So, I have been trying to keep quiet and trying to be objective about the changes of the princesses. I can see both sides of the argument but I guess I fall into the old school category. I have been watching these blogs on Youtube of a boy giving his opinions and I just want to shake him because I disagree with almost everything he says. I feel so helpless that classic characters I grew up with are being completely ripped to shreds. Yes, that's an exaggeration but to is a serious problem.
So, here are my opinions on the characters as they stand:
Snow White. She's getting a sweetheart next line now....ok....nothing too offensive...But now the bow is off to the side so she can look 'cool' and flirty and look like all the sexy/sassy Halloween costumes all the teens and adults buy. joy
Cinderella. At first, I hated the change all together. Now that I am seeing the dress in video form, I can say I love the dress. The color is pretty and one thing that always bothered me about the dresses were how short the waist was and that was fixed in the new dress, it's a little longer now. I can still nit pick over the sleeves, I don't like how they lay over the shoulders but it's something I can live with. What I can't live with is the hair. I HATE the hair. I hate that it looks like a little plot of whatever laying on top, I hate the curls on the side and I hate the side swept bangs. Now, I understand that the original wig was not 100% like the movie....she had bangs where as movie Cinderella always seemed to have a 50s flip thing going. But I don't care, I thought the wig was stunning. It made her look elegant and regal and everything. People had an issue with the ears being covered and I think if anything they could have just fixed that. But the hair now...just aweful.
Aurora. I am interested to see the real live interpretation because I find the redesign to the point of offensive. Sleeping Beauty (as I called her as a kid until the princess live took over) was my favorite of all of them. I find her the most beautiful and just had the best movie. However, I think Disney's mistake was drawing her TOO perfect because they could never recreate her right. Something is always off about her. Even when she sings on the princess CDS, I can't listen to her because they butcher that stuff. Then taking her blue dress away was heart breaking. I see that pre 2009, there are a few Disneyland videos of Aurora in blue. Now she is all pink to go with this princess line. I do not buy into 'the kids won't be able to tell them apart' line. When I was a kid, I could tell you everything about the characters. Do people really think kids are that stupid???? So anyway, I hate that her dress is always being messed with, I hate the new hair; it looks way to flat and unflattering and the look overall is just horrid. If they can't do her justice, I rather them cut Aurora out of the line up and just let her be remembered for her movie because it's obvious to me they don't know what to do with her.
Ariel. Looks the same to me. Her hair is wavy so nothing great. As for the Dress....I think as long as the hair looks the same, I don't mind seeing her (or the other princesses) in new dresses. However, I will say that though I like the sea foam dress, It would be nice to see her in her pink palace gown or blue peasant dress. The peasant dress would really be nice if they were to have her walk around the new fantasy land area. A nice fit. But that's not happening so I will reserve dress judgement until her park look appears.
Belle. I think Belle's drawing as opposed to Cinderella's looks better than the real live creation. I think she looks to southern belle...watching the videos I think the hair flips around so much it is distracting and I don't like it. She doesn't look like the movie anymore. At lease the original did. As for the dress, it's sparkly and an up grade from the tubes and wires of the old dress but at the same time I think it was just a little over done. So much is going on I don't know what to look at. I wish Belle's dress was a little more simple (and I hate the little sleeve flaps).
Jasmine: I am loving the new dress. It looks the same as her old one just a little fancy and I can't wait to see the park version...I hope it's better than the top she wears now' the sleeves on that thin is horrible. As for her hair...I just want to take a pair of scissors and snip that little hair thing off.

No point to it and it looks ridiculous! lol
Mulan. I can't say too much since I have no personal attachment to her. But I love the one poster's comment about how she was wrong to try and change her status in live. It really is all about hair and sparkly gowns.
Pocahontas. The same can be said for her as Mulan. Enough of this painting with the colors of the wind and being one with the earth! It's all about gold feathers and bejeweled boots! What would Governor Radcliffe think had he seen her looking like this? As a princess, I think the design is neat. As a character though, It's almost offensive at how glamorous they made her because she would be horrified.
Rapunzel and Tiana are new and so I guess fine since their designs aren't anything new.
Merida. Stick her in with the Mulan and Pocahontas group. You really think Merida was to stand around looking pretty all day long? Just saying...
Overall, I have no problem with Glitter. I love glitter but I don't believe in making the characters so overly different from their origins looks. It was bad enough they designed them all to look the same for the initial princess line. Now, they are just shadows of what they used to be. I think the saddest thing I have heard about the redesigns was someone's opinion that the 'brand' is going beyond the movies. Most kids have not even seen the movies to which the princesses come from. So it doesn't matter that they don't look like the movie versions; they look like princess and that's all that matters.
And I am just thinking; really? You think that is a good thing? That kids don't know the classic films and characters and only care about the dresses and the sparkle? That the message of Pocahontas doesn't matter as long as she is wearing gold feather earrings? Or that Jasmine and Mulan didn't want to be thought of as prizes and weaker individuals? Or that Belle spends more time on her hair then she does reading? or Now Cinderella has become just as vein as her step sisters? It's sad and it just makes me feel so old.
Sorry for the rant and I know a lot of people will disagree with me. But I have been reading a lot about the topic and have so much to say I had to start somewhere. I never had an issue with the Princess line before. I thought it was creative and cute for a time. But now, It's like jumping the shark and I finally see the brand for what it is. Everyone is out to make money, that's what makes the world go around...but they don't have to be so blatant about it.