Recording the WDW Resort channel.


Ok, seeing that many people have shot their own videos of rides, attractions, etc. - has anyone attempted to record the actual WDW Resort channel? And I'm talking the ENTIRE WDW Resort channel loop, talking about planning your WDW day.

I've noticed that in the resorts, the cable line connected to the TV's looks pretty basic (no filter on the line to block connections, no special cable box it goes into before going to the TV). The TV's themselves don't look modified in anyway. So, in theory (provided you have brought a VCR with you on your vacation), you should be able to disconnect the cable line from the back of the TV, connect it up to the VCR, tune in the channel and record, correct?

Does anyone know anything about this, or has anyone tried it? I've always wanted to, but I end up forgetting to bring a VCR along with me.

Craig - Atlanta, Ga.


It certainly sounds as if you could. Its a lot of trouble to bring a VCR with you- especially if you are flying. I love that WDW channel- even that slightly irritating "Zipa dee do dah, Tip for Today" music they play. Watching it really reminds me of where I am, and all the fun things there are to do. Watching it at home probably isn't the same, and may take some of the magic of watching it at WDW away.
Although, having said that, I wouldn't mind popping a copy into the VCR right now. I say, if you don't mind bringing a VCR, go for it!
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisJosh
I'm pretty sure you can rent VCR's at some resorts. If worse comes to worse just point the video camera at the screen and tape. :D

you can hook your video camera up to the tv LiKe a VCR

hey did you guys know, that disney information channel is available OFF property as well? i got it in the last resort i stayed in which was actually accross the street from sea world.
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New Member
the first thing i do when i get to our room is throw that channel on. gets me psyched for the vacation.... i made mp3's from a full loop last year (1 hour long) which can be found under the ride videos thread, or go here

there are other ways to record the loop onto video without dragging a vcr with you... i'm trying to figure out the best way so when i can try it when i go in october. though, if old key west has vcr's in the room that might be the easiest... just pop a tape in and record :)

of course, if anyone does - please share the video
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Originally posted by AliciaLuvzDizne

hey did you guys know, that disney information channel is available OFF property as well? i got it in the last resort i stayed in which was actually accross the street from sea world.

Yeah, I found that out when we stayed at a hotel on International Drive (it was near Sea World). I was really surprised.
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Originally posted by popkid
the first thing i do when i get to our room is throw that channel on. gets me psyched for the vacation.... i made mp3's from a full loop last year (1 hour long) which can be found under the ride videos thread, or go here

there are other ways to record the loop onto video without dragging a vcr with you... i'm trying to figure out the best way so when i can try it when i go in october. though, if old key west has vcr's in the room that might be the easiest... just pop a tape in and record :)

of course, if anyone does - please share the video

Hey PopKid.....I looked at your site....nice videos. I have most of them, but would love to get an actual video of Walt's Last film. Ya know, the 1966 film of EPCOT. If you have this on video tape or DVD, I would like to arrange a trade. I will mail you a VHS tape or DVD of the WDW Resort Channel loop. I have a Power Mac G4 with a DVD burner so I can make you a DVD, however they are kinda pricy right now. Throw in another video or two of my choice and we could call it even. Let me know. If you are interested, post something and we can swap email addresses!!!
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Account Suspended
I stayed someplace on I-drive one time, for a friend's b-day, and we got the Disney vacation channels and the Universal one as well. It was pretty nifty.

The Universal one tends to go in depth into each attraction so it's pretty cool.

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New Member
Wilderness Lodge Villas also has VCR's in the rooms. I've never thought to tape it. Going down there on Monday morning, maybe I'll do that. It would be nice to be able to pop it in and watch any time you please!
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Original Poster
:('s been a month since the last post to this question/idea. I believe it was Disneyboy who stated he had a copy of the ENTIRE loop from the Disney Resort channel. I believe he may have talked with POPKID about hosting the video on his site.

Does anyone else have a copy or the ability to record the Disney Resort channel's loop and then post it? I'm sure many, many people would love to view this at home. I catch myself listening to streaming audio from WDW all day long at work. It's very soothing.

Please let us know what anyone can do,

Craig - Atlanta, Ga.
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New Member
We just got back from stay at the Wyndham Palace across from DTD. They have the Disney loop but it is not as detailed as it used to be or as long. Stupid me, forgot to bring the VCR. Most resorts offer VCP's but not VCR's I think you have to bring your own. I know I will next time. I love that channel. I wonder if you own an old satellite dish if you could pick it up ?
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Active Member
I would REALLY love to have a recording of the loop! When I'm at the world I have the resort channel on pretty much 24/7 - it's just part of being there for me! :) Of course, when we are there DH fusses that that's all I want to watch! :lol:
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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by disneyfamily
We just got back from stay at the Wyndham Palace across from DTD. They have the Disney loop but it is not as detailed as it used to be or as long. Stupid me, forgot to bring the VCR. Most resorts offer VCP's but not VCR's I think you have to bring your own. I know I will next time. I love that channel. I wonder if you own an old satellite dish if you could pick it up ?

There is a 12foot satellite dish in my mothers back yard...with all kinds of cool things I can lock onto and everything...all I have have to do is puch up the satellite or galaxy... it moves...and it locks in...and I can do some really cool fine tuning of the signal with it as well....this thing was/still is top of the brodcast equipment

Ummmm...if you or anybody here has the all the other details... I can see if I can find it and run a tape this weekend...if I go up there... let me know :)

but..... I just thought of something.... it might be a cable only thing...that runs thru the resorts...or does disney sat uplink this loop?...any info would be much appreciated gang :)
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New Member
Originally posted by DMC-12

There is a 12foot satellite dish in my mothers back yard...with all kinds of cool things I can lock onto and everything...all I have have to do is puch up the satellite or galaxy... it moves...and it locks in...and I can do some really cool fine tuning of the signal with it as well....this thing was/still is top of the brodcast equipment

Ummmm...if you or anybody here has the all the other details... I can see if I can find it and run a tape this weekend...if I go up there... let me know :)

but..... I just thought of something.... it might be a cable only thing...that runs thru the resorts...or does disney sat uplink this loop?...any info would be much appreciated gang :)

One thing to think about is the signal may be encoded and you would need to decode the signal. In the past ten years with the popularity of Sat dishes in the C-Band range, many uplinks have now been scrambled to prevent the very thing you want to do.
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Trophy Husband
Originally posted by jmarc63

One thing to think about is the signal may be encoded and you would need to decode the signal. In the past ten years with the popularity of Sat dishes in the C-Band range, many uplinks have now been scrambled to prevent the very thing you want to do.

I just posted on the other thread and got the "zip a dee doo dah tip for the day" music going through my head. When I saw this thread, I was amazed to see that other people are as stupid about this as me.:hammer:

There must be some sort of subliminal messages in that loop. It's the silliest thing, but it just gets me in such a Disney mood!:sohappy:
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