Because both sides are being used/abused. Yes, parents should have a say in their kids' education/school programming. But, is there any real question about the timing/motive of this legislation given it's proponents/sponsors within the government? This now extends to the response from these same political figures in light of Disney's position (whether you agree with it or not). These folks are being quite direct about what this is about and it sucks that this is still a thing.
The concerns from our peers in the LGBTQ communities are legitimate. Hasn't exactly been a picnic for these folks historically speaking, wouldn't you agree? So the fact that there would be concern and pushback on something that could be a potential slippery slope going backwards for this community is understandable in my estimation.
Both positions are legitimate but the power brokers are pulling the strings and plotting people against each other. Do I have the solution? Heck no. But I will point out bad faith on all sides and encourage the working together with others if even they are adamantly opposed because I do know this... What we are doing is not working.
Now, it could potentially rerail Disney in very profound ways. Which is why we are all here.