Questions about booking Dining Reservations


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Apologies in advance for asking what might be seen as dumb questions....... First time to Orlando and I've tried searching threads to see if my questions have already been asked.

I've booked a 2 week vacation in August staying at Sarasota Springs, and have the Disney Dining Plan. Since then I've been merrily making dining reservations at restaurants I've seen recommended on these threads. Is the right way to do things, or is there a different reservation process if you're on DDP? When do you mention you're on Dining Plan? When you get to the restaurant? I'm terrified I've made loads of dining reservations and they're going to expect me to pay for these meals. :eek:

2nd question - wanted to book Hoop Dee Doo and I have some reservation number from my original booking to enter, but every show I try it asks me for credit card details..... is this just to act as some kind of hold/guarantee or are they really charging me for this? How do I book Hoop Dee doo on Dining Plan.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they will ask you at the restaurant if you're on the dining plan. So you don't need to worry about having to pay for your meal.

As far as the Hoop Dee Doo, we haven't done that one, but I do believe that I have heard from people booking at CRT that the credit card is just to hold the reservation, but there is somewhere on the page after that where you can specify that you are on the dining plan and wish to use two credits. Sorry I can't be more help with that one.

Have a great trip! Saratoga is our home resort and it's beautiful! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I looked it up for you, and it states when you try to make a reservation that if you are on the dining plan that a valid credit card is needed to guarantee the reservation. So there must be a place where you can check the dining plan after you make the reservation. The credit card won't be charged, it's just used to hold your spot.


New Member
We did Hoop-Dee-Doo before on the DDP and they ask to make sure you are serious and to guarantee your reservation, since it's a 2 table credit or at least $50+ show they want to make sure it's full as they can have it go.


Well-Known Member
Booking the HDD might be easier to book if you call the Dining Reservations line (407-WDW-DINE) to make sure that it's booked properly.

Apart from that, you don't need to tell anyone you're on the Dining Plan until you get to the restaurant. (They'll usually ask at the checkin podium, but I believe that's more just to pass along that info to the server... The servers always double-check anyway)



New Member
The credit card is just to hold the reservation. Your card will not be charged. When you are at the show your server will take your Key to the World card and deduct 2 meals credits for the show. Also, tip is included when you use the dining plan on meals that cost 2 credits.


Well-Known Member
Just like everyone else is saying- whenever you book something that requires a credit card to hold the ressie- they just take your CC#. From my experiences- the meals that require a CC to book have cancellation policies...i.e. they'll charge your card if you're a no show and haven't cxld the ressie at least 2 days in advance. And just as they can deduct credits from your dining plan- if it's a meal you plan on paying for out of can tell them you'd like to do that as well. For us- we booked more ressies than we had DDP TS credits, but unless something major happens- we plan on doing all of them. It's still cheaper than the deluxe plan- I just had to figure out which was better out of pocket vs burning a DDP credit. Have a great trip!:wave:

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