New Member
What games do you have?
For the PS3 I have MLB 08 The Show (awesome baseball game if he's a big baseball fan... in fact, don't mention it to him... one of the most addicting games I've ever played)
NBA 2K8...
and I had this sick game called Uncharted: Drake's Fortune...
it was kinda like an indiana jones type game to be honest... and it was friggin AWESOME... I beat it in a week...

and then Tiger Woods...
We have my late brother's PS2 with Guitar Hero II. So, I'll probably want to get the Aerosmith one whin it comes out, if it's nt out already. Can we use the guitars from the PS2 game with a new game on the PS3?
PS3 actually doesn't have anywhere to plug controllers in... they're completely wireless (you can use a usb adapter to hook up the PS3 controller to a PS3 to register the controller/charge it... but PS2 controllers and such don't have output's for anything like that) so... no, unfortunately you can't... (but Aerosmith is coming out for PS2... so... i'm gonna buy it for PS2 cuz GH is one of the best games EVER, and Aerosmith is my favorite band ever... i have to have it....)
I agree. And that's why I'm totally okay with buying the system. It's just spending $60 (or however much a game is) here and there on games that we won't really have the time to play.:shrug:
yeah... this is also partly my issue with video games... they're just so expensive now... and I mean, I just don't play them like I did from when I was a kid/in college...
I bougth Grand Theft Auto IV when it came out cuz i loved this series... but... to be honest I don't play it... kind of a waste of $60... (i think this means I'm growing up... 5 years ago I would be doing nothing BUT playing this game...)

i'm getting old...