I say (due to the searches) that if you can go without a backpack or ANY sort of a pack to do so. I had one lady who was such a jerk to me I was in tears. I was going to go complain on her but I didn't want to ruin everyone else's time by bringing up something negative or waste any more time due to this guard. It was our last day (been there 6 days) and this lady made me take out everything and open up everything in my backpack and pack. I had to open all my ziplock bags (that had meds in them and wipes, etc.) I had to open and shake out all of the raingear I was carrying. My stuff was filling up the whole table. I was carrying stuff for 4 people. I asked her if she wanted to do a strip search and she said, "We didn't make the world we live in, but we have to control it." And I said then how the hell come was everyone else just getting a glance and waved through? And how come for 6 days no one EVER asked me to remove anything from the bags except for her? Sure I had to shuffle around the rain gear so they could see the bottom of the bag but that was no big deal. It took us 10 minutes to get everything back together again after she tore me apart.
I think that the searching is only for show. I also said to her that it's useless because if you were a terrorist and you knew that your bags would be searched but not your body (and there are no metal detectors) then where would you put your bomb or gun???? Duh!!!! I think they are smarter than that! You'd tape the bomb to your body and put the gun in your pocket. If you are not carrying anything then you don't have to go through any search at ALL.
I liked seeing Six Flags having a metal dectector, at least then I didn't have to show everything to the guards at the entrance. I walked through the dectector and that was it.
But then again, that woman guard could have just been doing that on purpose. It could be the only place that she has any control or authority and she was going to play it for what it was worth. Sorry to say, but it's true. Maybe she didn't like the way I looked or something. She could have something against tall, blonde, thin women because she was a hag.
Sorry to go on and on......