Proposal Suggestions


New Member
I am pretty sure he was kidding about the Tinkerbell part. I have never heard of that. You can hire other characters but you need the $$$ to do that.



Active Member

There was a time after Magic Kindome closed that ran a light show over the castle with music and all, maybe you can check if they still do that and just the 2 of you the castle and that magic moment, that would be a way that she can't say no and should be so romantic... even maybe have a castmember to take a picture of the moment. You just need to check and ask...


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I surprised my now-wife when she went to WDW with her family. They all knew about it, but we all kept it secret from her. I surprised her after the MSEP, and proposed to her in front of Cinderalla Castle just before the Fantasy in the Sky fireworks. Then we saw the MSEP together near Pecos Bill's.

I can't think of a better place to do it than in front of the Castle. It just screams 'romance' to me. :)


Active Member
Hmm..something I've thought about for a long time...and have a lot more to think about since I'm single right now =b Seriously, though, the WS is nice...there are a lot of "off the beaten path" spots in the countries. If you're at the MK, it might be kind of cliche, but you and her could make a wish @ Cinderella's fountain and then pop the question there (come to think of it, I might use that one day).
My fiancee shocked me at Disney by proposing to me at breakfast at Chef Mickeys. He tried to get reservations for breakfast at Cinderellas castle. But it didn't work out...
Anyway, I had a feeling that he was going to propose and as our vacation went on, and we watched illuminations, fantasmic, and went out for dinner, I just figured maybe I was wrong. I NEVER expected a proposal at breakfast. He arranged it ahead of time, and the characters were involved. They made it really special. We both are quiet people who don't like being center of attention and we were in the spotlight there.
But it was once in a lifetime, and in the end you are so happy and have such a wonderful memory.
:animwink: No matter how you decide to do it, it will be wonderful and very special to your future fiancee and yourself just being able to share a special moment in Disney
Best of luck to you!


New Member

How about in the Rose Garden, watching the fireworks, just as Tink flies overhead. Of course, she may get angry at you for making her cry and miss the fireworks!

Maybe from the island across from Italy with the gondola poles, etc. right before Illuminations (or, I suppose, immediately following)?

If you're eating upstairs in France, you could get a table by the window.

The Matsu-No-Ma Lounge in Japan also overlooks the lagoon.

I also agree with Corrus. I have only heard good things about Gifts of a Lifetime.

Also, you could probably call WDW Guest Services and work something out with them if you REALLY want to go overboard....

Whatever you choose, good luck, and congratulations in advance!


Well-Known Member
If you don't want to dish out exhorbitant amounts of money, I do think in front of Cinderella Castle is perfect...wait till the new fireworks premier...they may have a perfect time to pop the question right in the if "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" starts playing...what can be more Magical than proposing in front of Cinderella Castle with "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" playing...that may just be how I'll do it...several years down the line lol:cool:


New Member
Wow.. there many place I can think of but, the first that comes to mind is of course in front of or possiblely the side of the castle. If i were you I would perhaps talk to someone at Disney and maybe they can help with setting something up such as a private area during the fireworks. good luck and get in touch with a cast memeber ahead of time........ I am always readin stories of Disney doing special things for people at times perhaps if you reach the right person there. good luck.


On OCT the 30 of 2002 I ask the love of my life to marry me on the beach at the POLY. This was from an idea of a fellow wdwmagic viewer. The scene was perfect with lights shining on space mountion and the castle. if you have never been to the poly there is is a little piont on the beach to the right of the marina........thats the perfect place!!!!!!! good luck!:wave:


Active Member
Well personally my dream proposal would take place infront of the Norway Pavilion, because my Norweigan heritage is very important to me. But anyway, we would be standing against the fence watching Illuminations, at the very end of the grand finale of fireworks the guy would act like he had to tie his shoe, and I wouldn't be paying attention because I was so engrossed in the fireworks. When they ended I would turn to him to find him on his knee, ring in hand. That way it would come right after an emotional high, and it would be semi-private. The only thing is that we would have to go on a not so croweded day as to avoid being trampled by the hoards of people trying to leave. I have already told my best friend that he is responsible for making sure that I am proposed in such a manner.


Active Member
I've been lucky enough to witness a few proposals at the Castle during dinner. The last one was during the fireworks when they turn the lights down in the dining room and you can watch the fireworks through the stained glass. Each time some kind or arrangement was made with the CM's. Very romantic (we were sitting at a table near by and saw just a bit of it.) After the person said yes, the CM's made an announcement, something like "Lords and Ladies of the Castle. Lady ---- has just accepted Lord ---- proposal of marriage." Everyone applauded.

Regarding Gifts of a Lifetime, we used them for a scavenger hunt thru the MK as a graduation gift. They were great. Check out their website.


Well-Known Member
Ok here is my silly idea that just came to me. Many people have mentioned France, how romantic it is. Make sure you are there when the living statues do their show. Both of you go up there to take a picture, but when you go to pose get down on one knee. She will freck out and likely the statues will think of something funny to do also.

Sorry if this idea is hard to follow, as I type it my 2 year old daugther and Hubby are yelling "DISNEY WORLD!" over and over at the top of their lungs, just for the fun of it!

Good luck, no mater what it will be perfect and magical!


New Member
Here's what you want to do. Go on tower of terror sit to her left.

Make sure she doesnt hold onto the lapbar thus allowing her hands fly up in the air when the elevator drops.

(Now be careful with the ring, G forces will be working against you.)

When her arms are above her head slip the ring on her finger without her knowing it.

If you time everything perfectly you will have your picture taken by one of the "silver near" photo cameras and when you get off the ride you can buy the picture of you putting the ring on her finger.

She will look down, and see the ring.

While she is studying it take a sharpie out of your sock and write on the picture "will you marry me?"

If you pull the entire thing off like I have planned it will be historic.

I doubt a stunt of this nature has ever been done before.


New Member
Perhaps an easier version of that idea. Make up a small sign that you can hide in a backpack, or folded up in your pocket. On the ride, when she's not looking, pull it out and get rid of any creases so that it shows up really nice. Just before the photo, while she's not looking, hold the sign up. (You could also do this with the complicity of others, having them hold it up next to or right behind the two of you.) She won't know anything is going on until you look at the ride photo afterwards, when she sees you holding a sign that says "(insert name here), will you marry me?", at which point she turns to you and sees you holding the ring (on your knees, if possible). I guarantee that would be one ride photo that you buy!

(btw, here's our photo - should give you a better idea of what I'm suggesting.)



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I must say there are some very creative and thoughtful on the boards here!
I guess it's a matter of finding one or a combination of these ideas and making it work.

I am so excited (and I've still got 9 months before the trip!)


New Member
My husband proposed like this:

we were waiting for a our home state...and he said we needed to cross the street....
so I was like ok....
while crossing he said "wait...I dropped something..."
So I stopped and turned around....
and sure enough hubby was on one knee with a ring!
I cried of course....

Everyone was cheering and yelling....even some crew from the parade came over and said congrats....A definate day to remember....

I think you could do this with the MK parade on Main Street....I hear the CMs are could even have one help you out....



Active Member
Originally posted by Bagheera
Perhaps an easier version of that idea. Make up a small sign that you can hide in a backpack, or folded up in your pocket. On the ride, when she's not looking, pull it out and get rid of any creases so that it shows up really nice. Just before the photo, while she's not looking, hold the sign up. (You could also do this with the complicity of others, having them hold it up next to or right behind the two of you.) She won't know anything is going on until you look at the ride photo afterwards, when she sees you holding a sign that says "(insert name here), will you marry me?", at which point she turns to you and sees you holding the ring (on your knees, if possible). I guarantee that would be one ride photo that you buy!

(btw, here's our photo - should give you a better idea of what I'm suggesting.)


Not a bad would definitely work. If I remember correctly, there used to be a company in Kissimmee/Orlando with pixies & fairies that helped people w/ special events...not sure if they're still around though.


New Member
Originally posted by Shey
My husband proposed like this:

we were waiting for a our home state...and he said we needed to cross the street....
so I was like ok....
while crossing he said "wait...I dropped something..."
So I stopped and turned around....
and sure enough hubby was on one knee with a ring!
I cried of course....

Everyone was cheering and yelling....even some crew from the parade came over and said congrats....A definate day to remember....

I think you could do this with the MK parade on Main Street....I hear the CMs are could even have one help you out....


Very nice story! Very clever! :animwink:

I was reading your signature, and WOW!! Congrats on that troop! Must be literally a madhouse! How fun! :) .....and I wonder... if you get pregnant again, will you have a combined set of four? :eek: :animwink: :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by DZannini
Here's what you want to do. Go on tower of terror sit to her left.

Make sure she doesnt hold onto the lapbar thus allowing her hands fly up in the air when the elevator drops.

(Now be careful with the ring, G forces will be working against you.)

When her arms are above her head slip the ring on her finger without her knowing it.

If you time everything perfectly you will have your picture taken by one of the "silver near" photo cameras and when you get off the ride you can buy the picture of you putting the ring on her finger.

She will look down, and see the ring.

While she is studying it take a sharpie out of your sock and write on the picture "will you marry me?"

If you pull the entire thing off like I have planned it will be historic.

I doubt a stunt of this nature has ever been done before.

No offense, but it sounds way too complicated! :lol: :animwink: ...and if someone tries to slip a ring into my finger, I will immediately notice it no matter what! :animwink:

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