Trip Report Rain, rain go away! The Miller family wants to play! (COMPLETE)

This trip was planned after one of the most stressful years of our married life. A multitude of bumps in road of life had left us worn out and in need of some Disney magic. The worst of which was a cancer scare in the late Spring that, by the grace of God, turned out to be a false alarm. I received the all-clear and low and behold Disney released free dining shortly thereafter. Divine intervention, perhaps?! :-)
We booked at Caribbean Beach Resort for Thursday, September 24-Thursday October 1 with free dining, 3 day park tickets and MNSSHP tickets for Sunday. We wanted to take this trip much slower than our previous ones to allow for more time to enjoy the resort, pools and Downtown. We decided to drive this time to save some money and after much consideration, opted to drive straight through from Ohio overnight. Was it a wise decision? Stay tuned to find out!
Here is the cast of characters:
2013 disney.jpg

Me, SweetEvangeline, lover of all things Pinocchio, my sweet DH, MouseFreak, lover of all things Disney-related, and our beautiful 13 year old special needs daughter, Grace, lover of…well, that changes frequently, but her most favorite part of any trip is the pool time! Here we go....


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YAY character time!! So glad it meant something special to her and the characters took their time with her! Glad the rider swap worked for you. I hope Grace understands that even on Splash Mountain, her parents wouldn't let her on it if they didn't think it was 1000% safe. That's what my mom told me years ago and it got me brave enough to try Spash, etc. :) Can't wait to read the rest of your report! You can NEVER have to much chocolate! A la Rainforest! But even my df and I wouldn't be able to finish that!

Thanks! We have worked really hard with Grace over the years to teach her to trust us. I don't know if it stems from her disability, spending the first 10 months of her life in an orphanage, or just her stubborn need for independence! :-) She is so much better than she used to be. It's extremely important but it is predicted that her vision will continue to deteriorate as she gets older, so she is going to be forced to trust others to lead her.


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We had fast passes for Test Track, so we headed there next. Unfortunately the darn rain was still coming down but we decided to give it a try. We made it through the design room, but then heard an announcement that the ride was being suspended until further notice due to weather. We had a seat on the floor and tried to wait it out, but after 20-30 minutes, we decided it wasn't worth the wait and we moved on. Darn it! We made our way over to World Showcase to grab something to eat. Dennis had a hankerin' for something sweet, and had never tried the schoolbread in Norway, so that was our first stop. Oh my! I am not a fan of coconut, but Dennis was in heaven. Grace loved it too. I wish we would have just eaten lunch there, but we had decided to give Morroco a try for lunch. We only got one counter service at Morroco to share, and although there was nothing wrong with what we had, it wasn't my favorite. It was tasty, but not something that will be itching to have again any time soon. Dennis decided his dessert needed to be this...

It wasn't as good as the grand marnier slush, but it came in a close second. We also stopped at the food and wine booth in Italy and shared a ravioli snack. It was good, but not as good as we remember from a couple of years ago. We finished lunch in time to catch Voices of Liberty in the outdoor pavilion. Unfortunately, it started to rain again while we were there, but we had our ponchos so we were okay...just damp!

We had dinner reservations at Magic Kingdom, so we decided to head out and spend the last of our time in our favorite park. On our way out, we lucked into Pluto with no line! Grace loved it!!



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Yay Pluto with no line! That's always a little bit of surprise magic when there's no line for the characters!
As for trust, learning to trust isn't easy but I'm glad Grace has wonderful parents who are teaching her all about trust and safety. I know she doesn't like Splash, but perhaps she will find another roller coaster (ala Big Thunder or 7 Dwarves) or a ride that she can be brave for and fall in love with!


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We headed over to Magic Kingdom on the monorail. Honestly I cannot remember what we did before dinner, but I do know we worked in another spin on Small World for Grace and another round on Haunted Mansion. Our dinner reservation at Tony's Town Square was for 5:30 so we checked around 5:15. We were lucky enough to snag a table outside on the covered patio. It was pretty warm and muggy that evening, but it was worth it to enjoy dinner while you feel like you are sitting on Main St. Dinner was good. Grace loved it because spaghetti is her absolute favorite food on the planet. :-) DH and I, however, found the food to be average. It certainly wasn't anything bad, but not something we will do again any time soon. We spent the last few hours of our Magic Kingdom time trying to soak up as much magic as possible. I don't have any pictures, so it must not have been anything too fancy.
My favorite memory of the night, though was our final stop in Big Top Souveniers. Let me preface this by saying, Grace NEVER asks for anything. I know it sounds silly, but it drives us nuts! We sooo want to buy her fun things and she just never wants anything. This particular evening, we were strolling around the Big Top taking in the smells and doing some last minute shopping. I spotted a Mike Wazowski pillow and pulled it off the shelf and showed it to Grace. She looked at, said "Monster's Inc" and in true Grace style, placed him neatly back on the shelf. I had given up, but as soon as I started to push her wheelchair away, she grabbed that Mike pillow and held on for dear life. DH walked up right at that time and asked her if she wanted that pillow. I could tell by the way she was holding onto it that there was no way we were leaving that tent without it. We didn't care how much it cost, if she wants it, she's getting it! LOL It was perfectly appropriate after our Halloween party costumes this year, and we were thrilled that she finally showed an interest in something. By the end of the trip, she had selected a Mike cookie as a snack to take home as well. Maybe we are on to something! Do you think she likes her pillow?!



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We ended our night with one final spin on the teacups and I actually rode it for the first time ever. Dennis promised he wouldn't spin too fast! It was awesome. We stuck around for one final look at Wishes before sadly making the final stroll down Main St. Didn't this trip just get started??!! How can it be coming to an end so soon??!

Next up, our final day...sad, but true.


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It's so hard when you build up a trip like this for so many months and wake up knowing it is your last day in the bubble. We were going to try to cram a lot into our last day so we were up and at 'em bright and early. We began the day at Animal Kingdom to take in just a few of the favorites. We were there well before park opening and we loved how they allow you into the hub of the park prior to actual opening. We had no idea what a cool experiece we were in for, however! Just minutes before the park opened, we heard a ton of squawking and screeching as a whole flock of brightly colored birds swooped in just above our heads and landed on a nearby perch with their trainers. As if that wasn't cool enough, the noise started again and they flew back overhead and led the way into the park at the opening. Seriously a chill-bump moment. I wish we would have known so that we could have caught it on video. What an awesome way to start the day!! We are still talking about how amazing it was!

We stuck around AK long enough to catch Tough to be a Bug and the Lion King show, and Dennis had to catch a quick ride on Everest! Hes the one in the gray shirt in the middle of the train with his arms in the air! He LOVES that ride!

The cast members pulled Grace into the parade. She refused to carry a set of maracas...the little snot. This is by far our favorite show in all of the parks. Grace doesn't look thrilled, but I think she enjoyed it more than we know. We appreciate so much those cast members including her. I fought back tears the entire time. It would be better if she seemed to enjoy the attention more, but Mommy and Daddy will take it.


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We didn't stick around AK too long as we had fastpasses at Hollywood Studios that we didn't want to miss. In hindsight, I wish we would have spent more time at AK and less at HS. Until all of the refurbishments and additions are done, I think HS is definitely a half day park. There just isn't much to do that interests all of us. We did love being able to see the Chinese Theater in plain view, though. I can honestly say I had never noticed it until this trip.

Before we could do anything else, we had to visit one of my favorite counter services, Backlot Express. I HAD to get my beloved grilled vegetable sandwich for lunch. We also lucked into a devine strawberry cupcake that was amazing, and DH had the PB&J cupcake that was also delicious!!


After lunch, we spent some time in One Man's Dream before heading over for the Frozen Sing Along. We ended up with front row seats due to Grace's wheelchair. We should have opted for the back row instead as I think it was just sensory overload for my sweet girl being that close to the action. We had seen the show in January and as much as Grace loves music and sing-along videos, we thought sure she would love this show. She seemed really engaged until about half way through when the fog started and she started to have a melt-down. I felt terrible for her. Her melt-downs are not tantrum-throwing, screaming fits, fortunately. More like a sad, heart-breaking cry. She had her fingers in her ears and I could tell she was just overwhelmed. We made it through the show with some encouragement but next time I think we will sit further back.

We ducked in and out of air-conditioned buildings the rest of the afternoon to try to get some relief from the heat and humidity. We even enjoyed our one and only iced beverage from Starbucks that afternoon. We used rider swap for Tower of Terror and had a very plesant conversation with another couple while we waited. I think we struck up more conversations with strangers this year than ever before. It's part of the magic of Disney as far as I am concerned.

We had dinner reservations at 4:45 at 50's Prime Time Cafe, another favorite. We were all still really full from lunch, but we decided to make the most of it. This was our third time eating at 50's and it was certainly not our best experience. The food was fine, but our server didn't even try to play the part. I don't know if he was just too busy or what, but he didn't seem to engage any of his tables in the fun that ususally occurs here. And, we wanted to get Grace a special light-up drink and he informed us that they were out of the special cups. He didn't even try to offer any substitute for her, just brought her a cherry Sprite in a regular cup. He just didn't seem to care at all. :-(
We made the best of it, though, and made our own fun!

We were absolutely stuffed after dinner, so we slowly waddled our way to the front and waited for what seemed like an eternity for the boat to take us to Epcot for the rest of the evening.


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We love the boat that runs from HS to Epcot, but I had forgotten how long it takes. I think the first time we took it, we sat in the back near the open part and it was a little more comfortable. This time we were at the front and it was hot and stuffy. The boat makes several stops in between, but it does make for a relaxing ride as long as the boat stays in motion and the breeze continues. Soon enough, we arrived at the back door of Epcot and we were on our way in. I honestly cannot remember what all we did that night, but I know that we decided very early to get our spot staked for Illuminations. The wheelchair area we had been in several nights earlier was blocked off for a dessert party, so we headed closer to Mexico and found a spot right along the fence. The park was extremely crowded so we were happy to have found a good spot. Grace and I hung out while Dennis took off to make sure there wasn't a better location somewhere else. He tried to stop at Karamel Kuche to bring us back a caramel corn treat, but he said the line was huge so he gave up. Oh well. I didn't need anything else to eat anyway. He did stop and get us a watermelon sangria that was really tasty! We had a great conversation with the couple standing next to us the entire time we were waiting. They were at Epcot for the day just to participate in Food and Wine booths. They ate and drank around the world. That sounds like so much fun, but I don't think I could stomach all of that heavy food and alcohol in the heat. We don't drink much typically, so I am not sure that plan is for us. It was really fun hearing all about it, though. They were so sweet and we had a lovely conversation. They ended up beside us on the walk out, too. Funny how that happens.

So that is it, my friends. It was a very relaxed, low-key vacation for the Miller Family. Despite several days of rain, blisters on my toes, and falling off the weight watchers wagon in a bad way, the memories we have from these 7 days together will last a lifetime. Disney has a very special way of helping us leave behind the troubles of life and rejuvenating our souls.

We are discussing the option of doing an adult-only Disney cruise in 2017. Until then, we will live vicariously through others. :-)

Thank you for letting us share our memories with others who understand our love and devotion to Disney!


Premium Member
We love the boat that runs from HS to Epcot, but I had forgotten how long it takes. I think the first time we took it, we sat in the back near the open part and it was a little more comfortable. This time we were at the front and it was hot and stuffy. The boat makes several stops in between, but it does make for a relaxing ride as long as the boat stays in motion and the breeze continues. Soon enough, we arrived at the back door of Epcot and we were on our way in. I honestly cannot remember what all we did that night, but I know that we decided very early to get our spot staked for Illuminations. The wheelchair area we had been in several nights earlier was blocked off for a dessert party, so we headed closer to Mexico and found a spot right along the fence. The park was extremely crowded so we were happy to have found a good spot. Grace and I hung out while Dennis took off to make sure there wasn't a better location somewhere else. He tried to stop at Karamel Kuche to bring us back a caramel corn treat, but he said the line was huge so he gave up. Oh well. I didn't need anything else to eat anyway. He did stop and get us a watermelon sangria that was really tasty! We had a great conversation with the couple standing next to us the entire time we were waiting. They were at Epcot for the day just to participate in Food and Wine booths. They ate and drank around the world. That sounds like so much fun, but I don't think I could stomach all of that heavy food and alcohol in the heat. We don't drink much typically, so I am not sure that plan is for us. It was really fun hearing all about it, though. They were so sweet and we had a lovely conversation. They ended up beside us on the walk out, too. Funny how that happens.

So that is it, my friends. It was a very relaxed, low-key vacation for the Miller Family. Despite several days of rain, blisters on my toes, and falling off the weight watchers wagon in a bad way, the memories we have from these 7 days together will last a lifetime. Disney has a very special way of helping us leave behind the troubles of life and rejuvenating our souls.

We are discussing the option of doing an adult-only Disney cruise in 2017. Until then, we will live vicariously through others. :)

Thank you for letting us share our memories with others who understand our love and devotion to Disney!
Thank you for a wonderful TR

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