question about gay days

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Well-Known Member
I've held hands and, yes, even stolen a kiss from my date when I've visited Disney parks in the past -- and not at Gay Days, for that matter. Gay couples in public are a fact of life in 2007; certainly where I come from, anyway, which is Philadelphia.

I may be a bit spoilt, as my brother and my sister-in-law went quite out of their way to tell their children that their uncle and his "special friend" were a bit different but they loved each other. Being inquisitive, intelligent, and basically all-around good kids, they assimilated this knowledge as readily as they did when told that dogs go bark and cows go moo.

I think most kids would, the adults just don't give them enough credit.
While it may make some people uncomfortable, the subject of gay couples is not really something that is whispered about in back alleys anymore...its up front everyday. :wave:


Active Member
So my questions does the OP know the details behind Gay Days? It's not Disney sponsored...would they advertise that on their site? I'm thinking you have to really go out of your way to KNOW what will be happening during Gay Days...the schedule, etc...:shrug:

You are correct, Disney does not mention it on their site at all. They have in the past informed travel agencies, which should already know about it since it's been 10+ years running.

The OP probibly did a Google on Gay Days at Disney and found the webpages that list all the activities. There are two "main pages" that are updated every year which run the event.


New Member
I would also note that many Gay Days events occur at private venues -- not in the parks! -- and require a paid-for ticket for admittance.

You are correct, Disney does not mention it on their site at all. They have in the past informed travel agencies, which should already know about it since it's been 10+ years running.

The OP probibly did a Google on Gay Days at Disney and found the webpages that list all the activities. There are two "main pages" that are updated every year which run the event.


Well-Known Member
It would appear that sometimes you are lucky and run into normal people of a different lifestyle who understand that certain behaviours are not for public consumtion. While at other times you run into fanatics determined to shout louder than anyone else in the hopes this means they win.

Once while giving directions to some who was gay and describing a female she should be looking for, she said: do you mean the one with the really full lips. I mentioned that I hadn't noticed. She then went into a 2 minute tirade on how straight I was...laughing at me.

With a friend and his girlfriend once at Gay days, they were harrassed while waiting in line at Space Mountain. They were made fun of, etc.

To me, both of these are examples of Gay Bashing, but in the opposite direction. It is not appropriate from either side.

I may disagree with your lifestyle choice, but I may not treat you as if we were in the eighth grade and it was a contest to see who could be meaner.

There are gay couples and families on a daily basis at WDW. They are respectful, courteous, and fun loving. They are treated with respect and courtesy and fun.

You do not lift yourself higher by stepping on other people.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
It would appear that sometimes you are lucky and run into normal people of a different lifestyle who understand that certain behaviours are not for public consumtion. While at other times you run into fanatics determined to shout louder than anyone else in the hopes this means they win.

Once while giving directions to some who was gay and describing a female she should be looking for, she said: do you mean the one with the really full lips. I mentioned that I hadn't noticed. She then went into a 2 minute tirade on how straight I was...laughing at me.

With a friend and his girlfriend once at Gay days, they were harrassed while waiting in line at Space Mountain. They were made fun of, etc.

To me, both of these are examples of Gay Bashing, but in the opposite direction. It is not appropriate from either side.

I may disagree with your lifestyle choice, but I may not treat you as if we were in the eighth grade and it was a contest to see who could be meaner.

There are gay couples and families on a daily basis at WDW. They are respectful, courteous, and fun loving. They are treated with respect and courtesy and fun.

You do not lift yourself higher by stepping on other people.
Love this! Do you mind if I use it in my signature?


Well-Known Member
It would appear that sometimes you are lucky and run into normal people of a different lifestyle who understand that certain behaviours are not for public consumtion. While at other times you run into fanatics determined to shout louder than anyone else in the hopes this means they win.

Once while giving directions to some who was gay and describing a female she should be looking for, she said: do you mean the one with the really full lips. I mentioned that I hadn't noticed. She then went into a 2 minute tirade on how straight I was...laughing at me.

With a friend and his girlfriend once at Gay days, they were harrassed while waiting in line at Space Mountain. They were made fun of, etc.

To me, both of these are examples of Gay Bashing, but in the opposite direction. It is not appropriate from either side.

I may disagree with your lifestyle choice, but I may not treat you as if we were in the eighth grade and it was a contest to see who could be meaner.

There are gay couples and families on a daily basis at WDW. They are respectful, courteous, and fun loving. They are treated with respect and courtesy and fun.

You do not lift yourself higher by stepping on other people.

Please don't catagorize all gays into being like this. Most are very friendly, kind people who just love life in general. It seems you were subjected to an isolated case. Just don't think that we all act that way because we don't. :wave:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Behaving in public has nothing to do with your sexual orientation. You're either an idiot or you're not.
Very true. It was not my intention to imply that it did. I can see where it could be taken that way but that was not what was intended.


Well-Known Member
Behaving in public has nothing to do with your sexual orientation. You're either an idiot or you're not.

I both agree and disagree with this. Most of my same ______ couple friends are more aware of their public behavior because of rude comments and backlash received in the past. They therefore tend to consciously tone down their public affection as not to catch flak from people who have a problem with it. Is it right? Absolutely not, but in my experience it happens.

Male-female couples on the other hand usually haven't experienced similar things and generally tend to be less aware of how far their displays of affection go. I'm not saying that all people of any orientation behave in a certain way, this is based on purely my own experience hanging out with both gay and straight friends.

Edit: What I'm trying to say is that it's not their orientation that affects their behavior, but negative public reaction to that orientation.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
It would appear that sometimes you are lucky and run into normal people of a different lifestyle who understand that certain behaviours are not for public consumtion. While at other times you run into fanatics determined to shout louder than anyone else in the hopes this means they win.

Once while giving directions to some who was gay and describing a female she should be looking for, she said: do you mean the one with the really full lips. I mentioned that I hadn't noticed. She then went into a 2 minute tirade on how straight I was...laughing at me.

With a friend and his girlfriend once at Gay days, they were harrassed while waiting in line at Space Mountain. They were made fun of, etc.

To me, both of these are examples of Gay Bashing, but in the opposite direction. It is not appropriate from either side.

I may disagree with your lifestyle choice, but I may not treat you as if we were in the eighth grade and it was a contest to see who could be meaner.

There are gay couples and families on a daily basis at WDW. They are respectful, courteous, and fun loving. They are treated with respect and courtesy and fun.

You do not lift yourself higher by stepping on other people.
100% quote of the day.


Personnally, I'd be more concerned with the fact that Star Wars weekends take place in June... Ever been around overweight dudes dressed as Anakin Skywalker, who do nothing but argue over whether or not Han should or shouldn't have shot Greedo first and if he does shoot Greedo first, what that says about him? I have, and I'll tell you this right now, when I have a daughter, she will know Han shot Greedo first and that just proves that Han is the best gunman in the galaxy, and my child will never look upon grown men dressed as Star Wars characters, because I want her to respect Star Wars, not think of it as something only dorks would like...

In conclusion: Gay Days at Disney are far less traumatic then seeing overweight Anakin spill hot cheese sauce all over himself in the ABC cafeteria...


Well-Known Member
Personnally, I'd be more concerned with the fact that Star Wars weekends take place in June... Ever been around overweight dudes dressed as Anakin Skywalker, who do nothing but argue over whether or not Han should or shouldn't have shot Greedo first and if he does shoot Greedo first, what that says about him? I have, and I'll tell you this right now, when I have a daughter, she will know Han shot Greedo first and that just proves that Han is the best gunman in the galaxy, and my child will never look upon grown men dressed as Star Wars characters, because I want her to respect Star Wars, not think of it as something only dorks would like...

In conclusion: Gay Days at Disney are far less traumatic then seeing overweight Anakin spill hot cheese sauce all over himself in the ABC cafeteria...

How very, very true. :D

Not to mention, and I don't mean to sling stones, but sometimes at SWW bathing seems to be optional. :(


Well-Known Member
You do not lift yourself higher by stepping on other people.

Exactly. This is why Disney should sponsor Gay Days. :lookaroun ;)
People are like chocolates, they come in all shapes, colors, texures and have all sorts of different fillings...some are bad as heck and some are really good.

Here's to hoping we come across only the good ones most of the time....

MMmmm...chocolate. What were we talking about again? :slurp: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I went with my wife and two kids last year during Gay Days at Magic Kingdom. We met up with a couple of friends from this site and did pretty much everything we wanted to do at the park and had no problems with anyone. Everyone just went about having fun in the parks and enjoying themselves, regardless of their being gay or straight.
We should do that again!!!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Please don't catagorize all gays into being like this. Most are very friendly, kind people who just love life in general. It seems you were subjected to an isolated case. Just don't think that we all act that way because we don't. :wave:

You get a-holes no matter where you go, straight or gay. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Personnally, I'd be more concerned with the fact that Star Wars weekends take place in June... Ever been around overweight dudes dressed as Anakin Skywalker, who do nothing but argue over whether or not Han should or shouldn't have shot Greedo first and if he does shoot Greedo first, what that says about him? I have, and I'll tell you this right now, when I have a daughter, she will know Han shot Greedo first and that just proves that Han is the best gunman in the galaxy, and my child will never look upon grown men dressed as Star Wars characters, because I want her to respect Star Wars, not think of it as something only dorks would like...

In conclusion: Gay Days at Disney are far less traumatic then seeing overweight Anakin spill hot cheese sauce all over himself in the ABC cafeteria...
Two words: Linda Skywalker...:eek: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
There are gay couples and families on a daily basis at WDW. They are respectful, courteous, and fun loving. They are treated with respect and courtesy and fun.

Please don't catagorize all gays into being like this. [bad examples mentioned] Most are very friendly, kind people who just love life in general. It seems you were subjected to an isolated case. Just don't think that we all act that way because we don't. :wave:

Did you miss this part of my post? I don't catagorize all members of any group into one category. Ok, maybe Yankee fans :eek: :zipit: :ROFLOL: :D Kidding.
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