Uh oh, look at that big green phallic symbol in pic #1...looks like we've got another boycott on the way
Actually, it looks like a cool diversion, but I'd rather see a full-fledged Disney theme park or even resort sim!
By the way, I've made an Epcot-esque park for Rollercoaster Tycoon, posted in the newsgroup: alt.binaries.games.rctycoon
It requires the RCTPatch (included in zip) and the CF/LL add-on.
Somebody let me know it works, if it's any good: radioandy@go.com
(I just noticed I can attach files here, duh. I'll send a copy of the saved game when I get to my home computer.)
OK, here's my saved park for RCT LL/CF. It includes the "drexler patch," which I think is required for the game to work. I also have some really cool customized music for the rides...but the files are wav and about 53 triglobytes, so I'll spare you.