Rebel Moon


Well-Known Member
So if the farmers have a space ship, why do they sow crops by hand? They would grow more crops if they used technology and wouldn't be starving. Where are their weapons? At least in Battle Beyond the Stars the village said they were pacifists so had no weapons. How does one 90 pound girl take out twelve battle harden soldiers?
Good lord.

I haven't watched the movie but reading all of this from you guys makes me feel like I have and let me tell you, it was an absolutely EXHAUSTING imaginary viewing!


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Well-Known Member
Snyder's real genius may be the concept of releasing what is essentially a rough draft, waiting to see what does and doesn't work, then releasing a "Director's Cut" that tries to amend those issues. As someone who isn't actually all for the concept of "special editions" or "extended editions" I'm not against this idea, only that it be more honest about it.


President of Animal Kingdom
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Snyder's real genius may be the concept of releasing what is essentially a rough draft, waiting to see what does and doesn't work, then releasing a "Director's Cut" that tries to amend those issues. As someone who isn't actually all for the concept of "special editions" or "extended editions" I'm not against this idea, only that it be more honest about it.
Well, the 'rough draft' of Justice League was really Whedon's attempt to finish it after Snyder had to pull out because of a tragic family matter.

The "Snyder cut" was better, but not the top tier piece of work the Snyder bros make it out to be. There was no 'Snyder cut' for the tragedy that was "Martha"... I mean "Batman v. Superman" to make it better.

With Rebel Moon, Snyder isn't fixing a problem another director made, but his own problem... which he's probably blind to. My prediction is that it will include more violence and sex to sell it. And it will be number one on Netflix... for a week. Just like Rebel Moon was until it quickly dropped off of Netflix's Top Ten.


Well-Known Member
Well, the 'rough draft' of Justice League was really Whedon's attempt to finish it after Snyder had to pull out because of a tragic family matter.

The "Snyder cut" was better, but not the top tier piece of work the Snyder bros make it out to be. There was no 'Snyder cut' for the tragedy that was "Martha"... I mean "Batman v. Superman" to make it better.

With Rebel Moon, Snyder isn't fixing a problem another director made, but his own problem... which he's probably blind to. My prediction is that it will include more violence and sex to sell it. And it will be number one on Netflix... for a week. Just like Rebel Moon was until it quickly dropped off of Netflix's Top Ten.
Justice League was being actively retooled during production due to the poor response to Batman V Superman before Snyder's departure. The film was in a state dubbed "unwatchable and joyless" before Whedon made the horrendous decision to act as hatchet-man.


President of Animal Kingdom
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President of Animal Kingdom
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The perennial cry of the out of touch who think their opinion is objective reality and there must be something wrong with anyone who disagrees...



Well-Known Member
my wife & i have no desire to watch part 2 considering how much we didn’t care for part 1. i forgot part 2 is out. for some reason i thought it was next month.

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
I watched a few minutes of this last night, and without judging the whole thing prematurely, I will say one thing.

I know sci-fi movies tend to have silly names for people and places, but the intro recap was Anthony Hopkins(!) rattling off a bunch of nonsense words and it honestly felt like several minutes of literal gibberish.

I was amused.

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
Well, I finished this.

For some reason a movie that seems to want to be a sci-fi epic just returns to a village where they are farming grain.

We are reunited with a group of characters I barely remember. We get a flashback backstory for each of them and I do not care. I couldn't name or describe any of the main characters. Whenever a character dies there's no emotional payoff.

Why is this so focused on the need to spend what appears to be massive resources to collect a relatively small amount of grain? I know this is inspired by other movies that involved farmers, but this is supposed to be sci-fi.

Look at James Cameron's Avatar movies. The story about the bad guys raving a planet to exploit the natural resources is pretty standard stuff, but at least there's a sci-fi aspect to it. They're after a rare metal in the first and a mystical tonic of youth made from whale brain in the second. It's got that fantasy element.

The good news is, after suffering through the first half of the movie, we then get an extended battle sequence that is mostly fun and well executed. The story never clicked for me but that latter half is entertaining and well done.

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