at Disney from the tap tastes like s$#t. I don't know if it is a conspiracy by Disney or if Orlando just has a nasty water supply, but you have to be real cheap to drink their tap water.
Now if you are really cheap you can go to ebay and buy the mug at a discount from what they will charge at the resort. Take it with you and get your sodas even cheaper.

The Mom

Premium Member
The mugs have never been an issue for me, as I only get coffee in the AM, and am very rarely back to my resort until bedtime. I drive to WDW, so always pack a coffeemaker in the car, just in case there isn't one in the room. I have a small cooler for 1/2 & 1/2, and throw a few sweeteners & sugar packets in my bag. I don't mind drinking bottled water, or even water from the water fountains. Most of my drinks (aside from plain water) are adult beverages, so the mugs would cost more than they're worth.

Drinking sodas/coffee/tea in the FL heat is just as bad as only drinking "adult" beverages. You really need to drink plain old water as much as possible.


Active Member
The refillable mugs are the greatest. We having been reusing the same mugs for a few years. This year we are staying at POP for the 1st time so we are planning to buy new ones when we arrive in April.


New Member
The refillable mugs sound great. I'm staying at Coronado Springs when I arrive in WDW next month and I want to buy one of their mugs just because it has the Three Caballeros on it, which happens to be one of my favorite Disney movies.

Are the mugs normally sold in the food courts/quick service area of the hotels? Just asking so I know where to go to buy one.


Well-Known Member
The refillable mugs sound great. I'm staying at Coronado Springs when I arrive in WDW next month and I want to buy one of their mugs just because it has the Three Caballeros on it, which happens to be one of my favorite Disney movies.

Are the mugs normally sold in the food courts/quick service area of the hotels? Just asking so I know where to go to buy one.

Yes they are and thats usually where you need to go to refill them. Some places are self serve, others you will need to ask for help. Enjoy your trip!

We'll be staying at the WL next month. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Aren't these mugs wonderful?!! We typically stay at the Contemporary and have mugs from there. However, due to booking last minute and money constraints, a few trips we switched hotels...staying at Port Orleans Riverside and then moving to the Contemporary and also doing the same after staying at the ______ and Pop Century, then moving over to the Contemporary. Moreover, since the program began, we had cups. Every year we travel down to Disney we bring our mugs...and NEVER have been questioned. Even between the hotels. We have been asked what hotel they were from (bing in Port Orleans) but they were moreso looking at the "fancy" desgin. On occassion we've brought our mugs into the parks and we have had a few very nice vendors who have refilled our mugs (without us ever asking).


Oh, one more thing, how come whenever I stay in the Contemporary, why is the slushie machine always broken?? I swear by this, but the men are always fixing it, and is usually fixed by the end of our stay. Interesting, huh? Anyone else encounter this problem?


New Member
:D the refillable mugs at AKL were great! I was the official mug refiller of the trip and i was happy about that. It gave me a reason to go down by the pool at night and see all the disney channel stars! haha


Well-Known Member
I just got back from Pop Century, and the big news is that there are NEW refillable mugs. I'm downloading photos now, so I'll post pics in a few minutes. They now say 2007 on them, but they do not say PopCentury anymore. Apparently they are for all WDW resorts.

Edit: Apparently I can't post pics here, so I'll put them in a new thread!
Is every resort's mug look different from each other or is it all the same?:D
different... though I'm not sure if the pop resorts are different or from one another. But I can say for certain the moderates resorts are different fromt the delux and since each had the name of the resort I'm guessing they are all different.
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