News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Premium Member
Yes. But it's important to remember - a court is not typically in the business of determining if the arrangement itself is good or bad. They can get involved if the circumstances around the formation of the arrangement are sufficiently problematic enough to challenge the contract's enforceability. That (obviously) gets very complicated based on many, many circumstances. But, if a court says it's ok to enter into an agreement in xyz circumstances (in decided case law), it means, in theory, that can be done in the future in similar circumstances. And, judges will look to that "legacy".
This is a good point. I think this situation is so unique it’s unlikely to come up much in the future. A government entity is unlikely to sign this type of contract “in bad faith” because there are very few examples where a corporation completely controls that entity.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Watching more and more clips of these new board members with their knickers in a knot yesterday makes me curious to what these people thought their job was going to actually be. Did they think their role was ever more than the mundane goings on of a local municipality? I keep seeing the one guy going on about “all we can do is road improvements and maintain infrastructure”. Yah! That’s the whole point. You’re not designing new parades and attractions or building new hotels, you’re making sure the trash gets picked up on time and the mosquito sprayer truck is making the rounds. It’s just hilarious to see how mad they are when they realized what a terribly boring job they have been given 😂

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Watching more and more clips of these new board members with their knickers in a knot yesterday makes me curious to what these people thought their job was going to actually be. Did they think their role was ever more than the mundane goings on of a local municipality? I keep seeing the one guy going on about “all we can do is road improvements and maintain infrastructure”. Yah! That’s the whole point. You’re not designing new parades and attractions or building new hotels, you’re making sure the trash gets picked up on time and the mosquito sprayer truck is making the rounds. It’s just hilarious to see how mad they are when they realized what a terribly boring job they have been given 😂
They 100% thought they were in a position to be able to stop “woke Disney.”


5th gate? Just build a new resort Bob.
The semi-perpetuity clause is not meant to be forever forever, just a long enough time until the political pendulum provides a legislature that will undo this mess.
It’s hard to imagine a future where either party intentionally gives that much power to a giant corporation again. But 30 years gives Disney a lot of time to plan / build Super Walt Disney World in Charleston and then Walt Disney World 64 in Knoxville


Well-Known Member

i feel this is how disney’s lawyers handled the situation behind the scenes


Premium Member
Watching more and more clips of these new board members with their knickers in a knot yesterday makes me curious to what these people thought their job was going to actually be. Did they think their role was ever more than the mundane goings on of a local municipality? I keep seeing the one guy going on about “all we can do is road improvements and maintain infrastructure”. Yah! That’s the whole point. You’re not designing new parades and attractions or building new hotels, you’re making sure the trash gets picked up on time and the mosquito sprayer truck is making the rounds. It’s just hilarious to see how mad they are when they realized what a terribly boring job they have been given 😂
I really think they felt they were going to walk into Team Disney and start cancelling Tiana's Bayou Adventure and telling Iger what movies they can make.


Well-Known Member
Watching more and more clips of these new board members with their knickers in a knot yesterday makes me curious to what these people thought their job was going to actually be.
They clearly thought they would have full editorial control of all Disney content.

Specifically, they thought they would be able to leverage the powers of the district to dictate editorial control over things outside those powers.

That's a nice restaurant you have there, you should put cheeseburgers on the menu and change that window poster. On an unrelated note, be a shame if their was a fire, the health department shut you down, or the fire marshal shut you down to make layout changes.

The new events do not eliminate all of those levers, but they significantly reduce the number of levers available and the possible impacts of the ones that are left.


Well-Known Member
They clearly thought they would have full editorial control of all Disney content.

Specifically, they thought they would be able to leverage the powers of the district to dictate editorial control over things outside those powers.

That's a nice restaurant you have there, you should put cheeseburgers on the menu and change that window poster. On an unrelated note, be a shame if their was a fire, the health department shut you down, or the fire marshal shut you down to make layout changes.

The new events do not eliminate all of those levers, but they significantly reduce the number of levers available and the possible impacts of the ones that are left.
With the positions these board members have held in the past I wonder if the reality of what they signed up is causing second thoughts about accepting the position? Who will be the first to bail?


Well-Known Member
With the positions these board members have held in the past I wonder if the reality of what they signed up is causing second thoughts about accepting the position? Who will be the first to bail?
I noticed that yedsteday when I was doing some searching, all but one of them are/were lawyers who do/did work at a Law firm. The one that isn’t is the chair for the Sarasota school district.

However, this is Florida and these are DeSantis cronies, they will serve on this board for as long as their dictator tells them to.


Well-Known Member
And all this because Disney decided to exercise it's First Amendment rights.
Coupled with the fact that the governor & other members of his party have openly stated that they did this in retaliation against Disney for their exercise of free speech against the Don't Say Gay bill. I’m sure Disney could sue them for that if the CFTOD decides to escalate this.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. The article I quoted earlier didn't include the "living as of the date of this Declaration" bit, plus I was thrown by the reference to "the last survivor", which I mistakenly interpreted as referring to future generations. I see now that "the last survivor of the descendants" is meant to be understood as "the last surviving descendant".
I'll accept whatever the correct interpretation is. Yeah, I read it to mean all descendants of King Charles III, meaning when the royal line dies out which would be a VERY long time.


5th gate? Just build a new resort Bob.
I'll accept whatever the correct interpretation is. Yeah, I read it to mean all descendants of King Charles III, meaning when the royal line dies out which would be a VERY long time.
It’s a very common land rights item and it always means last living. Even if it wasn’t written that way, Disney would argue that it means last living, because otherwise it’s a perpetuity, and it is specifically written into the document that the King Charles part only comes into effect if it is ruled that a perpetuity isn’t allowed here. But also that’s how any court would interpret it, because again, it’s a norm.

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