I know Maleficent made a lot of money, but it is an awful movie. And I honestly don’t know whose dumb idea it was to hand over the movie to the villain. But dumb, dumb, that person should have been fired… even though it made a ton of money haha. I guess if a movie gets a big star for something Disney will totally ruin the story for them.
Furthermore casting Angelina Jolie in the role is beyond wrong. She ruined the movie with her usual over the top British accent. Plus what’s with the look, why does she have fake cheekbones and strange eye contacts. Have they seen the original movie. Jolie’s outside life is too well known and it has now hindered her acting career and ability to hide in her roles. … And for Christ’s sake villains don’t have to always be sympathetic. They can still be totally evil. You don’t need to give them a sympathetic reason for what they’re doing. The viewers don’t need to feel bad for them, they can be awful people and still be loved (see every great Disney Animation Villain). Especially… Maleficent, the Mistress of Evil. They seem to give her the lionshare of the screen time and tell more of her backstory than Aurora’s. And her story is completely made up and lame. They provide something that no one even wanted in the first place. She completely overshadowed who should have been the real star, Aurora a.k.a. Briar Rose.
Now to her, the costar in her own movie… Aurora. Elle Fanning, I’ve got a problem with her as well for the role of Aurora. She was just too young to play the role of Aurora (14). Though she did look the part, it was a little weird to have someone so young in a romantic role. The age gap was too much between her and the guy who played Phillip (24 years). Aurora is supposed to be at least 16 or 17 years old. It’s hard to feel anything for someone who would be a freshman in high school and her college graduate boyfriend.
The following cast probably wouldn’t make the film as much money, but it would be a much better overall movie. That is actually true to the original animated film.

Madison Iseman as Aurora
Keneti James Fitzgerald Apa as Prince Phillip
Noomi Rapace as Maleficent
Helen Mirren, Emma Thompson and Lesley Nicol as The Fairies
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