Quick Intro


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Original Poster
Hello everyone,

Sorry - I already jumped in earlier today and posted a question. :animwink: There are so many boards here - I couldn't find this one. Doh. So much information... so little time before September. Thank goodness for maternity leave... :lol:

Very quickly: I'm a Brit with a Texan husband, and a son (half American, blue passport holder) who is currently 7 months old. I'm travelling to Orlando in September with 6 other adults (husband included) and another baby - my niece, currently 10 months old. We realise that Disney may not be the brightest holiday for such little people, but it's a birthday celebration for my Dad, so we kind of have to be there. :)

My husband and I, my sister, my brother and my parents have all visited WDW world before - although my husband had a whirlwind tour of three parks in one day! My sister's fiance has never been. We went in 2001, though, so it has been a while! Looking forward to going back, too. :)

Anyway, that wasn't as quick as it was meant to be... on with the browsing. :)


Welcome. Lots of people to Disney very well with babies. It's not something I was willing to try, but I give credit to people who do! Have a great time.

P.S. Are you still on maternity leave with a 7 month old? Lucky you!

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