I am also considering taking the dive and going resale, likely at AKL.
Can someone shed some light on use year, which still confuses me a bit. Everything I have read mentions you should get a use year before the time you intend to travel - but when they start going into the time to bank, and the holding bank if you cancel a reservation, my brain gets scrambled.
We typically travel in September, just after Labor Day. However, our son is at the point where we shouldn't be pulling him out of school for 7-10 days, so our travel dates will likely shift into August. It's possible we may decide to go other times of year, but August/September would generally be our preferred dates.
Does that mean I should be looking for a June use year? That would still put me well ahead of the 11 month mark at my home resort (probably not terribly important unless we want Jambo). And if not June, what would be a better use year?