My husband just returned from chaperoning a group of high school students to the World. He loved the theming of the new circus area and took a picture that he found particularly interesting. Being Disney geeks, we have come to look in, around, and under places in WDW to see the hidden Mickeys or nods to former attractions. As my DH was in line for the Great Goofini, he noticed the back of the sign (as you enter the cue) looked like it was made from recycled signage. Knowing Disney doesn't have to reuse anything it doesn't want to, he took a picture - just feeling it had more meaning. When he got home, we enlarged and printed out the picture. We cut it apart and pieced it together to form the words "Wise Acres F" and part of what is sure to be "rm". How neat to salute the old "Wise Acres Farm" part of Barnstormer. I looked around the forum to see if anyone else has posted about it, but didn't see anything. Have any of you seen this yet? I can't post pictures here (I know I need to upgrade and will eventually), but if anyone is interested in me e-mailing them (the sign and our cutting) message me. I can't wait to see the new additions! Sadly, we don't have a family trip planned anytime soon.