When I worked at our local mall Disney Store from ‘09-‘13 (1+ year as a Lead Manager), we always had reusable bags as an up sell, or even free depending on purchase price point.
But, we still always had drawers full of small, medium, large, and x-large plastic bags.
On a related environmental note…
We had friends back in the mid 80’s that were planning a family. They were initially planning on using cloth diapers. They ended up settling on disposable, because of all the water/wastewater, electricity they’d be using regarding cleaning the dirty cloth diapers.
Also, we recently got a new waste receptacle at our house for “compostables”. And years ago already for “recyclables”.
So now, instead of one gasoline-powered truck coming to our home once a week to pick up the “trash”, we now have three gasoline-powered trucks coming to our house three times a week…!!!!!
Not to mention the need of the extra utilities, facilities and workforce to process it all…hey, but we’re goin’ green…!!!!!