I have read this by several posters. I've even seen people list reasons why (e.g. drop the bond debt on the county, reduced taxes, etc.).
The thing is, if Disney is a big winner with the end of RCID, then why is there already word that Disney intends to fight this in court?
The current statue allows Disney to initialize termination of RCID whenever it wants:
189.072 Dissolution of an independent special district.—
(1) VOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION.—If the governing body of an independent special district created and operating pursuant to a special act elects, by a majority vote plus one, to dissolve the district, the voluntary dissolution of an independent special district created and operating pursuant to a special act may be effectuated only by the Legislature unless otherwise provided by general law.
If ending RCID is so great for Disney, then why didn't Disney start this process years ago?
Disney seems to know something the general public is missing.