Things I love:
-Controller: Coming from the 360, it feels a lot more comfortable, and is in a entirely different league compared to the DS3.
-OS: Smooth transitioning between apps, very beautiful layout, and nearly instantaneous snapping from gaming to Dashboard and back to gaming.
-Exterior: Very nice looking compared to My 360 slim and PS3 fat.
-Graphics: Definite step up in launch games alone, Greatness awaits!
-PSN: A large improvement from the PS3 and IMO, now in the same league as XBL (Though continued free games and $10 cheaper a year puts it above it IMO.)
-Browser: Most likely the best Internet browser on consoles.
-2O14 and Beyond exclusives: Again, Greatness Awaits!
Things I did not like:
Day 1: Backed up and often down servers and the inability to download the Day 1 update until much later due to server congestion made it slightly frustrating.
Day 1 Games: While the multiplats make up for it, the day one exclusives are lacking, though Resogun, Warframe, and the KZ multiplayer are very enjoyable and highly recommended from me.
Recommendation: In my opinion, this is the next gen console to have for the next 5-6 years. (My estimation as to how long this generation will last.) Though if you do not already have one, I wouldn't be in a major rush to pick one up until the Infamous: Second Son Bundle comes out.