Question for those who received a pin code


Active Member
I was checking my mailbox last night desperately looking for a pin code letter but finding only junk mail when I thought of something. Do you think that making purchases on your key to the world card has anything to do with getting a pin code? I live next to a gambling town in Nevada and it is common knowledge that using a players card every time you cash in at a blackjack table gets you points towards rewards. For example, if you sit down at a table, you always cash in at least $100, even if you don't plan on gambling that much and every time you sit down at another table, you cash in another $100. The pit boss then jots down some points and a month later, a promotional offer arrives at your house. Well, maybe it's not that cut and dry but there is definitely a correlation between the amount you put down every time you sit down at a table (assuming you use a players card) and the promo's you receive in the mail. Now with that in mind, the Key to the World card is one way that Disney can track your spending and therefore determine if it is profitable to give you a discount on a room in order to get you on property. I have never received a pin code, but I am also the type of person who will pay for everything with cash. I never put anything on my room key. I wonder if I would be more likely to get a pin code if I were to instead put all purchases on my room key and pay it off with the cash. That way Disney can see that I am spending. As it sits now, they assume that I spend next to nothing.


Well-Known Member
I think it is randomly done. I think the best thing you can do is be on every email list that Disney has (in regards to Disneyworld). Take their surveys, request more information, etc. I got my 1st pin last month and was so happy!!
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Well-Known Member
We have only received one pin code (right after we purchased DVC points :brick:) and we put everything we purchased for the last two trips on our KTTW card. I don't think it has anything to do with that, I think it is as random as lottery numbers being drawn.
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Active Member
I have received a couple and have never used them because they weren't for a good date for me. The only reason I got them was because I had given them my email address on their site site and stated that I would welcome emails from them and their partners.

The pin codes are given out random and it makes no difference if you stay on Disney property, which I never had until a couple of months ago, or off site. You just need to make sure they have your email and you gave them permission to email you offers.
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Original Poster
I just have a hard time believing that a company as powerful as Disney sends out promotions completely at random. I am sure I am over thinking this, it just seems that there would be some sort of a formula. Even in a business as small as mine when I send out special promotions I have a criteria. It's based on last purchase date, ave purchase price, or something of that sort. If I have a customer who frequently spends a lot of money, I am not as anxious to send out a promotion as someone I haven't seen in 24 months.
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Well-Known Member
I purchase everything on my Key to the World card.
We eat pretty much every meal at sit down restaurants and drink a lot in the lounges. Our bill is always huge!!
I've never received a pin code.
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We go to Disney every year. We have spent a lot of money there, and we have NEVER received a pin code. I have signed up for everything possible, ordered DVD's, entered contest...nothing seems to have worked. I think that it has to be random, or maybe they don't send me one because they know that I will come and spend money anyway. :shrug: It sure would be nice to get a pin code to get a little break on the price.
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And I've never put anything on my key to the world card and have gotten 2 pin codes in the last two years. A 20% one in 2008 which I was not able to take advantage of and a 40% one this year which I am taking full advantage of.

As I've expressed on these boards before, I am registered on as well as movieclub and movierewards. Also, I have priced out & saved vacations using the tool on the site. I haven't booked through Disney though, i've used a vacation planner, so possibly they're trying to encourage me to take the vacation(s) I've searched for????

And maybe since I didn't use the 20% one last year I got a higher one this year???

As always, just a theory
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Well-Known Member
I received my first pin code (30% off!) this year. We go nearly every year and alternate between using the KTTW card and our Disney Visa card for purchases. One of several factors probably led to getting the code:

1. I receive practically every email Disney newsletter there is (although this has been a constant for years).
2. I have an account at and regularly save itineraries (this, too, is a longstanding behavior of mine).
3. Last year, we couldn't afford to go so we took a short driving trip instead. We had enough money (mostly thanks to the Disney Visa Rewards points) for me and my oldest son to go for two nights on a special father/son trip. We spent far less money than when the five of us are there for a full week.
4. This year, we thought we could afford a family trip and actually booked one. However, we had a drop in family income and ended up cancelling the trip.

Maybe it was a combination of all of the above, but mostly the last two. About a month after cancelling this year's trip, we received the pin code. We used the pin code and this year's Disney Visa Rewards points to book a two night trip for me and my middle son. Two nights are better than none!!
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We receive pin codes periodically. We've never been able to use them though. We always pay with our KTTW card. Just easier for us so we don't have to worry about carrying our card plus cash or cc. We just got one yesterday for free dining in December. I'm pregnant and due Dec. 3rd, so don't see how that would work!
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Well-Known Member
I use cash, my Disney Visa and my KTTW card. Last year I received several pin codes for either % off, or free dining. I got the December free dining pin about 3 weeks ago in an e-mail, and just yesterday, received another one in the mail.
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Well-Known Member
I have gotten pincodes via email and snail mail for a couple of years now but the funny thing is that we do not book in my name and never have we use DH's. He finally got the free dining code pin through email the last time, I got it too at my email. I think it is a totally random system that they use since my name has nothing to do with any of our ressies and I get so many codes.
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Well-Known Member
I've never used the KTTW card for purchases and received the free dining in December pin a few weeks ago. It did mention me being a Disney Visa holder, I'm not sure if that had something to do with it.
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Well-Known Member
I got my first pin code today but it was in my previously married name.
The funny thing is that I only went once under that name but have gone 9 times since I got remarried 9 years ago. I have requested DVD, am a member of the movie club, have ordered things off the website, and signed up for every promotion, etc under my "new" married name.
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