Random photos from MK... Spectro-men Warning!


Well-Known Member
That sign at TTC was definitely not up two weeks ago when we were there...

As for the (DVC) construction at the Contemporary, hopefully they announce this 'top secret' project soon. Haven't they sold enough of the AK Villas by now???


New Member

They finally replaced the old sign at TTC... No more black.


Can someone remind me, what part of the old sign was blacked out? I do remember something was blacked out, but I can't figure out what it was.:confused:

And I agree with those who've mentioned it - I do find it stupid they put these signs up only months before the D-MGM/DHS name change. They'll probably just modidy the signs come January rather than change them again.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Disney used to offer bus service from TTC to Down Town Disney, then they ended that and covered up all mention after they got tired of the people parking there and going to the parks.


Active Member
Why go through the effort and cost to replace the signs and they still read MGM?

Haha, good point. I haven't completed the mental transition to DHS yet so didn't catch it. Incidentally, has signage been replaced yet?? I know the contract for MGM properties in GMR goes longer, but when that contract expires, think it means Disney will finally have the excuse it wants to get rid of the attraction vs re-work it?

Re: DVC Contemporary... yeah, that's about as much of a secret as the DVC GCH is here... wonder which is the better "best kept secret"?!

Re: Mansion... asked this elsewhere, but does anyone know about this Mansion lightning package. There is a video from about 10 years ago of Tony wandering through MK and being all excited about "restoring" MK's Mansion lightning effects. I don't remember ever seeing lightning at night on the Mansion and so wondered if this is just something I happened to have missed every time I'm there??


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I think when the tower is done it would be easier to walk to MK from the tower... since the monorail is crowded enough, or they can take a bus to Disney-MGM Studios and take the boat to Epcot.

I think the walkway is for other reasons like the arcade and quick service area, unless they are smart enough to give them their own quick service / refill station.

Very good point. Also, I think the elevated walkway is more a design feature keeping with the modernistic feel.


1 when did they change the faces in spectro

2 They should go throw themself of a cliff for changing MGM's name to Hollywood........to me it will always be MGM....... and the GMR should live on forever

3 what ever they put at the Comtemp Resort is going to blow Monkey !@#$ cause they should just leave it alone... its a classic u dont change a classic

sorry for the heated remarks im just passionate


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
1 when did they change the faces in spectro

2 They should go throw themself of a cliff for changing MGM's name to Hollywood........to me it will always be MGM....... and the GMR should live on forever

3 what ever they put at the Comtemp Resort is going to blow Monkey !@#$ cause they should just leave it alone... its a classic u dont change a classic

sorry for the heated remarks im just passionate

1. about 2-3 weeks ago

2. It's amazing to me that some people get bent out of shape about Disney using Pixar's name when they own it, but other's want Disney to use MGM when there is no connection what so ever! :shrug:

3. If you are referring to the new tower, I think it will be a vast improvement to the 1970's roadside motel that was the north wing. The Main tower will remain the centerpiece classic hotel that it has always been.


Well-Known Member
Finally, why we cannot have nice things,

Yeah...classic riff for WDW. "We can't have nice things."

Last I heard, WDI actully wanted to rehab the Laugh Floor already JUST because guests are trashing the queue and ruining the carpet in the pre-show...I don't think it'll happen for awhile though, if ever.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
its true... though I also hate how I stepped on gum in the preshow room 2 and told a cm about it who sent the info off for later...

Though its not just true about wdw, DLR has same issue with people trashing things differently... maybe they will add a barrier to stop the kids from climbing? there was no cm near by, and the parents were just talking to each other.


Well-Known Member
The nice things bit is hysterical. I honestly thought it was a joke because I'm kidding whenever I say it. It's right up there with 'that's what she said'.

All kidding aside, it is why we can't have nice things. A shame, really. Oh well, thanks for the great update.


Well-Known Member
Those hitchhiking ghosts are the coolest thing WDW has had out in a LONG time. Could you grab the sku off of those, somebody? How much are they? Thanks for the pics!
The Hitchhiking ghosts are refered to as BIG FIGS and are labled Phineas, Ezra, and Gus, for obvious reasons. They are about $195 plus tax. They are NOT in stock at the stores and you will need to pay for shipping home where they will be sent directly. They each have LED Blacklights built in to the front. Right now the Following 3 stores have them (and there's probally more): Emporium (near the Year of a Million Dreams Mickey Statue), Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe, and Yankee Trader. Also of Note Yankee Trader is now a halloween store for the season, it will return to normal after Halloween Parties are over. Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe also has the HM tombstones (also shipping only).

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