question about infant (7 months) on trip....need advice!!


New Member
Hi there everyone,
Well, we had our Disney trip all planned for the first week of May with our children (ages 7 months, 4, 7, and 8) and had finally chalked up the fact that were taking our first Disney trip with a 7 month old with us so we would have to plan accordingly with feedings, going back for naps, strollers & car seats on the plane, her first plane ride, etc....

However, my mother-in-law just called me and has offered to keep my daughter for the week that we're at Disney so we can have time with the older ones. (She lives right around the corner from us so it's convenient to drop her off!) Anyway, I would like some advice from all of you Disney go-ers who have taken their kids at all ages. I know she would totally be fine at Disney but if you could leave your infant behind (and know she is very well taken care of) would you???? I know she's not going to "miss" anything being so young and the thought of not having a time frame for anything is sort of inviting, as well as being able to go with the other kids and do more. However, I will miss her terribly as I'm a stay at home mom and she's with me every day! Would Disney clearly be easier and more enjoyable without an infant? What would you do???

Thank you to all who reply!!! :animwink:


New Member
Dear concerned mom,

Take the baby to Disney. You won't regret it. I did last FAll, I took my 8 month old daughter. I won't lie, it is different, you don't have as much freedom but you will still have a wonderful time. I know you are also thinking about the bigger ones, but if your husband is going, he will help. You can both take turns getting on the rides with the bigger kids. It's not the same. But I wouldn't change a thing about our trip last fall. Just looking at the pictures, if Samantha was not there I would not like to take any pictures at all. When she is older, she will see that this was her first trip to WDW together as a family, even if she won't remember a thing. The baby stations at each park are wonderful. While my husband was at the Swiss FAmily tree house in MK with my son, I was at the baby station feeding her and changing her diaper. While we ate lunch I fed her. I will say that if the weather is not favorable (like to hot or too cold) you might want to leave her or reconsider your trip for spring or fall. AT night it gets really cold there Dec. Jan and Feb. You don't want a sick baby. Just like you I was afraid that our trip would suffer by taking her, but what lacked in some areas made up in others. It was a great trip.

Ofcourse this is what I would do, the details of your situation might be different. Best wishes....
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Well-Known Member
If you are totally comfortable with the care she will get, I'd say leave her with your MIL. Your older kids would probably love the chance to have your full attention.

However I went to DL years ago with a two month old and it was doable. The rest of us had fun and took turns watching the baby. Really the only person who can make this decision is YOU.

I have gone to WDW twice with just my DH and so have felt some of the guilt that comes from leaving your kids behind when you go to the most magical place on earth. But it passes quickly. ;)
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Well-Known Member
bring the baby

My son was 8 months old the first time he went. It never even crossed my mind to leave him at home. We took advantage of the baby stations.

My #1 suggestion is bring your own diapers and formula. It's way expensive on property. If you havea car you can always run to Walmart or something to buy it when you get there instead of packing it.
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New Member
My daughter was 3 1/2 months when we visited Disney. Granted, I had my in-laws and my Mother with us, but I wouldn't have left her for the world!!! We stopped for feedings and she took many naps in her own stroller (don't rent one for her, they are not infant confortable). We took turns going on rides, taking full advantage of the KID SWAP convience.
What could be better than sitting on a bench, feeding your child with Cinderella's Castle behind you? NOTHING!!!!:animwink:
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New Member
We're going in May and my DD will be 9 months and I wouldn't leave her at home for the world... I agree with the previous poster that leaving her just wouldn't have been the same and pictures would have looked odd to me... however - if you don't get to spend much time with your older kids this might be a wonderful chance to re-bond as baby time really takes its toll on the time factor with the older kids... just a thought - bring your mother-in-law - my whole family (of 8) will be with us in May so there will always be someone to help out and some of the older teens can babysit while the adults do things like DTD or just have a night out...
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I will buck the trend.

Given the ages of your older children, I would leave the baby at home with a well-trusted relative.

All that you said is true--the baby won't remember, and the older ones will be slowed down considerably by the baby's needs.

It will be a really special time with your older ones and you without the baby.

When my oldest turned 5, my father gave him a trip to WDW for Christmas and I went along. I left home a 1 year old without a second thought. My older son really did enjoy the increased adult attention.
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New Member
I definitely would take her. You and your family will have a wonderful time at Disney - so what if you have to go back for naps - or take time out for feedings - the baby care stations are great and it will give everyone a breather. This will be my third year going and I would never leave one of my kids home. Plus you may spend more time missing her and not enjoying yourself down there!
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New Member
Hey Happy-Go-Lucky! We had a similar situation a couple of years ago with my then 3 and 1 year old. At the last minute of planning, my parents offered to stay @ home with my little one. And we accepted gratefully. It was really worth it. We were able to do things we would not have been able to do (with diapers and all the baby what-nots.) And we were fairly sure that we would go back when he got older and could enjoy, which we are in 4 days!!!! But this is just my personal experience that worked for us. Trust your gut and enjoy yourself, whichever way you choose!
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New Member
Our son was 10 months old the first time he was there (not counting en utero). He had a blast. He's since been at 13 mnts, 16 mnts, 22 mts, and 30 mnts. We now have a newborn and are going with her for the first time in Apr., she will be 4 mnts then. No matter what the age take them and have a good time. We came to the conclusion that they are part of the family and as such should be included in everything that we do as a family. When our son was around 24 months, my mother volunteered to watch our son for a week so we could go to WDW for the Food and Wine Festival. He did just fine, and we got to experience some things as a couple. As long as you plan your day correctly and include mid day trips back to the hotel for naps, you should be fine.
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Well-Known Member
I took a 6 month old, and I wouldn't have left her behind for the world. (or The World :lookaroun ) Yes, I myself didnt' "do" as much, but honestly, I didn't suppose when I had the fourth child that life was really about me anymore. It will be a little bit more work and time, but your whole family will be there, all together, and that's what's important!

Just brace yourself for how often you'll do IASW :p :lol: (No, the baby can't exactly request it, but you'll realize very quickly how well it keeps their attention! They really do know what they like ) :lol:

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New Member
Last year my in-laws went with us. I have 4 kids ages then were 8, 5, 4, and 1. We went to the parks one day without the 1 year old while the grandparents babysat. It was a wonderful day. We all missed the baby but we got over that quickly. It was so nice for all of us to get to ride Splash and Test Track together. We had a great time. I think either way you will have a great time. I had the best of both worlds getting to enjoy having the baby at the parks and enjoy a day without her at the parks. I don't know if I could leave her for a week but it is tempting because four kids are a lot of work. It is always so much easier with one less child. You would definitely cover a lot more ground. You need to decide on what is going to make you have the most enjoyable week.
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New Member
To me it depends on how long the trip is. If it's for 3-4 days and having an infant would be an issue...then maybe yeah. If it's for longer or if you're going to be worried the entire time then take the baby.

From personal experience...I don't think my wife would have ever left any of the kids as infants with anyone....maybe when older but not at that age.
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Active Member
Take the kiddo. You'll have a blast.
I took my nephew and his mommy (my sis) to the World when he was just 5 weeks old. Needless to say he slept through most of the trip, but I had a blast playing new uncle.

have fun on your trip.

irv out.
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New Member
On our first family trip in 2002, our daughter was turning 4 and our son was 7 months old. We planned on taking him. However, ultimately, the grandparents offered to babysit him. Although I was reluctant, it was the best decision to make. First of all, it totally simplified our trip. Second of all, it made it more fun for our daughter, as well as us, because we were all able to experience the rides, etc. together without having to baby-swap. Finally, in my experience, babies thrive on their routine. I'm convinced that my baby was happier in his everyday surroundings, doing his everyday things. If your child was at least one, it might be worth it to bring him. But an infant, I say leave him at home.

We made a return trip 2 years later, and my son was 2 1/2 - he loved it and had a blast. Hope this helps.
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New Member
I am expecting my first in July. Our annual trip to Disney World has become a huge part of our lives. I can't imagine leaving an infant with my MIL, or even my mother. I would miss them terribly. I guess we always saw Disney World as a family place. We are already dreaming about our first trip to WDW with our baby and I haven't even given birth! I know it's different in your situation with multiple children, but I would still take the baby.
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New Member
olive10tails said:
I am expecting my first in July. Our annual trip to Disney World has become a huge part of our lives. I can't imagine leaving an infant with my MIL, or even my mother. I would miss them terribly. I guess we always saw Disney World as a family place. We are already dreaming about our first trip to WDW with our baby and I haven't even given birth! I know it's different in your situation with multiple children, but I would still take the baby.

Our son was almost 2 when his grandparents watched him for a week while we went to WDW. He was our only child at the time, and his grandparents at that time watched him during the day while we worked. At that point he had already been to WDW 3 or 4 times. Fortunately, we have the luxury of making multiple trips to WDW each year, so it wasn't so hard. We are taking our now 4 month old for her first trip in Apr. (BTW our first child was conceived at WDW :lol: )
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New Member
I don't have any kids at this time, but I know that I can't wait for the day that I can take my little one for his/her first WDW trip... and the said trip will be as soon as baby is old enough to smile, laugh, and take an interest in his/her surroundings - or about 8 months old. Take your baby!
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Well-Known Member
I'm a little torn about this one. It's not just about taking the baby, but there are 3 other children here who would really have a blast without the baby slowing them down. You don't want them to get the message that the baby isn't as important to you as they are, but similarly, the baby could potentially limit what they could do, depending on how well your DH could handle the other 3. I really like the idea of taking the MIL with you, and I would add to that that you look into renting a vacation home nearby, so you'd have all the conveniences of home, but you'd be back with the baby for nightime, even if you left the baby with MIL during the day. The cost of renting a house would be cheaper than getting a suite or 2 rooms on site, and you could save considerably on food that way too, not to mention the laundry involved for a family of 6!

JMO, but hope it helps!
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