News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member
DeSantis and his office vows that taxes aren't going to increase for any OC/OC resident. Reading between the lines here, to me that says they intend to negotiate a new district with the company with less favorable tax terms. They can't force that debt onto TWDC without giving them the district back and TWDC won't take the district back without terms that are favorable to them.
If what you say is accurate, why would TWDC take the district back at all? There's literally no "favorable" terms that would be worth a billion dollars (which is the outstanding bond debt).


Premium Member
Jumping back in to provide some info from the OC Tax Collector about “creating a new tax”, which is what many have suggested happen. It won’t.

Another interesting point is the cities vs the counties in the dissolution. The cities as they are were not defined prior to rcid… but in bills passed immediately after.

I’m wondering still if there are arguments for the dissolution of rcid to goto the cities instead of the underlying counties.

That would be interesting because it solves many of the discrepancies. It strips disney of it’s special status… the debts stay ‘in the family’… and there is less isolation.

Honestly I haven’t researched it - but you’d think this would be a good compromise .


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Disney Glimpses

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Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that RCID had land leases with TWDC and owned no real property.

Just one of many


One Little Spark...
Another interesting point is the cities vs the counties in the dissolution. The cities as they are were not defined prior to rcid… but in bills passed immediately after.

I’m wondering still if there are arguments for the dissolution of rcid to goto the cities instead of the underlying counties.

That would be interesting because it solves many of the discrepancies. It strips disney of it’s special status… the debts stay ‘in the family’… and there is less isolation.

Honestly I haven’t researched it - but you’d think this would be a good compromise .
Rick Fogleson appears to think so. His bona fides are in the article.




Well-Known Member
Of course they wont dictate the solution, unless you think winning a lawsuit is actually the solution, then maybe it can be taken that way.
In what way did Disney “open a can of worms” as you put it. By voicing their opinion on something? Or am i not understanding what you mean? I hope its the latter because they are entitled to voice any opinion they want. Or should they have just shut up like another poster was saying earlier?
They might have had a chance at a lawsuit if the change only hit Disney but the removal of special privileges that just went through hits several different groups in the state.

As for voicing their opinion, yes that was a problem. It is a problem that no company should ever get involved in politics that have no impact on the company itself. If a state passes a law that directly impact the company, then sure go for it because it is expected that a company would support a tax break or be against a new tax on the company... but this wasn't a law that had anything to do with Disney. As such the smart thing for a company to do is shut up and let the people in the state decide what they want or don't want. 20 years ago that is exactly what Disney would have done - nothing. This time they decided to pander to a vocal minority and this is what it caused. Hopefully it will be an expensive lesson learned and Disney will stick to the business of them parks and entertainment and keep their nose out of places it doesn't belong.

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