This is equally scary...
Speaking of...the trail detailed above wasn't too long, but Kendall kept putting on her Birkenstocks and while I can walk a good distance in mine (same style- different color), she can't in hers. It was driving David nuts. He got really angry and this was the day that he declared she could't wear the shoes again until we were home. He was actually going to trash them, but I paid for them and refused to let him do anything that wasteful. I just wish she would have gotten it into her head the first time this came up...over a week ago...that she can really only wear these to dinner and should be wearing more practical shoes during the day.
So, we headed out and decided to make our way to Mesa Verde NP...the real reason we were in Cortez.
(yes, I like the big cow!)
Mesa Verde was only 15 minutes from our hotel in the other direction, so it wasn't a major drive. Although, we did get stuck behind road construction...again! I guess summer is really the only good time for them to do this in CO.
We at least didn't sit too long and were moving shortly. Funny to see the contrast in the landscape. It's a pretty view either way.
Almost there...
First stop...the visitor center...which anyone can go to without paying for entry into the park.
It took the kids three passes to figure out that this was the stamp station.
You could book ranger tours (for a cost) into certain areas of the monument, but because of Kendall's shoes, we weren't doing anything like that. Plus, there's still plenty to see without going this route. So, we headed outside and explored a little. I liked a lot of the little details...
Then it was time to head into the park!