Well-Known Member
To speak to the ADA issues, I wonder what's the option here. I would guess a major refurb would result in the ability to pull vehicles offline to load guests. Personally, I'd love to see a complete replacement of the ride system once New Fantasyland opens. Make larger capacity boats, address the ADA issues and incorporate other improvements to the attraction itself.
My understanding is that they would have to do just that - basically remove the entire ride system and install a new one. It would be a huge undertaking. To be honest, I'm hoping that they just scrap it and start all over again - it would probably cost 50% of the price of a brand new Pan attraction in there just to bring the attraction to compliance, so why not just redo the whole thing.
My guess is any new system would literally have a removable boat that could be taken off the main track, people load, then be sent back on. That seems to be the new implementations on attractions that could support it. The main issue with the current ride system is interdependence - and the fact that they aren't supposed to stop/start the ride with guests on it for safety issues.
I don't know if it's still in practice (it's been years since I've seen or heard about it personally) but at one point they had to call in Reedy Creek every time the attraction was e-stopped with people on it, who were then unloaded by firemen on ladders every time before they could start it back up. Because some legal department thought it was safer to have people exiting the boats in precarious positions and have them taken down on ladders by safety personnel than just start the ride back up. :hammer:
Incidentally, that's also the reason we don't see major work done on the TTA - both the TTA and Pan are the only non-compliant rides at WDW. It's a shame, because both rides are relaxing and fun for everyone, so long as you can walk. I've always found it kind of sadly ironic that the one ride in which "You can fly!" you can only experience if you walk (or have family able to carry you on - which is what I have done for people before - which is scary and very, very stressful).