Yes I know this, but it also shows how you both are not understanding the broader issue. It's not really a matter of how the district is setup as it is whether the existence of the district at all is in the best interest of all the parties involved.
Despite multiple parties and groups claiming otherwise, you want to believe that the existence of the district is above criticism and questioning. It's not. Whether legal or not, the operation of the district over the last decades has created a situation where authorities were unhappy with it and now no one is coming out to defend the way it has operated, and even Disney is now ready to cut it loose.
That is, the reality of the situation today.
Why can’t you provide links to all of these vocal groups? If they’re so ubiquitous it should be very easy.
I’m not saying the district is without question. I’ve given examples of criticisms of the district in this very thread. I have, in this thread and others, corrected misconceptions about things like the EPCOT Building Code that make it look better than it is, such as the oft made claims that it is the stricter code in the state or requires everything to withstand a Category 4 or 5 hurricane.
Even if we just accept your undocumented assertion, not having the district does not resolve the issues you claim. The counties would net
less money without the district because they would have to provide service they currently do not currently provide.
The only source of revenue you have identified the counties do not get is impact fees, but a one time fee of no more than about $20,000 per 1,000 SF of
new theme park development (which you say Disney should not do) is not going to be a consistent source of millions of dollars in annual revenue. It’d take Disney adding 224 new hotel rooms ($4,500 fee per room) every year just to generate $1 million in impact fees.
So how do the counties go about getting Disney to pay its fair share? What are these mechanisms the counties are being denied?
How does this change make Disney pay its fair share? The taxes collected within the District still have to be spent in the District, they can’t be transferred to the counties or state. Disney still isn’t paying county impact fees. So what is fixed?
The issues with Disney that you claim aren’t because of the District, they’re because there is a massive development. It’s the same issues people in Frisco will complain about. They’re the same issues people complain about with new subdivisions. Development has impacts and if there is a major thing that drives behavior it is going to be the focus of frustrations with things like government funding or traffic.