Random Acts of Magic


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Original Poster
As guests, we often make note of positive experiences at the Disney resorts regarding special castmembers and how they've participated in helping create the Disney magic.

As guests, can we too help create magic for other guests? Of course we can!

Timekeeper, for example, likes to bring a roll of pennies to the park and drop one here and there for someone else to find on their "lucky day." Some may call it littering, but others call it spreading little copper pieces of magic.

Have any of you gone out of your way to help create magic for others at the Disney resorts?



Well-Known Member
Great, you've given me a reason to toot my own horn!

Anytime I see a family with one of them taking a picture of the others, I always ask "do you want to be in the picture?" or jokingly say, "go get in that picture".

Some people are afraid or uncomfortable to ask others to take a photo for them. And I hope when they see the picture with all of them in it, they will then remember someone was nice enough to come up to them and offer to take their picture.

And the other thing I will usually do, is stop for the street vendors who want to take your picture. These people work on quota's of how many pictures they take, not sell. So stopping for 2 seconds to allow them to get an easy picture in, makes me feel good that I helped them out with their day.


I do the picture thing too. It's almost as if I can't allow that one person not to have a record of themselves in the "magic". So, the couple seconds it takes to take the photo for them is nothing,

My wife and I also play with other people's kid's, especially when they're "not behaving" for their parent. One of us is usually carrying some sort of toy, so that helps, and we usually get a smile from the child, and the parent.....

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by KevinPage

And the other thing I will usually do, is stop for the street vendors who want to take your picture. These people work on quota's of how many pictures they take, not sell. So stopping for 2 seconds to allow them to get an easy picture in, makes me feel good that I helped them out with their day.

Perhaps if they were less pushy, and their ability matched the spiel I may be prepared to tolerate them. Besides who the hell wants to waste time with a photo when you first enter a park.

That said, a young man took a very good shot of my girls at Epcot, but perhaps that was because we were not being mown down by guests entrering the park.

I do my bit for guests by wearing a shirt at all time, and ensuring that my personnel hygene is 1st rate.:animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by Pumbas Nakasak

I do my bit for guests by wearing a shirt at all time, and ensuring that my personnel hygene is 1st rate.:animwink:

:lol: :lol: :lol: that's very nice of you

we also do the picture thing although I always "cut of heads".
sure they will " remember me"


Well-Known Member
We do the pic thing , too. Almost all of our vac pics from my childhood are missing my dad! I would love to have a family pic from those days now that they are both gone. I always talk to the little kids, babies to try and distract them and give Mom & Dad a few secs. of peace! We usually end up talking for the rest of the line...and as always :D


New Member
I guess you could call this a random act of magic! On a recent trip to WDW, my wife and I took part in Dive Quest at The Living Seas. While exploring the aquarium, I noticed a small girl in a Wheel Chair siting by one of the observation windows looking very glum and sad. I approached from underneath where she was sitting and popped up right in front of her. I waved to her and she returned a very shy and timid wave back. I waved again, took my regulator out of my mouth and smiled while blowing bubbles. She got an ear to ear smile and returned a big wave. I asume her mother and father where standing behind her because they gave me a thumbs up and mouthed the words thank you. After the dive I looked around for her but they had already left.

Pixie Power

New Member
Originally posted by TIGGER-FAN
I guess you could call this a random act of magic! On a recent trip to WDW, my wife and I took part in Dive Quest at The Living Seas. While exploring the aquarium, I noticed a small girl in a Wheel Chair siting by one of the observation windows looking very glum and sad. I approached from underneath where she was sitting and popped up right in front of her. I waved to her and she returned a very shy and timid wave back. I waved again, took my regulator out of my mouth and smiled while blowing bubbles. She got an ear to ear smile and returned a big wave. I asume her mother and father where standing behind her because they gave me a thumbs up and mouthed the words thank you. After the dive I looked around for her but they had already left.

OK, I'm crying now after reading your post. That is so sweet! Thanks for making that little girl's day.:D

As for me/us, we do the picture thing too. And although it would be funny:lol: about cutting off the heads, I wouldn't do it b/c those people probably are really excited to have everyone in the picture and to go home and have it screwed up would be tragic. JMHO!


Account Suspended
Originally posted by KevinPage
And the other thing I will usually do, is stop for the street vendors who want to take your picture. These people work on quota's of how many pictures they take, not sell. So stopping for 2 seconds to allow them to get an easy picture in, makes me feel good that I helped them out with their day.

Sorry, but those people REALLY annoy me! In fact, I consider it to be one of the things that has made the parks a little LESS magical. I know what celebrities feel like with the paparrazzi. I hate to see anyone lose a job, but I would REALLY like to see these people gone from the parks. I seem to always be the guy acosted by them whenever I enter the parks. And they ARE somewhat pushy at times.


Well-Known Member
We always have our pics taken at each park. It's one pic we know will have all of us! We have never had an instance of rudeness. We just say "no thanks" and keep on walking or " just did" and they say OK and that's the end of it.


New Member
The thing that my hubby and I do when we are at the parks is if we know that the family behind us in line are first timers, we'll let them go ahead of us in line. As he says "This maybe their last day in the park and they may not have a chance to ride this again, we'll be back over next month." :)


New Member
i like to help folks by telling them the best ways not to get lines on rides. I also tell them the best restaurants and things that u have to do before u go. It feels great to then see the person around the park or in the bus on the way back to the resort and they tell u i took ur advice and had a wonderful time. I also think that i help by posting in these forums.:kiss: Spreding the magic is the best feeling ever.:)


New Member
I spread the magic......thinking....

I give my fastpasses to a family sitting in an hour wait for a ride that I've ridden a million times. Play around with kids in line. My boys hold open doors and mind their manners.

There is nothing like having a door shut in your face when you have a million things in your hands.

I also find that rude, disruptive kids gets really old after awhile so I like to make sure my boys are extra polite to other people especially older people who are without kids with them. Nothing like getting away from your own kids and being surrounded by hundereds of kids you find to be worse then your own. I always appreciate my children a bit more when I see those kids. You all know which kids I mean too.


New Member
Its not much of magic, its just being considerate, but...

I know what its like to walk the parks all day, and cram yourself into a monorail at closing time, and have to stand there just to get in line so you can get to the parking lot. So I always opt to stand, and give someone my seat on the monorail and the buses, especially to older people, or mothers with small children because I'm young, whats five more minutes to me when ive been standing all day?


New Member
My friend Kathleen through a left over Oreo cookie she ate off into the bushes of the Beach Club resorts Beaches and Cream diner...she left a bit of magic for the clean up crew! :lol: Ok not so funny. :)


New Member
Originally posted by cuteypatooty78
My friend Kathleen through a left over Oreo cookie she ate off into the bushes of the Beach Club resorts Beaches and Cream diner...she left a bit of magic for the clean up crew! :lol: Ok not so funny. :)

OOp's I mean't "Threw" not "Through" sheesh I need to learn to spell.


Well-Known Member
I can't help being a part of the Magic that is Disney!
I feel so good when I'm there I feel it's my DUTY to help others feel good during their stay.

Here's a few things I do just because it's fun to be helpful.

I stand for an hour before a parade and Illuminations to get a good spot with a good view....then just as the parade begins I find 5 or 6 kids and bring them up to my spot up front and then I step back. While they watch the parade...I watch the smiles on their faces.

Sometimes I'll buy a Mickey Balloon and give it to a child and tell his or her folks that I "Bought it by mistake" or "I bought it and didn't want it anymore."

I always offer my seat to the ladies and the elderly on Disney Buses and the Monorail. I'm going to get old someday too and I'm hoping someone will do it for me some day.

Since I have been to Disney World so many times, I often answer questions for 1st timers to enhance their visits. Must sees..must rides etc.

and finally....I always smile and say please and thank you to all the Disney Castmembers. It's such a small thing but if you're having a bad day, a smile and a thank you can make you feel like it's all worth it.



New Member
Originally posted by Pumbas Nakasak
Perhaps if they were less pushy, and their ability matched the spiel I may be prepared to tolerate them. Besides who the hell wants to waste time with a photo when you first enter a park.

That said, a young man took a very good shot of my girls at Epcot, but perhaps that was because we were not being mown down by guests entrering the park.

I do my bit for guests by wearing a shirt at all time, and ensuring that my personnel hygene is 1st rate.:animwink:
I guess that wasnt you in front of me on the line to splash mountain. anyway we thank you for that.:sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by MagicWows
Its not much of magic, its just being considerate, but...

I know what its like to walk the parks all day, and cram yourself into a monorail at closing time, and have to stand there just to get in line so you can get to the parking lot. So I always opt to stand, and give someone my seat on the monorail and the buses, especially to older people, or mothers with small children because I'm young, whats five more minutes to me when ive been standing all day?
Now thats MAGIC!!!!!! thanks because I am one of those mothers.. i have 2 are under the age of 4 and its a garentee they are both sleeping by the time we are transported back to the resort. At the risk of sounding corny .... it is that kind of kindness that makes me head back to Disney.

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